

Stop The Bid To Expand Medicare

Progressives in Congress are laying the groundwork to expand Medicare by the slimmest of margins later this year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the head of the Senate Budget Committee, is teeing up a $6 trillion legislative package that would, among other things, lower the age at which older adults become ...

Democrats’ Medicare Plan Lavishes Billions on Patients Who Don’t Need It

Medicare is running out of money. According to a recent report from the Congressional Budget Office, the program’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is projected to be insolvent in 2024. At that point, there won’t be enough tax revenue coming in to cover the claims costs of the program’s beneficiaries. Naturally, ...

States are better off without Medicaid expansion

Congressional Democrats are debating several ways to offer Medicaid coverage to low-income, able-bodied adults in the 12 states that have refused to expand the program under Obamacare. Spending more federal dollars on the country’s largest entitlement is a bad idea. Medicaid is an unsustainable program that costs a fortune yet ...

The American Left’s Obsession with Government-Run Health Care Defies Reality

Fresh off their successful defense of Obamacare before the U.S. Supreme Court, Democrats are looking to expand government control over the country’s healthcare system. Lawmakers in the House and Senate have requested information on how to create a new public health insurance option. Senate Democrats led by Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., want to lower the ...

Government-run health care is bad for business

The Kaiser Family Foundation recently surveyed more than 300 companies with more than 5,000 employees — and found that 83% believed that “a greater government role in providing coverage and containing costs would be better for their business.” They’re gravely mistaken. A health care system that features even more government ...

How The Private Sector Can Help Address The Doctor Shortage

Demand for doctors is far outstripping supply. The United States will face a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, according to projections out this month from the Association of American Medical Colleges. Already, many Americans are struggling to get the care they need. About 35% of patients had trouble finding a ...

Biden’s Self-Congratulation Can’t Cover up Obamacare’s Failings

The Biden administration is patting itself on the back for a supposed milestone in American health care. According to a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services, “31 million Americans have health coverage through the Affordable Care Act — a record.” But a closer look at the report reveals ...

Don’t be fooled by Biden’s victory lap on Obamacare

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just released a report asserting that 31 million people now have insurance coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act. That would be a record, an increase of nearly 4 million from 2020. That headline number could go up in the months to come. But the growth ...

Read Sally Pipes’ Remarks from Adam Smith Society National Meeting

Below are remarks delivered by PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes at the annual national meeting of the Adam Smith Society on June 9, 2021.  She spoke about free market health care solutions. Thank you so very much for inviting me ...

What’s Really at Stake in the Supreme Court Obamacare Challenge

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to issue its ruling in California v. Texas, the latest case challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare, later this month. The conventional wisdom holds that the high court will uphold the law. But that’s no sure thing. Regardless of what the court decides, Obamacare has failed on ...

Stop The Bid To Expand Medicare

Progressives in Congress are laying the groundwork to expand Medicare by the slimmest of margins later this year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the head of the Senate Budget Committee, is teeing up a $6 trillion legislative package that would, among other things, lower the age at which older adults become ...

Democrats’ Medicare Plan Lavishes Billions on Patients Who Don’t Need It

Medicare is running out of money. According to a recent report from the Congressional Budget Office, the program’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is projected to be insolvent in 2024. At that point, there won’t be enough tax revenue coming in to cover the claims costs of the program’s beneficiaries. Naturally, ...

States are better off without Medicaid expansion

Congressional Democrats are debating several ways to offer Medicaid coverage to low-income, able-bodied adults in the 12 states that have refused to expand the program under Obamacare. Spending more federal dollars on the country’s largest entitlement is a bad idea. Medicaid is an unsustainable program that costs a fortune yet ...

The American Left’s Obsession with Government-Run Health Care Defies Reality

Fresh off their successful defense of Obamacare before the U.S. Supreme Court, Democrats are looking to expand government control over the country’s healthcare system. Lawmakers in the House and Senate have requested information on how to create a new public health insurance option. Senate Democrats led by Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., want to lower the ...

Government-run health care is bad for business

The Kaiser Family Foundation recently surveyed more than 300 companies with more than 5,000 employees — and found that 83% believed that “a greater government role in providing coverage and containing costs would be better for their business.” They’re gravely mistaken. A health care system that features even more government ...

How The Private Sector Can Help Address The Doctor Shortage

Demand for doctors is far outstripping supply. The United States will face a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, according to projections out this month from the Association of American Medical Colleges. Already, many Americans are struggling to get the care they need. About 35% of patients had trouble finding a ...

Biden’s Self-Congratulation Can’t Cover up Obamacare’s Failings

The Biden administration is patting itself on the back for a supposed milestone in American health care. According to a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services, “31 million Americans have health coverage through the Affordable Care Act — a record.” But a closer look at the report reveals ...

Don’t be fooled by Biden’s victory lap on Obamacare

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just released a report asserting that 31 million people now have insurance coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act. That would be a record, an increase of nearly 4 million from 2020. That headline number could go up in the months to come. But the growth ...

Read Sally Pipes’ Remarks from Adam Smith Society National Meeting

Below are remarks delivered by PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes at the annual national meeting of the Adam Smith Society on June 9, 2021.  She spoke about free market health care solutions. Thank you so very much for inviting me ...

What’s Really at Stake in the Supreme Court Obamacare Challenge

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to issue its ruling in California v. Texas, the latest case challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare, later this month. The conventional wisdom holds that the high court will uphold the law. But that’s no sure thing. Regardless of what the court decides, Obamacare has failed on ...
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