

Health-reform follies: Who’s more efficient?

New York Post, September 19, 2009 OF all the wishful thinking, denial of realities and blatantly false assertions that surround President Obama’s push for government-dominated health care, the biggest whopper is the claim that public administration will be more efficient than private health plans. Taxpayers won’t be subsidizing the public ...

Jesse Jackson on Health Reform!

According to Mr. Jackson, Medicare, the U.S. government’s single-payer system for seniors is the most popular health plan in the U.S. Well, if I was able to get taxpayers to pay 53% of my medical claims, I suppose I’d be satisfied too. Even so, 90% of Medicare beneficiaries have some ...
Health Care

Senate Bill Would Tax Those Who Heal

Investor’s Business Daily, September 14, 2009 National Center for Policy Analysis, September 16, 2009 For several months now, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., has been drafting a health reform bill with a bipartisan group of three Republicans and three Democrats designed to garner support from both parties. Just ...

Will the Chickens Roost in the CO-OP? Max Baucus’ Health Reform Proposal.

Someone has leaked a document from Senator Max Baucus, titled a Framework for Comprehensive Health Reform, which purports to be the basis for discussion by the “Gang of Six” Senators on the Senate Finance Committee upon whose quivering shoulders rests the fate of the proposed federal take-over of Americans’ access ...

Health cost crisis

While campaigning across the country promoting a federal government takeover of access to medical services, President Barack Obama has repeatedly denounced rising health costs, which he claims are bankrupting families and businesses. He did so again Wednesday night in his speech to a joint session of Congress. The president’s assertions ...

Say No To Government Health Care

Government insurance for health care—the public option—is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, rationed care, and limited access to doctors and ...

Having It All

Last night, President Obama gave a passionate 48-minute address to Congress and the nation laying out his views on health-care reform. It was his 29th speech on the topic. He made the case for a government takeover of health care — even while promising that nothing will change for the ...

President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress

President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress On September 9, 2009 President Obama gave a Congressional address to make his case for healthcare reform. In the address he stated: “There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like ...

The Experts on Obama’s Health Care Speech

Frontpage Magazine, September 10, 2009 Doc’s Talk, September 10, 2009 FP: Sally Pipes and David Gratzer, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Sally Pipes, let me start with you. Your thoughts on Obama’s speech? Pipes: President Obama gave a very passionate 48-minute speech to Congress and the nation tonight, his 29th address ...

Review of the Obama Speech

2. The $900 billion figure is phony, in that it is an (under)estimate for the first decade in which the various tax increases are implemented before the increased federal spending takes effect. On a ten-year basis — even if we accept all of the other assumptions implicit in the $900 ...

Health-reform follies: Who’s more efficient?

New York Post, September 19, 2009 OF all the wishful thinking, denial of realities and blatantly false assertions that surround President Obama’s push for government-dominated health care, the biggest whopper is the claim that public administration will be more efficient than private health plans. Taxpayers won’t be subsidizing the public ...

Jesse Jackson on Health Reform!

According to Mr. Jackson, Medicare, the U.S. government’s single-payer system for seniors is the most popular health plan in the U.S. Well, if I was able to get taxpayers to pay 53% of my medical claims, I suppose I’d be satisfied too. Even so, 90% of Medicare beneficiaries have some ...
Health Care

Senate Bill Would Tax Those Who Heal

Investor’s Business Daily, September 14, 2009 National Center for Policy Analysis, September 16, 2009 For several months now, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., has been drafting a health reform bill with a bipartisan group of three Republicans and three Democrats designed to garner support from both parties. Just ...

Will the Chickens Roost in the CO-OP? Max Baucus’ Health Reform Proposal.

Someone has leaked a document from Senator Max Baucus, titled a Framework for Comprehensive Health Reform, which purports to be the basis for discussion by the “Gang of Six” Senators on the Senate Finance Committee upon whose quivering shoulders rests the fate of the proposed federal take-over of Americans’ access ...

Health cost crisis

While campaigning across the country promoting a federal government takeover of access to medical services, President Barack Obama has repeatedly denounced rising health costs, which he claims are bankrupting families and businesses. He did so again Wednesday night in his speech to a joint session of Congress. The president’s assertions ...

Say No To Government Health Care

Government insurance for health care—the public option—is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, rationed care, and limited access to doctors and ...

Having It All

Last night, President Obama gave a passionate 48-minute address to Congress and the nation laying out his views on health-care reform. It was his 29th speech on the topic. He made the case for a government takeover of health care — even while promising that nothing will change for the ...

President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress

President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress On September 9, 2009 President Obama gave a Congressional address to make his case for healthcare reform. In the address he stated: “There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like ...

The Experts on Obama’s Health Care Speech

Frontpage Magazine, September 10, 2009 Doc’s Talk, September 10, 2009 FP: Sally Pipes and David Gratzer, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Sally Pipes, let me start with you. Your thoughts on Obama’s speech? Pipes: President Obama gave a very passionate 48-minute speech to Congress and the nation tonight, his 29th address ...

Review of the Obama Speech

2. The $900 billion figure is phony, in that it is an (under)estimate for the first decade in which the various tax increases are implemented before the increased federal spending takes effect. On a ten-year basis — even if we accept all of the other assumptions implicit in the $900 ...
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