The Government-Sponsored Rush To Electronic Health Records Endangers Patients
The government’s push to deploy electronic health records across our medical system has driven physicians to the point of despair. That’s among the key findings of a new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a medical journal. More than 5,100 doctors completed surveys on the usability of EHRs, or digital versions of ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 23, 2019
Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed
ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 20, 2019
New PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch Tracks Growing Opposition to Medicare for All
Health care has dominated the early Democrat presidential debates, with progressive candidates battling “moderates” over the question of a public option versus a Medicare for All plan that would outlaw private insurance. As the public has focused more on what single-payer would mean for them, such as having to pay ...
Evan Harris
December 17, 2019
Health Care
PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch
Health care continues to be one of the most contentious public policy issues in the United States. Close to a decade after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, public sentiment continues to evolve: more government control or less? To inform the public on the latest sentiment, PRI has compiled ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 17, 2019
Canadian drug imports are a dose of bad medicine
In the coming weeks, the Trump administration is expected to release a draft rule allowing state governments to import cheap prescription drugs from Canada. The rule is well-intentioned. After all, it seems unfair that Canadians pay less for many name-brand prescription drugs than do Americans. But the Trump administration’s drug ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 16, 2019
Health Care
Sally Pipes Talks Single-Payer Healthcare on the Bill Meyer Show
Sally C. Pipes is President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy at the Pacific Research Institute, joins the Bill Meyer Show on KMED Oregon to discuss the latest drop in support of Medicare for all and single-payer healthcare. Sally’s interview segment begins at the 10:15 minute ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 9, 2019
Democrats Stage A Phony Retreat On Medicare For All
Not long ago, most leading Democrats were jostling for position aboard the “Medicare for All” bandwagon. But in the last few weeks, the political winds have shifted. Senator Elizabeth Warren has responded to her decline in the polls by embracing a public option for the first few years of her time in the White ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 9, 2019
Sanders, Warren want ‘Medicare-for-all’ like Canada – But Canadian health care is awful
Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want you to believe Canada’s health care system is a dream come true. And they want to make the dream even better with their “Medicare-for-all” plans. Don’t believe them. In truth, Canada’s system of socialized medicine is actually a nightmare. It has left hospitals overcrowded, ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 9, 2019
Study confirms the healthcare dangers of a public option
The public option appears to have overtaken “Medicare for all” as the Democrats’ preferred approach to healthcare reform. Nearly nine in 10 Democrats support creating a government-run health plan to compete against private insurers. Fewer than eight in 10, by contrast, are on board with “Medicare for all.” Proponents of a ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 6, 2019
USMCA Will Help American Patients
President Trump has often said that he wants to lower drug prices, in part by ending foreign “freeloading.” That’s a laudable goal. Through price controls and other ham-handed policies, too many nations undervalue medical innovation. This leaves Americans with the majority of the world’s research burden. Unfortunately, in an attempt ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 5, 2019
The Government-Sponsored Rush To Electronic Health Records Endangers Patients
The government’s push to deploy electronic health records across our medical system has driven physicians to the point of despair. That’s among the key findings of a new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a medical journal. More than 5,100 doctors completed surveys on the usability of EHRs, or digital versions of ...
Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed
ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...
New PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch Tracks Growing Opposition to Medicare for All
Health care has dominated the early Democrat presidential debates, with progressive candidates battling “moderates” over the question of a public option versus a Medicare for All plan that would outlaw private insurance. As the public has focused more on what single-payer would mean for them, such as having to pay ...
PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch
Health care continues to be one of the most contentious public policy issues in the United States. Close to a decade after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, public sentiment continues to evolve: more government control or less? To inform the public on the latest sentiment, PRI has compiled ...
Canadian drug imports are a dose of bad medicine
In the coming weeks, the Trump administration is expected to release a draft rule allowing state governments to import cheap prescription drugs from Canada. The rule is well-intentioned. After all, it seems unfair that Canadians pay less for many name-brand prescription drugs than do Americans. But the Trump administration’s drug ...
Sally Pipes Talks Single-Payer Healthcare on the Bill Meyer Show
Sally C. Pipes is President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy at the Pacific Research Institute, joins the Bill Meyer Show on KMED Oregon to discuss the latest drop in support of Medicare for all and single-payer healthcare. Sally’s interview segment begins at the 10:15 minute ...
Democrats Stage A Phony Retreat On Medicare For All
Not long ago, most leading Democrats were jostling for position aboard the “Medicare for All” bandwagon. But in the last few weeks, the political winds have shifted. Senator Elizabeth Warren has responded to her decline in the polls by embracing a public option for the first few years of her time in the White ...
Sanders, Warren want ‘Medicare-for-all’ like Canada – But Canadian health care is awful
Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want you to believe Canada’s health care system is a dream come true. And they want to make the dream even better with their “Medicare-for-all” plans. Don’t believe them. In truth, Canada’s system of socialized medicine is actually a nightmare. It has left hospitals overcrowded, ...
Study confirms the healthcare dangers of a public option
The public option appears to have overtaken “Medicare for all” as the Democrats’ preferred approach to healthcare reform. Nearly nine in 10 Democrats support creating a government-run health plan to compete against private insurers. Fewer than eight in 10, by contrast, are on board with “Medicare for all.” Proponents of a ...
USMCA Will Help American Patients
President Trump has often said that he wants to lower drug prices, in part by ending foreign “freeloading.” That’s a laudable goal. Through price controls and other ham-handed policies, too many nations undervalue medical innovation. This leaves Americans with the majority of the world’s research burden. Unfortunately, in an attempt ...