Health-Reform Traps: Universal What?
THE rush to remake the 17 percent of America’s economy known as its health-care system is matched only by the muddle of the motivations driving it. Above all else, consider the confusion of health insurance with access to actual health care. The reality is that having insurance is not the ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 22, 2009
Healthcare, part 1
What to look for in the Obamacare informercial on ABC this week 1. Why do we need healthcare reform? Why is it absolutely necessary to offer a public healthcare option? And why should the government be responsible (using taxpayer money) for organizing it? Proponents of the democrats’ quest to provide ...
Erin Haust
June 22, 2009
Public Option To Cut Health Costs? Medicare’s Record Says Dream On
“First, the rising cost of health care must be brought down.” That’s what President Obama recently declared when outlining the basic principles of his health care plan. His supporters have echoed his emphasis. The New York Times writes that, when it comes to health policy, “The president’s main focus is ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
June 19, 2009
Business & Economics
Mountaineer Perspectives
As West Virginia celebrates its 146th birthday, residents ponder meaning, relevance of Montani Semper Liberi. Emblazoned upon the state flag and seal, the Latin phrase Montani Semper Liberi means “Mountaineers are always free.” Although West Virginians see the motto every time they look at a state flag, how often do ...
Paul Darst
June 18, 2009
Health Care
Health Care’s Future: Mexican Medical Tourism for Californians?
Immigrants continue to show up in California, where many become part of our 18.5 percent uninsured population. A more neglected story is traffic the other way, California residents crossing the border for treatment in Mexico, outlined in new research by Steven P. Wallace of UCLA. Professor Wallace and colleagues conclude ...
John R. Graham
June 17, 2009
How to Bankrupt a Country
What if you found that your personal income this year will be $55,000, but you will spend $100,000 — even though you had no prior savings? And what if next year’s picture looked similar, and the year after that, and so on? If President Obama were your personal financial advisor, ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
June 12, 2009
Health care reform takes center stage
Congress is bent on passing health care reform legislation this year, but Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, predicts it will fall short of what he and other Democrats want — a single-payer system. “We don’t have the votes for single-payer, which I support,” said Miller, chairman of the House Education and ...
Lisa Vorderbrueggen
June 12, 2009
Obama Lies About Health Care
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Obama is out in Green Bay today, and he’s doing a town hall meeting on socialized medicine, government health care. The reason he’s out there doing this is because the polling on this is not looking good. Conservatives for Patients’ Rights is a group that’s stopping Obama, ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 11, 2009
Health Care
Overdosing on Obama Healthcare
George Stephanopoulos informed ABC television watchers on May 11 that this is “probably the best chance we’ve had in 15 or 16 years to actually get a comprehensive health care plan through.” The major difference between now and 1994, when the Clinton administration failed to push through its healthcare overhaul, ...
William P. Hoar
June 9, 2009
Health Care
Medicare Costs Have Risen Far More than the Costs of Private Health Care
As Americans contemplate a significant expansion of government’s role in health care, in the form of the Medicare-like “public option” proposed by President Obama, we must consider how successful Medicare has been at controlling costs in relation to privately purchased health care. This analysis takes all health spending in the ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
June 9, 2009
Health-Reform Traps: Universal What?
THE rush to remake the 17 percent of America’s economy known as its health-care system is matched only by the muddle of the motivations driving it. Above all else, consider the confusion of health insurance with access to actual health care. The reality is that having insurance is not the ...
Healthcare, part 1
What to look for in the Obamacare informercial on ABC this week 1. Why do we need healthcare reform? Why is it absolutely necessary to offer a public healthcare option? And why should the government be responsible (using taxpayer money) for organizing it? Proponents of the democrats’ quest to provide ...
Public Option To Cut Health Costs? Medicare’s Record Says Dream On
“First, the rising cost of health care must be brought down.” That’s what President Obama recently declared when outlining the basic principles of his health care plan. His supporters have echoed his emphasis. The New York Times writes that, when it comes to health policy, “The president’s main focus is ...
Mountaineer Perspectives
As West Virginia celebrates its 146th birthday, residents ponder meaning, relevance of Montani Semper Liberi. Emblazoned upon the state flag and seal, the Latin phrase Montani Semper Liberi means “Mountaineers are always free.” Although West Virginians see the motto every time they look at a state flag, how often do ...
Health Care’s Future: Mexican Medical Tourism for Californians?
Immigrants continue to show up in California, where many become part of our 18.5 percent uninsured population. A more neglected story is traffic the other way, California residents crossing the border for treatment in Mexico, outlined in new research by Steven P. Wallace of UCLA. Professor Wallace and colleagues conclude ...
How to Bankrupt a Country
What if you found that your personal income this year will be $55,000, but you will spend $100,000 — even though you had no prior savings? And what if next year’s picture looked similar, and the year after that, and so on? If President Obama were your personal financial advisor, ...
Health care reform takes center stage
Congress is bent on passing health care reform legislation this year, but Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, predicts it will fall short of what he and other Democrats want — a single-payer system. “We don’t have the votes for single-payer, which I support,” said Miller, chairman of the House Education and ...
Obama Lies About Health Care
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Obama is out in Green Bay today, and he’s doing a town hall meeting on socialized medicine, government health care. The reason he’s out there doing this is because the polling on this is not looking good. Conservatives for Patients’ Rights is a group that’s stopping Obama, ...
Overdosing on Obama Healthcare
George Stephanopoulos informed ABC television watchers on May 11 that this is “probably the best chance we’ve had in 15 or 16 years to actually get a comprehensive health care plan through.” The major difference between now and 1994, when the Clinton administration failed to push through its healthcare overhaul, ...
Medicare Costs Have Risen Far More than the Costs of Private Health Care
As Americans contemplate a significant expansion of government’s role in health care, in the form of the Medicare-like “public option” proposed by President Obama, we must consider how successful Medicare has been at controlling costs in relation to privately purchased health care. This analysis takes all health spending in the ...