

Does President Trump Favor Price Controls?

At 2 pm Eastern time today, President Trump spoke at the Department of Health and Human Services where he recommended a litany of policies that would ultimately impose price controls on the pharmaceutical market. Take his proposal to force the prices paid by Medicare for drugs administer in doctors’ offices ...

Drug prices in ads actually hurt consumers

This month, the Trump administration proposed a new rule that would require advertisements for prescription drugs covered by Medicare or Medicaid to include the list price of the medicine. To be sure, a free market is dependent on consumers making informed decisions. But this move would provide patients with incomplete, misleading numbers ...

President Trump didn’t sabotage Obamacare

Four U.S. cities just sued President Trump for failing to faithfully execute the Affordable Care Act. The governments of Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati and Columbus accuse the Trump administration of “waging a relentless campaign to sabotage” Obamacare by cutting its advertising budget, shortening the open enrollment period and ending some legally dubious subsidies. None ...

Government Policies Are Driving Doctors To Quit Health Care

Doctors nationwide are burnt out and unsatisfied. Many want to quit the profession entirely, according to a new survey from the Physicians Foundation. The government deserves much of the blame for doctors’ low morale. For years, the feds have cut their pay, meddled in their decisions, and subjected them to ...

Trump is right: There’s no possible way we can afford ‘Medicare for all’

On Wednesday, President Trump authored an op-ed slamming “Medicare for all.” According to him, if Democrats succeed in implementing their single-payer proposal, “costs will spiral out of control. Taxes will skyrocket. And Democrats will seek to slash budgets for seniors’ Medicare, Social Security and Defense.” He’s absolutely right. Voters would do ...

Baffling: Medicare for All PAC launches in US while Canadians flee their country for healthcare

In September, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., established a Medicare for All PAC that will provide financial support to candidates championing a single-payer system. Jayapal is one of three co-chairs leading the House’s recently-established Medicare for All Caucus, which has 70 members. The group’s website argues that by expanding Medicare and ...

U.K.’s Healthcare Horror Stories Ought to Curb Dems’ Enthusiasm for Single-Payer

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service, which celebrated its 70th anniversary on July 5, is imploding. Vacancies for doctor and nurse positions have reached all-time highs. Patients are facing interminable waits for care as a result. This August, a record number of Britons languished more than 12 hours in emergency ...

Obama Flip-Flops On Single-Payer

Barack Obama just hopped aboard the single-payer bandwagon. During a speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign earlier this month, the former president praised Democratic candidates for “running on good new ideas like Medicare for all.” His endorsement of single-payer represents a bit of an about-face. As commander-in-chief, he ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Medicare for All in Managed Care Magazine

Medicare Expansion Steps Into the Political Limelight Democrats are running on Medicare for All—or extending the seniors’ program to the merely middle-aged—or resurrecting a ‘public option’. Republicans say Medicare expansion would mean government intrusion and inefficiency. But politics aside, how would these Medicare expansions work? By Timothy Kelley Sometimes it ...

The problem with single-payer? Eventually, you run out of other people’s money

Democrats have made a complete government takeover of the healthcare system the linchpin of their pitch to voters in this fall’s elections. Former President Obama, who supported single payer before he was against it when promoting Obamacare, is now for it again. In a September 7 speech at the University ...

Does President Trump Favor Price Controls?

At 2 pm Eastern time today, President Trump spoke at the Department of Health and Human Services where he recommended a litany of policies that would ultimately impose price controls on the pharmaceutical market. Take his proposal to force the prices paid by Medicare for drugs administer in doctors’ offices ...

Drug prices in ads actually hurt consumers

This month, the Trump administration proposed a new rule that would require advertisements for prescription drugs covered by Medicare or Medicaid to include the list price of the medicine. To be sure, a free market is dependent on consumers making informed decisions. But this move would provide patients with incomplete, misleading numbers ...

President Trump didn’t sabotage Obamacare

Four U.S. cities just sued President Trump for failing to faithfully execute the Affordable Care Act. The governments of Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati and Columbus accuse the Trump administration of “waging a relentless campaign to sabotage” Obamacare by cutting its advertising budget, shortening the open enrollment period and ending some legally dubious subsidies. None ...

Government Policies Are Driving Doctors To Quit Health Care

Doctors nationwide are burnt out and unsatisfied. Many want to quit the profession entirely, according to a new survey from the Physicians Foundation. The government deserves much of the blame for doctors’ low morale. For years, the feds have cut their pay, meddled in their decisions, and subjected them to ...

Trump is right: There’s no possible way we can afford ‘Medicare for all’

On Wednesday, President Trump authored an op-ed slamming “Medicare for all.” According to him, if Democrats succeed in implementing their single-payer proposal, “costs will spiral out of control. Taxes will skyrocket. And Democrats will seek to slash budgets for seniors’ Medicare, Social Security and Defense.” He’s absolutely right. Voters would do ...

Baffling: Medicare for All PAC launches in US while Canadians flee their country for healthcare

In September, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., established a Medicare for All PAC that will provide financial support to candidates championing a single-payer system. Jayapal is one of three co-chairs leading the House’s recently-established Medicare for All Caucus, which has 70 members. The group’s website argues that by expanding Medicare and ...

U.K.’s Healthcare Horror Stories Ought to Curb Dems’ Enthusiasm for Single-Payer

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service, which celebrated its 70th anniversary on July 5, is imploding. Vacancies for doctor and nurse positions have reached all-time highs. Patients are facing interminable waits for care as a result. This August, a record number of Britons languished more than 12 hours in emergency ...

Obama Flip-Flops On Single-Payer

Barack Obama just hopped aboard the single-payer bandwagon. During a speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign earlier this month, the former president praised Democratic candidates for “running on good new ideas like Medicare for all.” His endorsement of single-payer represents a bit of an about-face. As commander-in-chief, he ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Medicare for All in Managed Care Magazine

Medicare Expansion Steps Into the Political Limelight Democrats are running on Medicare for All—or extending the seniors’ program to the merely middle-aged—or resurrecting a ‘public option’. Republicans say Medicare expansion would mean government intrusion and inefficiency. But politics aside, how would these Medicare expansions work? By Timothy Kelley Sometimes it ...

The problem with single-payer? Eventually, you run out of other people’s money

Democrats have made a complete government takeover of the healthcare system the linchpin of their pitch to voters in this fall’s elections. Former President Obama, who supported single payer before he was against it when promoting Obamacare, is now for it again. In a September 7 speech at the University ...
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