

Understanding ‘Medicare for All’ Could Make Seniors Vote Red

Politicians can be amazingly adept at blowing smoke, especially while electioneering. With the 2020 presidential race unfolding, there is no better example of the phenomenon than the Democrats’ mantra of “Medicare for All.” Healthcare is certainly top-of-mind for many seniors, who are projected to make up nearly a quarter of the ...
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes quoted in nationally syndicated Medicare for All op-ed

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., wants “Medicare for All,” as does Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., her self-described “Democratic socialist” rival. Unlike Sanders, however, Warren claims she can finance her plan by raising taxes only on the superrich. . . . . .Democrats, of course, quickly employed their fallback position on rising ...

Don’t be fooled by public option for health care

In recent months, support for the government takeover of health insurance championed by Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren has dropped, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Voters are now split nearly down the middle. Meanwhile, another form of government-run health care is gaining ground. Nearly three-quarters of Americans now ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Debates at Medicare for All Event at UC Berkeley

Sally Pipes, PRI’s President and CEO, and Richard Scheffler, Professor of Graduate School at UC Berkeley School of Public Health participated in a debate on Medicare for All held by the Berkeley Conservative Society.

A dose of reality on Medicare for All’s cost

Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren just released her plan to pay for Medicare for All. It’s ludicrous from the jump. For starters, its price tag is “only” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years. That’s $10 trillion less than both the libertarian Mercatus Center and the left-leaning Urban Institute estimate Medicare for All’s cost to ...

Warren’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ is financial fantasy – There’s no way to do this fuzzy math

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has released her plan for financing “Medicare-for-all.” She claims it’ll cost “just” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years, with, in her words, “not one penny in middle-class tax increases.” Warren has little choice but to indulge in fuzzy math. After all, doubling everyone’s ...

Trump’s executive order strengthens Medicare in face of ‘Medicare-for-All’ threat

Earlier this month, President Trump signed an executive order designed to defend Medicare against the threat of “Medicare-for-all.” Speaking to a crowd in The Villages, Florida, the president promised that his order would “strengthen, protect, and defend Medicare for all of our senior citizens.” This order couldn’t come at a better time. As Democratic ...

Bernie Sanders Was Lucky He Didn’t Have His Heart Attack In A Single-Payer System

At the October 15 Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders said, “Under the Medicare for all bill that I wrote, premiums are gone. Co-payments are gone. Deductibles are gone. All out-of-pocket expenses are gone. We’re going to do better than the Canadians do, and that is what they have managed to ...

Elizabeth Warren misleads Americans on harm and costs of ‘Medicare-for-all’

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren promised to release her plan to pay for “Medicare-for-all.” Throughout her campaign, Warren has come under fire for refusing to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class to fund her health care plan. Many of her fellow Democrats —  including “Medicare-for-all” architect Bernie Sanders — ...

Hey Bernie, it’s ‘Medicare for all’ that would be ‘cruel’ and ‘dysfunctional’

During last week’s Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders called the current U.S. healthcare system “dysfunctional” and “cruel.” Words like that are more appropriate descriptors of the government-run healthcare systems abroad that Sanders would like to import to the United States. Take Canada, the closest analog to Sanders’ vision of “Medicare ...

Understanding ‘Medicare for All’ Could Make Seniors Vote Red

Politicians can be amazingly adept at blowing smoke, especially while electioneering. With the 2020 presidential race unfolding, there is no better example of the phenomenon than the Democrats’ mantra of “Medicare for All.” Healthcare is certainly top-of-mind for many seniors, who are projected to make up nearly a quarter of the ...
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes quoted in nationally syndicated Medicare for All op-ed

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., wants “Medicare for All,” as does Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., her self-described “Democratic socialist” rival. Unlike Sanders, however, Warren claims she can finance her plan by raising taxes only on the superrich. . . . . .Democrats, of course, quickly employed their fallback position on rising ...

Don’t be fooled by public option for health care

In recent months, support for the government takeover of health insurance championed by Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren has dropped, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Voters are now split nearly down the middle. Meanwhile, another form of government-run health care is gaining ground. Nearly three-quarters of Americans now ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Debates at Medicare for All Event at UC Berkeley

Sally Pipes, PRI’s President and CEO, and Richard Scheffler, Professor of Graduate School at UC Berkeley School of Public Health participated in a debate on Medicare for All held by the Berkeley Conservative Society.

A dose of reality on Medicare for All’s cost

Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren just released her plan to pay for Medicare for All. It’s ludicrous from the jump. For starters, its price tag is “only” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years. That’s $10 trillion less than both the libertarian Mercatus Center and the left-leaning Urban Institute estimate Medicare for All’s cost to ...

Warren’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ is financial fantasy – There’s no way to do this fuzzy math

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has released her plan for financing “Medicare-for-all.” She claims it’ll cost “just” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years, with, in her words, “not one penny in middle-class tax increases.” Warren has little choice but to indulge in fuzzy math. After all, doubling everyone’s ...

Trump’s executive order strengthens Medicare in face of ‘Medicare-for-All’ threat

Earlier this month, President Trump signed an executive order designed to defend Medicare against the threat of “Medicare-for-all.” Speaking to a crowd in The Villages, Florida, the president promised that his order would “strengthen, protect, and defend Medicare for all of our senior citizens.” This order couldn’t come at a better time. As Democratic ...

Bernie Sanders Was Lucky He Didn’t Have His Heart Attack In A Single-Payer System

At the October 15 Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders said, “Under the Medicare for all bill that I wrote, premiums are gone. Co-payments are gone. Deductibles are gone. All out-of-pocket expenses are gone. We’re going to do better than the Canadians do, and that is what they have managed to ...

Elizabeth Warren misleads Americans on harm and costs of ‘Medicare-for-all’

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren promised to release her plan to pay for “Medicare-for-all.” Throughout her campaign, Warren has come under fire for refusing to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class to fund her health care plan. Many of her fellow Democrats —  including “Medicare-for-all” architect Bernie Sanders — ...

Hey Bernie, it’s ‘Medicare for all’ that would be ‘cruel’ and ‘dysfunctional’

During last week’s Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders called the current U.S. healthcare system “dysfunctional” and “cruel.” Words like that are more appropriate descriptors of the government-run healthcare systems abroad that Sanders would like to import to the United States. Take Canada, the closest analog to Sanders’ vision of “Medicare ...
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