
Health Care

Read Heartland News Story on Sally Pipes Creation of Benjamin Rush Institute

Organization Spreads Pro-Freedom Ideas in Medical Schools By Leo Pusateri In a time when 51 percent of millennials say they have a positive view of socialism, there is an organization spreading the word of free markets and capitalism in one of the sectors most vulnerable to government command and control: ...

Despite High Costs, Americans Support Potential of Innovative Gene Therapies to Cure Difficult-to-Treat Diseases

SAN FRANCISCO – A new poll from the California-based nonpartisan think tank, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), shows that Americans overwhelmingly support innovative gene therapies, which change the focus of medicine from treating illnesses to curing illnesses. Click here to read the top-line results of PRI’s poll on gene therapies ...

Celebrating 100 Episodes of “Next Round with PRI”

This week marks a milestone for PRI’s weekly “Next Round” podcast as we celebrate our 100th episode. When we first started the podcast in July 2017, our podcast had a different name, “Another Round with PRI” (I won’t go into the story of why we changed our name).  Sally Pipes’ ...

‘Medicare for All’ Is A Trap for Businesses and Employees

Some business leaders are hopping aboard the Medicare for All bandwagon. The Business Alliance for a Healthy California, for example, now has 300 businesses calling for universal healthcare. But any businessman considering getting behind Medicare for All should know the sales pitch is flawed. The architects of Medicare for All ...

Democrats don’t understand ‘Medicare-for-all’

Next week, 20 Democratic presidential hopefuls will gather in Miami for their first debate. One issue is sure to dominate the discussion – “Medicare-for-all.” The promise of free, government-run health care has become quite popular among Democrats since Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., made it a major plank of his 2016 ...

California’s ‘free’ health care for illegal immigrants — courtesy of the taxpayers

On Thursday, June 13, California lawmakers approved a $215 billion state budget, which Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to sign. Included in the budget are several health care reforms whose mammoth cost the state may soon regret. Paramount among them is the expansion of Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program to cover low-income undocumented ...

How socialist price controls will harm American patients

The Trump administration is planning to propose one of the biggest changes to Medicare in decades. The draft rule aims to reduce government spending by linking Medicare drug reimbursement rates to the rates in more than a dozen other Western countries that use price controls to hold down pharmaceutical spending. If implemented, ...

Single-payer healthcare is a bust for baby boomers

Like the United States, Canada is aging rapidly. By 2021, my native land will have more seniors than children under 14 for the first time in its history. It’s no wonder nearly 9 in 10 Canadians are worried about the growing number of seniors who will need more healthcare, according ...

“HELP-ing” to Make Health Care More Affordable

The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee has just released a bi-partisan bill authored by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) that would make health care more affordable and more transparent for patients. These reforms are not grandiose fantasies that are destined to fail, such as ...

Electronic Health Records Are Broken

A team of investigative reporters recently released a scathing analysisof the Obama administration’s decade-old push to digitize patient health records. The report, conducted by Fortune Magazine and Kaiser Health News, revealed that electronic health records were responsible for thousands of serious, even fatal, medical errors. Needless to say, this wasn’t what the Obama ...
Health Care

Read Heartland News Story on Sally Pipes Creation of Benjamin Rush Institute

Organization Spreads Pro-Freedom Ideas in Medical Schools By Leo Pusateri In a time when 51 percent of millennials say they have a positive view of socialism, there is an organization spreading the word of free markets and capitalism in one of the sectors most vulnerable to government command and control: ...

Despite High Costs, Americans Support Potential of Innovative Gene Therapies to Cure Difficult-to-Treat Diseases

SAN FRANCISCO – A new poll from the California-based nonpartisan think tank, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), shows that Americans overwhelmingly support innovative gene therapies, which change the focus of medicine from treating illnesses to curing illnesses. Click here to read the top-line results of PRI’s poll on gene therapies ...

Celebrating 100 Episodes of “Next Round with PRI”

This week marks a milestone for PRI’s weekly “Next Round” podcast as we celebrate our 100th episode. When we first started the podcast in July 2017, our podcast had a different name, “Another Round with PRI” (I won’t go into the story of why we changed our name).  Sally Pipes’ ...

‘Medicare for All’ Is A Trap for Businesses and Employees

Some business leaders are hopping aboard the Medicare for All bandwagon. The Business Alliance for a Healthy California, for example, now has 300 businesses calling for universal healthcare. But any businessman considering getting behind Medicare for All should know the sales pitch is flawed. The architects of Medicare for All ...

Democrats don’t understand ‘Medicare-for-all’

Next week, 20 Democratic presidential hopefuls will gather in Miami for their first debate. One issue is sure to dominate the discussion – “Medicare-for-all.” The promise of free, government-run health care has become quite popular among Democrats since Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., made it a major plank of his 2016 ...

California’s ‘free’ health care for illegal immigrants — courtesy of the taxpayers

On Thursday, June 13, California lawmakers approved a $215 billion state budget, which Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to sign. Included in the budget are several health care reforms whose mammoth cost the state may soon regret. Paramount among them is the expansion of Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program to cover low-income undocumented ...

How socialist price controls will harm American patients

The Trump administration is planning to propose one of the biggest changes to Medicare in decades. The draft rule aims to reduce government spending by linking Medicare drug reimbursement rates to the rates in more than a dozen other Western countries that use price controls to hold down pharmaceutical spending. If implemented, ...

Single-payer healthcare is a bust for baby boomers

Like the United States, Canada is aging rapidly. By 2021, my native land will have more seniors than children under 14 for the first time in its history. It’s no wonder nearly 9 in 10 Canadians are worried about the growing number of seniors who will need more healthcare, according ...

“HELP-ing” to Make Health Care More Affordable

The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee has just released a bi-partisan bill authored by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) that would make health care more affordable and more transparent for patients. These reforms are not grandiose fantasies that are destined to fail, such as ...

Electronic Health Records Are Broken

A team of investigative reporters recently released a scathing analysisof the Obama administration’s decade-old push to digitize patient health records. The report, conducted by Fortune Magazine and Kaiser Health News, revealed that electronic health records were responsible for thousands of serious, even fatal, medical errors. Needless to say, this wasn’t what the Obama ...
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