

Study confirms the healthcare dangers of a public option

The public option appears to have overtaken “Medicare for all” as the Democrats’ preferred approach to healthcare reform. Nearly nine in 10 Democrats support creating a government-run health plan to compete against private insurers. Fewer than eight in 10, by contrast, are on board with “Medicare for all.” Proponents of a ...

USMCA Will Help American Patients

President Trump has often said that he wants to lower drug prices, in part by ending foreign “freeloading.” That’s a laudable goal. Through price controls and other ham-handed policies, too many nations undervalue medical innovation. This leaves Americans with the majority of the world’s research burden. Unfortunately, in an attempt ...

Support PRI on #GivingTuesday

Thanks to the support of hundreds of liberty-minded individuals, 2019 was a banner year for the Pacific Research Institute. The generosity of our supporters is what allows us to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility by advancing free-market policy ideas. Over the past 12 months, PRI scholars have given dozens ...

Industry Voices—Canada’s cautionary tale on ‘Medicare for All’

Proponents of “Medicare for All” claim that Canada’s government-run health system delivers high-quality care for a fraction of what we pay in the U.S. Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign website, for example, praises Canada’s low costs for certain procedures. In a recent interview from the campaign trail, Sen. Bernie Sanders expressed amazement that Canadians “could ...

Healthcare’s 20-week waiting period

You can do a lot in 20 weeks. Take a semester of college classes and have time for a five-week vacation. Watch an entire NFL season, including the first few rounds of the playoffs. Even earn a private pilot’s license. Or, if you’re Canadian, you can spend 20 weeks waiting ...

Surprising findings about your life expectancy and US health care

Do Americans live in a health care hellscape? A report out this week would seem to indicate as much – but that first impression is deceiving. “U.S. life expectancy has not kept pace with that of other wealthy countries and is now decreasing,” concluded the report, published by the medical journal JAMA. Or, as ...

The 2019 PRI Holiday Book Guide

With Thanksgiving falling late this year, you have one less week to get all of your Christmas shopping done.  If you are like me, you’re a bit overwhelmed trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on your shopping list. To give you some inspiration for your holiday shopping, we ...

State-Led Medicare For All Would Import All Of Canada’s Problems

Medicare for All is struggling to gain traction at the national level. Some progressives are hoping that left-leaning states will instead be able to lead the way. This month, California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna introduced the “State-Based Universal Health Care Act,” a bill that would let states take all the ...

‘Medicare-for-all’ is still Dems’ goal – don’t be fooled by candidates’ dodges

“Medicare-for-all” is growing increasingly unpopular among the American people as they learn more about this cleverly named government takeover of our health insurance system and the serious harm it would bring about, polls show. As a result, many of the Democrats competing for their party’s presidential nomination are scrambling to soften their support ...

Colorado’s public option is bad news

Colorado officials just released their plan to overhaul the state’s health care system. The proposal would make a state-sponsored insurance plan available to Colorado residents shopping for health insurance, starting in January 2022. Proponents of this “state option” claim it will expand access to affordable coverage and encourage competition in ...

Study confirms the healthcare dangers of a public option

The public option appears to have overtaken “Medicare for all” as the Democrats’ preferred approach to healthcare reform. Nearly nine in 10 Democrats support creating a government-run health plan to compete against private insurers. Fewer than eight in 10, by contrast, are on board with “Medicare for all.” Proponents of a ...

USMCA Will Help American Patients

President Trump has often said that he wants to lower drug prices, in part by ending foreign “freeloading.” That’s a laudable goal. Through price controls and other ham-handed policies, too many nations undervalue medical innovation. This leaves Americans with the majority of the world’s research burden. Unfortunately, in an attempt ...

Support PRI on #GivingTuesday

Thanks to the support of hundreds of liberty-minded individuals, 2019 was a banner year for the Pacific Research Institute. The generosity of our supporters is what allows us to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility by advancing free-market policy ideas. Over the past 12 months, PRI scholars have given dozens ...

Industry Voices—Canada’s cautionary tale on ‘Medicare for All’

Proponents of “Medicare for All” claim that Canada’s government-run health system delivers high-quality care for a fraction of what we pay in the U.S. Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign website, for example, praises Canada’s low costs for certain procedures. In a recent interview from the campaign trail, Sen. Bernie Sanders expressed amazement that Canadians “could ...

Healthcare’s 20-week waiting period

You can do a lot in 20 weeks. Take a semester of college classes and have time for a five-week vacation. Watch an entire NFL season, including the first few rounds of the playoffs. Even earn a private pilot’s license. Or, if you’re Canadian, you can spend 20 weeks waiting ...

Surprising findings about your life expectancy and US health care

Do Americans live in a health care hellscape? A report out this week would seem to indicate as much – but that first impression is deceiving. “U.S. life expectancy has not kept pace with that of other wealthy countries and is now decreasing,” concluded the report, published by the medical journal JAMA. Or, as ...

The 2019 PRI Holiday Book Guide

With Thanksgiving falling late this year, you have one less week to get all of your Christmas shopping done.  If you are like me, you’re a bit overwhelmed trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on your shopping list. To give you some inspiration for your holiday shopping, we ...

State-Led Medicare For All Would Import All Of Canada’s Problems

Medicare for All is struggling to gain traction at the national level. Some progressives are hoping that left-leaning states will instead be able to lead the way. This month, California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna introduced the “State-Based Universal Health Care Act,” a bill that would let states take all the ...

‘Medicare-for-all’ is still Dems’ goal – don’t be fooled by candidates’ dodges

“Medicare-for-all” is growing increasingly unpopular among the American people as they learn more about this cleverly named government takeover of our health insurance system and the serious harm it would bring about, polls show. As a result, many of the Democrats competing for their party’s presidential nomination are scrambling to soften their support ...

Colorado’s public option is bad news

Colorado officials just released their plan to overhaul the state’s health care system. The proposal would make a state-sponsored insurance plan available to Colorado residents shopping for health insurance, starting in January 2022. Proponents of this “state option” claim it will expand access to affordable coverage and encourage competition in ...
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