

Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’

Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...
Business & Economics

Damon Dunn – My Life in Poverty and Why Socialism Doesn’t Work

PRI Fellow in Business and Economics Damon Dunn joins us to discuss his new brief on the rise of socialism. He shares stories from his childhood growing up in poverty in Texas as his inspiration for striving to work his way up the economic ladder rather than become addicted to ...

Medicare for all means Medicare for none

Cheryl Gilarski has had enough health problems to last a lifetime. The 60-year-old Canadian recently shared her story with the CBC, Canada’s national broadcasting company. Her troubles began two decades ago, when doctors diagnosed her with an atrial flutter, a condition that causes the heart to beat rapidly and irregularly. ...

Private Insurance v. Medicare for All

Last week, I accompanied Sally Pipes to New York where she participated in a debate sponsored by Intelligence Squared. For a decade now, Intelligence Squared has been hosting debates on all issues concerning public policy, from the Middle East, to driverless cars, to one of my recent favorites — is ...

The real cost of ‘Medicare for All’ could be American lives

During the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders made the case for Medicare for All, saying, “We need a health care system that guarantees health care to all people as every other major country does.” Sanders is right to point out the similarities between his plan and government-run ...

What We’re Watching – September 20

Tim Anaya – How Rent Control Hurts Renters In the wake of the Legislature’s passage of AB 1482, so-called “rent gouging” legislation (which is really just another name for rent control), this great video from Prager U featuring Manhattan Institute scholar Nicole Gelinas shows just how government rent control policies ...
Health Care

Watch Sally C. Pipes debate at Intelligence Squared in New York

Sally C. Pipes debates against the replacement of private insurance for Medicare for all at Intelligence Squared Debates in New York. Intelligence Squared Debates is non-partisan debate series that brings together experts to discuss pressing public policy issues. Ms. Pipes and her debate partner Nick Gillespie, editor of Reason magazine, ...

Democratic Socialism Will Take Away Job Opportunities for Many

I have long adhered to the proposition that we should extend grace to our ideological opponents. In fact, when discussing fellow Americans, I reject wholesale the increasingly common language of combat in politics (e.g. political “enemies,” culture war, etc.), and strongly argue that we should presume the good intentions of ...

Obamacare Drives Hospital Consolidation, Raising Prices For Patients

Hospital behemoth Sutter Health—a non-profit organization in Northern California that has gradually acquired 24 hospitals and 5,000 physicians—will soon go to court to defend itself against allegations that it has violated the state’s antitrust laws. The plaintiffs claim that Sutter illegally pushed competitors out of the market and raised prices for ...

Medicare’s finances are full of waste

A new report just uncovered millions of dollars in Medicare waste. The report, from the Office of the Inspector General at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, found that the agency paid for some of the same drugs twice, wasting $160 million. Unfortunately, this is only the latest example of ...

Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’

Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...
Business & Economics

Damon Dunn – My Life in Poverty and Why Socialism Doesn’t Work

PRI Fellow in Business and Economics Damon Dunn joins us to discuss his new brief on the rise of socialism. He shares stories from his childhood growing up in poverty in Texas as his inspiration for striving to work his way up the economic ladder rather than become addicted to ...

Medicare for all means Medicare for none

Cheryl Gilarski has had enough health problems to last a lifetime. The 60-year-old Canadian recently shared her story with the CBC, Canada’s national broadcasting company. Her troubles began two decades ago, when doctors diagnosed her with an atrial flutter, a condition that causes the heart to beat rapidly and irregularly. ...

Private Insurance v. Medicare for All

Last week, I accompanied Sally Pipes to New York where she participated in a debate sponsored by Intelligence Squared. For a decade now, Intelligence Squared has been hosting debates on all issues concerning public policy, from the Middle East, to driverless cars, to one of my recent favorites — is ...

The real cost of ‘Medicare for All’ could be American lives

During the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders made the case for Medicare for All, saying, “We need a health care system that guarantees health care to all people as every other major country does.” Sanders is right to point out the similarities between his plan and government-run ...

What We’re Watching – September 20

Tim Anaya – How Rent Control Hurts Renters In the wake of the Legislature’s passage of AB 1482, so-called “rent gouging” legislation (which is really just another name for rent control), this great video from Prager U featuring Manhattan Institute scholar Nicole Gelinas shows just how government rent control policies ...
Health Care

Watch Sally C. Pipes debate at Intelligence Squared in New York

Sally C. Pipes debates against the replacement of private insurance for Medicare for all at Intelligence Squared Debates in New York. Intelligence Squared Debates is non-partisan debate series that brings together experts to discuss pressing public policy issues. Ms. Pipes and her debate partner Nick Gillespie, editor of Reason magazine, ...

Democratic Socialism Will Take Away Job Opportunities for Many

I have long adhered to the proposition that we should extend grace to our ideological opponents. In fact, when discussing fellow Americans, I reject wholesale the increasingly common language of combat in politics (e.g. political “enemies,” culture war, etc.), and strongly argue that we should presume the good intentions of ...

Obamacare Drives Hospital Consolidation, Raising Prices For Patients

Hospital behemoth Sutter Health—a non-profit organization in Northern California that has gradually acquired 24 hospitals and 5,000 physicians—will soon go to court to defend itself against allegations that it has violated the state’s antitrust laws. The plaintiffs claim that Sutter illegally pushed competitors out of the market and raised prices for ...

Medicare’s finances are full of waste

A new report just uncovered millions of dollars in Medicare waste. The report, from the Office of the Inspector General at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, found that the agency paid for some of the same drugs twice, wasting $160 million. Unfortunately, this is only the latest example of ...
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