Obamacare’s Error
The New York Post, July 31, 2009 DON’T be distracted by the inside-the-beltway haggling over arcane details — ponder the big picture and apply common sense to the claims of our would-be health reformers. This week’s so-called breakthroughs on both the House and Senate sides illustrate how our politicians are ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 31, 2009
Costs of Medicare/Medicaid Have Outpaced Other Health Costs by 1/3 Since 1970
Ezra Klein has posted a blog criticizing the claim (made by Bill Kristol on the Daily Show Monday night) that the costs of government-run health care have greatly outpaced other health costs. But Klein is mistaken. Advocates of ObamaCare like to rely on studies comparing the cost-increases of government-run care ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 29, 2009
Mass Disaster, July 29, 2009 The Bay State shows how not to reform health care. “Will Commonwealth care cost taxpayers more? No!” So wrote Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in November 2004, the economy then still in full bloom. “Neither the state nor the taxpayers can afford to pay more.” It’s worth ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 29, 2009
San Francisco Style Health Care May Be Coming
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently wrote a column for the Huffington Post promoting his Healthy San Francisco plan as a model for the federal “public option” touted by President Obama. Healthy San Francisco could be a model, but not in the way Mayor Newsom imagines. Currently under negotiation between ...
John R. Graham
July 27, 2009
Beware of Obama Care
If our health care system is as bad as some have suggested in “Letters to the Editor” and responses to the earlier blog, and the Canadian, U.K. and other European styled socialized health care systems are so great, then we should see Americans flocking to Canada to take advantage of ...
Lou Treadway
July 27, 2009
Health Care
Red Pill, Blue Pill, Better Not, Get Ill
Does he really think it’s that simple? Red pill versus blue pill? What does he think this is, Keanu Reeves trying to figure out what the Matrix is all about? Does he have the slightest idea how complex the U.S. Pharmacopeia is? The answer is clearly “no.” He also recycles ...
John R. Graham
July 27, 2009
Haste makes waste has never been truer in terms of health-care reform
Talk about crazy ideas. The NFL wants to try out a new concept during the pre-season. When the Broncos and Raiders play in Oakland, the referees will wear Raider caps and will be chosen from a pool of former and current members of the Raiders organization who have given verbal ...
Peter Trozan
July 26, 2009
Expanded Government — and No More Tonsil Theft?
In his televised press conference on Wednesday evening, President Obama said three separate times that he was being “honest” with the American people. So we know he was telling the truth. Therefore, we know that we can take the president at his word when he said: If you already have ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
July 24, 2009
MSNBC: The Left Rejects Free-Market Solutions to Healthcare, July 22, 2009 Filling in for Keith Olbermann yesterday on MSNBC’s Countdown program, guest host David Shuster chastised Republicans for having no plan “to contain exploding healthcare costs.” So busy was Shuster smirking and sneering (like Olbermann) over the Republicans’ alleged indifference to those costs, that he neglected to ...
John Perazzo
July 22, 2009
Not Ready for the Big Leagues
Obamacare would look like Obama’s first pitch. Ideally, our health-care system would remind one of a major-league fastball: crisp, efficient in its delivery, on-target, hitting the catcher’s mitt with a pop. Our current health-care system, burdened with too many middlemen and too little competition and choice, is more like a ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
July 22, 2009
Obamacare’s Error
The New York Post, July 31, 2009 DON’T be distracted by the inside-the-beltway haggling over arcane details — ponder the big picture and apply common sense to the claims of our would-be health reformers. This week’s so-called breakthroughs on both the House and Senate sides illustrate how our politicians are ...
Costs of Medicare/Medicaid Have Outpaced Other Health Costs by 1/3 Since 1970
Ezra Klein has posted a blog criticizing the claim (made by Bill Kristol on the Daily Show Monday night) that the costs of government-run health care have greatly outpaced other health costs. But Klein is mistaken. Advocates of ObamaCare like to rely on studies comparing the cost-increases of government-run care ...
Mass Disaster, July 29, 2009 The Bay State shows how not to reform health care. “Will Commonwealth care cost taxpayers more? No!” So wrote Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in November 2004, the economy then still in full bloom. “Neither the state nor the taxpayers can afford to pay more.” It’s worth ...
San Francisco Style Health Care May Be Coming
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently wrote a column for the Huffington Post promoting his Healthy San Francisco plan as a model for the federal “public option” touted by President Obama. Healthy San Francisco could be a model, but not in the way Mayor Newsom imagines. Currently under negotiation between ...
Beware of Obama Care
If our health care system is as bad as some have suggested in “Letters to the Editor” and responses to the earlier blog, and the Canadian, U.K. and other European styled socialized health care systems are so great, then we should see Americans flocking to Canada to take advantage of ...
Red Pill, Blue Pill, Better Not, Get Ill
Does he really think it’s that simple? Red pill versus blue pill? What does he think this is, Keanu Reeves trying to figure out what the Matrix is all about? Does he have the slightest idea how complex the U.S. Pharmacopeia is? The answer is clearly “no.” He also recycles ...
Haste makes waste has never been truer in terms of health-care reform
Talk about crazy ideas. The NFL wants to try out a new concept during the pre-season. When the Broncos and Raiders play in Oakland, the referees will wear Raider caps and will be chosen from a pool of former and current members of the Raiders organization who have given verbal ...
Expanded Government — and No More Tonsil Theft?
In his televised press conference on Wednesday evening, President Obama said three separate times that he was being “honest” with the American people. So we know he was telling the truth. Therefore, we know that we can take the president at his word when he said: If you already have ...
MSNBC: The Left Rejects Free-Market Solutions to Healthcare, July 22, 2009 Filling in for Keith Olbermann yesterday on MSNBC’s Countdown program, guest host David Shuster chastised Republicans for having no plan “to contain exploding healthcare costs.” So busy was Shuster smirking and sneering (like Olbermann) over the Republicans’ alleged indifference to those costs, that he neglected to ...
Not Ready for the Big Leagues
Obamacare would look like Obama’s first pitch. Ideally, our health-care system would remind one of a major-league fastball: crisp, efficient in its delivery, on-target, hitting the catcher’s mitt with a pop. Our current health-care system, burdened with too many middlemen and too little competition and choice, is more like a ...