

Medicaid Contributes To Medical Bankruptcy

The Wall Street Journal ran a disturbing story about the increasing number of people unable to pay medical bills. Some are even having to sell homes in a bad market to raise cash. Of course, the health care and political elites always interpret such harrowing tales as signals to increase ...

Arizona’s Prop 101: It’s Always Darkest Before It Goes Totally Black

Before the election, I concluded that Sen. McCain had a health care plan which would have allowed states and families more freedom to choose health care that they prefer, instead of that which the federal government prefers. Sen. Obama’s choice of Dr. Tom Daschle as the next U.S. Secretary of ...

Rx: Assess need; research; plan

Rafael home-schools his young children while his wife earns their single income as a speech therapist. Their children are all beautiful with straight black hair and huge dark eyes that flash with intelligence. At church, the littlest, Clare, sings the hymns with such devotion she is a distraction to adults ...

What does an Obama presidency mean for health care?

The Examiner (Washington, D.C.), November 13, 2008 One of the many challenges President-elect Barack Obama will face is healthcare reform. It was a centerpiece of his campaign, and the American people expect action. Healthcare reform proposals generally fall into two camps: Those that rely on government to expand access and ...

This’ll Be Huge: WellPoint to Cover “Medical Tourism” Outside U.S.

A growing number of Americans are interested in going abroad for surgery. Hospitals in India, Thailand, and other countries are able to offer high-quality treatment for a fraction of the cost of American hospitals. This enterprise is called “medical tourism”. Indianapolis-based WellPoint, which covers 35 million Americans, has decided to ...

Roadblock to health

Census officials just revealed that 17.2 percent of North Carolinians “1.5 million” went without health insurance between 2006 and 2007. These statistics aren’t surprising. North Carolina’s government has erected regulatory roadblocks that make health insurance too expensive. If state officials want to expand coverage, they must improve “health ownership” by ...
Health Care

Election 2008: An Unhealthy Outcome

The federal outcome of the 2008 election bodes ill for Americans’ ability to regain control of their health care dollars. Before the election, PRI compared the candidates’ health plans and concluded that Senator McCain’s proposal was generally superior. Senator Obama’s plan was ambitious and weakly defined, but with strong Democratic ...

Health Plans Belly Up to SCHIP Trough

For those of us who believe that American families should control our health-care dollars, instead of government, employers, or other 3rd parties, the recent behavior of health-care lobbyists in DC is disturbing. A key insight of the political philosophy of “public choice” theory is that it is impossible for politicians ...

Government Health Care: Let the Rationing Continue

Imagine if a private health plan, Blue Cross or Blue Shield, for example, issued a news release like this: “Due to our deficit, our health plan will no longer cover optometry, dentistry, podiatry, or psychology.” You would go ballistic! Indeed, you’d probably sue, especially if these services were mandated by ...

State government keeps health insurance from Tar Heels

U.S. Census officials just revealed that 17.2 percent of North Carolinians went without health insurance between 2006 and 2007, up 2.1 percentage points from the preceding two years. That’s greater than the national average and translates to about 1.5 million uninsured Tar Heels. These statistics are unfortunate, but they’re not ...

Medicaid Contributes To Medical Bankruptcy

The Wall Street Journal ran a disturbing story about the increasing number of people unable to pay medical bills. Some are even having to sell homes in a bad market to raise cash. Of course, the health care and political elites always interpret such harrowing tales as signals to increase ...

Arizona’s Prop 101: It’s Always Darkest Before It Goes Totally Black

Before the election, I concluded that Sen. McCain had a health care plan which would have allowed states and families more freedom to choose health care that they prefer, instead of that which the federal government prefers. Sen. Obama’s choice of Dr. Tom Daschle as the next U.S. Secretary of ...

Rx: Assess need; research; plan

Rafael home-schools his young children while his wife earns their single income as a speech therapist. Their children are all beautiful with straight black hair and huge dark eyes that flash with intelligence. At church, the littlest, Clare, sings the hymns with such devotion she is a distraction to adults ...

What does an Obama presidency mean for health care?

The Examiner (Washington, D.C.), November 13, 2008 One of the many challenges President-elect Barack Obama will face is healthcare reform. It was a centerpiece of his campaign, and the American people expect action. Healthcare reform proposals generally fall into two camps: Those that rely on government to expand access and ...

This’ll Be Huge: WellPoint to Cover “Medical Tourism” Outside U.S.

A growing number of Americans are interested in going abroad for surgery. Hospitals in India, Thailand, and other countries are able to offer high-quality treatment for a fraction of the cost of American hospitals. This enterprise is called “medical tourism”. Indianapolis-based WellPoint, which covers 35 million Americans, has decided to ...

Roadblock to health

Census officials just revealed that 17.2 percent of North Carolinians “1.5 million” went without health insurance between 2006 and 2007. These statistics aren’t surprising. North Carolina’s government has erected regulatory roadblocks that make health insurance too expensive. If state officials want to expand coverage, they must improve “health ownership” by ...
Health Care

Election 2008: An Unhealthy Outcome

The federal outcome of the 2008 election bodes ill for Americans’ ability to regain control of their health care dollars. Before the election, PRI compared the candidates’ health plans and concluded that Senator McCain’s proposal was generally superior. Senator Obama’s plan was ambitious and weakly defined, but with strong Democratic ...

Health Plans Belly Up to SCHIP Trough

For those of us who believe that American families should control our health-care dollars, instead of government, employers, or other 3rd parties, the recent behavior of health-care lobbyists in DC is disturbing. A key insight of the political philosophy of “public choice” theory is that it is impossible for politicians ...

Government Health Care: Let the Rationing Continue

Imagine if a private health plan, Blue Cross or Blue Shield, for example, issued a news release like this: “Due to our deficit, our health plan will no longer cover optometry, dentistry, podiatry, or psychology.” You would go ballistic! Indeed, you’d probably sue, especially if these services were mandated by ...

State government keeps health insurance from Tar Heels

U.S. Census officials just revealed that 17.2 percent of North Carolinians went without health insurance between 2006 and 2007, up 2.1 percentage points from the preceding two years. That’s greater than the national average and translates to about 1.5 million uninsured Tar Heels. These statistics are unfortunate, but they’re not ...
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