Health Care
Testimony to the U.S. Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Health
Sally C. Pipes, President & CEO, Pacific Research Institute Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2322 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. I would like to thank the members of the Subcommittee for inviting me to testify on “Making Health Care Work for American Families: Ensuring Affordable Coverage”. I think that everyone would agree ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 17, 2009
Obama’s blurred health care vision
Recently, President Barack Obama signed a measure to throw another four million children on the mercy of government-rationed health care. At the bill-signing ceremony, he described the new law as a “down payment on my commitment to cover every single American.” But it’s less of a “down payment” than a ...
John R. Graham
March 14, 2009
Entitlement Mentality? California Pharmacies Block 5% Medicaid Cut
I think that health-care providers who want to survive and thrive in the days to come need a new, self-imposed, guideline for their businesses: “If government revenue is so important to you that a 5% cut drives you into court to recover it, you are too dependent on government revenue.”
John R. Graham
March 10, 2009
Business & Economics
U.S. can’t afford Obama’s plans or the taxes that go with them
The pork-laden “stimulus” bill that President Obama recently signed contained more than $100 billion in new government health-care spending. If the president and his congressional allies have their way, though, that’s just the beginning of a vast expansion of government funded health care. Two recent studies from the nonpartisan Congressional ...
John R. Graham
March 7, 2009
Health ‘Reformers’ Ignore Facts
Debunking the Democratic argument for government-run health care The Democrats’ case to expand government health care is so full of holes that passing it quickly is their only hope. If Americans slow down and ask questions, they will be hard-put to come up with answers. In fact, if members of ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 6, 2009
White House Convenes Summit To Mull Options for Health Care Reform
On Thursday, President Obama plans to host a White House health care summit during which attendees will discuss proposals to reform the U.S. health care system, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Obama has invited more than 120 physicians, patients, business owners and health insurer officials to attend the summit (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Philadelphia ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 5, 2009
Bam’s Bad Medicine
Health Care Rationing Ahead Obama’s new budget dedicates $634 billion over the next 10 years to what he calls health reform. He promises – or perhaps threatens – that this vast sum will be a down payment for universal coverage, which could require more than $1 trillion. Unfortunately, the president ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 2, 2009
President Obama’s Health Care Reform Efforts To Face Challenges
California Healthline, March 2, 2009 Kaiser Network, March 2, 2009 Efforts by President Obama to reform the U.S. health care system are “likely to be fraught with detours, potholes and perils” based on initial concerns about related provisions in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, as well as the current ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 2, 2009
National Priorities Partnership” agenda is elitist
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 An alliance of 28 health care stakeholders—including consumer groups, providers, health plans, and government organizations—has released an agenda for what its members say are needed reforms to the U.S. health care system. The stated goal of the alliance, called the National Priorities ...
Aricka Flowers
March 1, 2009
Business & Economics
The stimulus bill and American health care
Orange County Register, March 1, 2009 Tom Daschle’s nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services misfired, but that has not stopped President Barack Obama from loading billions of dollars onto the wagon of government-run health care. And he wants to shovel them in as fast as possible. On ...
John R. Graham
March 1, 2009
Testimony to the U.S. Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Health
Sally C. Pipes, President & CEO, Pacific Research Institute Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2322 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. I would like to thank the members of the Subcommittee for inviting me to testify on “Making Health Care Work for American Families: Ensuring Affordable Coverage”. I think that everyone would agree ...
Obama’s blurred health care vision
Recently, President Barack Obama signed a measure to throw another four million children on the mercy of government-rationed health care. At the bill-signing ceremony, he described the new law as a “down payment on my commitment to cover every single American.” But it’s less of a “down payment” than a ...
Entitlement Mentality? California Pharmacies Block 5% Medicaid Cut
I think that health-care providers who want to survive and thrive in the days to come need a new, self-imposed, guideline for their businesses: “If government revenue is so important to you that a 5% cut drives you into court to recover it, you are too dependent on government revenue.”
U.S. can’t afford Obama’s plans or the taxes that go with them
The pork-laden “stimulus” bill that President Obama recently signed contained more than $100 billion in new government health-care spending. If the president and his congressional allies have their way, though, that’s just the beginning of a vast expansion of government funded health care. Two recent studies from the nonpartisan Congressional ...
Health ‘Reformers’ Ignore Facts
Debunking the Democratic argument for government-run health care The Democrats’ case to expand government health care is so full of holes that passing it quickly is their only hope. If Americans slow down and ask questions, they will be hard-put to come up with answers. In fact, if members of ...
White House Convenes Summit To Mull Options for Health Care Reform
On Thursday, President Obama plans to host a White House health care summit during which attendees will discuss proposals to reform the U.S. health care system, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Obama has invited more than 120 physicians, patients, business owners and health insurer officials to attend the summit (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Philadelphia ...
Bam’s Bad Medicine
Health Care Rationing Ahead Obama’s new budget dedicates $634 billion over the next 10 years to what he calls health reform. He promises – or perhaps threatens – that this vast sum will be a down payment for universal coverage, which could require more than $1 trillion. Unfortunately, the president ...
President Obama’s Health Care Reform Efforts To Face Challenges
California Healthline, March 2, 2009 Kaiser Network, March 2, 2009 Efforts by President Obama to reform the U.S. health care system are “likely to be fraught with detours, potholes and perils” based on initial concerns about related provisions in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, as well as the current ...
National Priorities Partnership” agenda is elitist
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 An alliance of 28 health care stakeholders—including consumer groups, providers, health plans, and government organizations—has released an agenda for what its members say are needed reforms to the U.S. health care system. The stated goal of the alliance, called the National Priorities ...
The stimulus bill and American health care
Orange County Register, March 1, 2009 Tom Daschle’s nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services misfired, but that has not stopped President Barack Obama from loading billions of dollars onto the wagon of government-run health care. And he wants to shovel them in as fast as possible. On ...