

American Life Expectancy Would Be Worse — But For The U.S. Health Care System

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just revealed some disturbing news — life expectancy in the United States has declined for the third consecutive year. The last time that happened was a century ago, during a four-year stretch that included World War I and a global flu pandemic. The ...

‘Unconstitutional’ ObamaCare is deeply flawed, and it’s time to do away with it

Last week, a federal district court judge in Texas ruled that ObamaCare – in its entirety – is unconstitutional. ObamaCare’s defenders plan to appeal the decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. The legal fight could drag on for ...

Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes featured in Fierce Healthcare story on Canadian health care wait times

Study highlights long wait times in Canada under single-payer system. Does that make it a bad idea for U.S.? by Joanne Finnegan The idea of a single-payer health system has been gaining ground among the general U.S. population and among doctors. However, a new study focused on the long wait times ...

After Midterms, Democrats Inch Toward Government-Run Health Care

The midterm elections were good to Democrats. They took the majority in the U.S. House and captured several state legislatures. Public frustration with health care was a big reason why. Just before the election, seven in 10 voters said that the issue was “very important” when deciding whom to vote ...

Medicare for All Lost Big Time in the Midterms

Democrats won big during the midterm elections earlier this month. As of this writing, they appear to have picked up 39 seats in the House of Representatives. But Medicare for All — the rallying cry for much of the far left — lost big time. Voters outside liberal enclaves rejected ...

Florida voters rejected Medicare for All in the midterms. Thank goodness.

This month, Democrats took the House of Representatives. But many of the party’s most progressive candidates outside deep-blue coastal enclaves fell short at the polls. Voters in Nebraska, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Florida, and Maryland all rejected Democratic candidates who campaigned on Medicare for All. And thank goodness. The idea polled ...

Voters Swallowed The Medicaid Snake Oil

Voters in Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah just approved ballot referendums to expand Medicaid. The three solidly red states will soon add 300,000 beneficiaries to the joint state-federal insurance program for low-income Americans. These voters doubtless had good intentions. They wanted to help vulnerable residents in their states gain access to health ...
Business & Economics

The Bizarre World of Drug Pricing

There is no shortage of bad ideas when it comes to the pharmaceutical market. One such proposal would allow drugs to be imported directly from other countries, such as Canada. Then there is the Trump Administration’s proposal that would effectively adopt foreign price controls on Medicare Part B drugs by ...
Business & Economics

New Medicare Price Controls Don’t Put America First

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar just released a sweeping proposal that would drastically change how Medicare pays for advanced cancer therapies and other potent medicines. The plan relies on foreign price controls to reduce drug spending by $17 billion over five years. Although drug spending may decline, as ...

American Life Expectancy Would Be Worse — But For The U.S. Health Care System

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just revealed some disturbing news — life expectancy in the United States has declined for the third consecutive year. The last time that happened was a century ago, during a four-year stretch that included World War I and a global flu pandemic. The ...

‘Unconstitutional’ ObamaCare is deeply flawed, and it’s time to do away with it

Last week, a federal district court judge in Texas ruled that ObamaCare – in its entirety – is unconstitutional. ObamaCare’s defenders plan to appeal the decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. The legal fight could drag on for ...

Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes featured in Fierce Healthcare story on Canadian health care wait times

Study highlights long wait times in Canada under single-payer system. Does that make it a bad idea for U.S.? by Joanne Finnegan The idea of a single-payer health system has been gaining ground among the general U.S. population and among doctors. However, a new study focused on the long wait times ...

After Midterms, Democrats Inch Toward Government-Run Health Care

The midterm elections were good to Democrats. They took the majority in the U.S. House and captured several state legislatures. Public frustration with health care was a big reason why. Just before the election, seven in 10 voters said that the issue was “very important” when deciding whom to vote ...

Medicare for All Lost Big Time in the Midterms

Democrats won big during the midterm elections earlier this month. As of this writing, they appear to have picked up 39 seats in the House of Representatives. But Medicare for All — the rallying cry for much of the far left — lost big time. Voters outside liberal enclaves rejected ...

Florida voters rejected Medicare for All in the midterms. Thank goodness.

This month, Democrats took the House of Representatives. But many of the party’s most progressive candidates outside deep-blue coastal enclaves fell short at the polls. Voters in Nebraska, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Florida, and Maryland all rejected Democratic candidates who campaigned on Medicare for All. And thank goodness. The idea polled ...

Voters Swallowed The Medicaid Snake Oil

Voters in Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah just approved ballot referendums to expand Medicaid. The three solidly red states will soon add 300,000 beneficiaries to the joint state-federal insurance program for low-income Americans. These voters doubtless had good intentions. They wanted to help vulnerable residents in their states gain access to health ...
Business & Economics

The Bizarre World of Drug Pricing

There is no shortage of bad ideas when it comes to the pharmaceutical market. One such proposal would allow drugs to be imported directly from other countries, such as Canada. Then there is the Trump Administration’s proposal that would effectively adopt foreign price controls on Medicare Part B drugs by ...
Business & Economics

New Medicare Price Controls Don’t Put America First

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar just released a sweeping proposal that would drastically change how Medicare pays for advanced cancer therapies and other potent medicines. The plan relies on foreign price controls to reduce drug spending by $17 billion over five years. Although drug spending may decline, as ...
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