

Obamacare’s Three Major Hurdles

The Democrats are determined to expand the federal government’s portfolio beyond the Post Office, Amtrak, and General Motors, by adding the entire health-care industry to its holdings. But before they can subject what will soon be one-fifth of our economy to the federal government’s command-and-control model, Democrats must clear three ...
Business & Economics

Calif. Gov. Calls For More Federal Aid As States Bleed Red

Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should have said “I’ll be back” when the state got billions of dollars from the federal government last year. Because on Wednesday, he demanded another handout. In his state of the state speech, Schwarzenegger acknowledged California faces deep budget woes and called for federal assistance. He ...

Advantage Cronyism

If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, at least if you pay cash. One of the many problems with funneling our nation’s health-care system through our nation’s political system is that it would politicize health care. The health-care bill that recently passed the Senate ...

Would You Like a California Cash Cow or New York Pork With Your Florida Flim Flam?

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reckons that 15 million more people will enroll in Medicaid if the Senate bill becomes law (p. 8), which is just a whisker less than half the total number of persons the CBO forecasts will be newly insured, 31 million, as a result of the ...

Cadillac Health Plans; And Taxation Thereof

And I don’t just mean the HuffingtonPost/DailyKos/ crowd. There’s even a sense at the New York Times that the President’s faction has failed to grab history by the tail. Witness this column by Bob Herbert, who protests the tax on so-called “Cadillac health plans,” those which cost more than $23,000 ...

Health Reform: Would You Like A California Cash Cow or New York Pork With Your Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, and Florida Flim-Flam?

California’s recent budget deficits will look bush league relative to the fiscal hurricane that federal health reform will unleash on California and many other states. I made that prediction in this space on December 2, but as we approach 2010 Californians should know that things are actually worse than I ...

The Federal Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Soared Under Republican Rule

This dramatic different in length motivated me to attempt a similar measurement of the federal regulatory burden on U.S. health care — by counting the pages dedicated to regulating health care in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) over the past decade. (I focused only on Medicare and Medicaid, regulation ...

It’s not about health care reform

The current legislation being presented in Congress is not about health care reform or health insurance reform. The only purpose is to increase the federal government’s power and control over American citizens. Many of the people supporting the legislation are doing so simply because they support the president and believe ...

Health reform: Pluses, minuses

Opinionline: What people are saying about health debate The New York Times, in an editorial: “The health care reform bill that Senate Democratic leaders have cobbled together to win support from all 60 members, … has drawn scornful attacks from a united Republican opposition. … The bill … has some ...

Democrats in Fantasyland on Health Care Reform

While Harry Reid, the Scrooge of the Senate, forces a health care vote on December 24, Americans are commencing their Christmas celebrations. Across the continent from Washington, one popular destination, Disneyland, is decorated with Christmas splendor in anticipation of hundreds of thousands of people visiting it over the holidays. There ...

Obamacare’s Three Major Hurdles

The Democrats are determined to expand the federal government’s portfolio beyond the Post Office, Amtrak, and General Motors, by adding the entire health-care industry to its holdings. But before they can subject what will soon be one-fifth of our economy to the federal government’s command-and-control model, Democrats must clear three ...
Business & Economics

Calif. Gov. Calls For More Federal Aid As States Bleed Red

Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should have said “I’ll be back” when the state got billions of dollars from the federal government last year. Because on Wednesday, he demanded another handout. In his state of the state speech, Schwarzenegger acknowledged California faces deep budget woes and called for federal assistance. He ...

Advantage Cronyism

If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, at least if you pay cash. One of the many problems with funneling our nation’s health-care system through our nation’s political system is that it would politicize health care. The health-care bill that recently passed the Senate ...

Would You Like a California Cash Cow or New York Pork With Your Florida Flim Flam?

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reckons that 15 million more people will enroll in Medicaid if the Senate bill becomes law (p. 8), which is just a whisker less than half the total number of persons the CBO forecasts will be newly insured, 31 million, as a result of the ...

Cadillac Health Plans; And Taxation Thereof

And I don’t just mean the HuffingtonPost/DailyKos/ crowd. There’s even a sense at the New York Times that the President’s faction has failed to grab history by the tail. Witness this column by Bob Herbert, who protests the tax on so-called “Cadillac health plans,” those which cost more than $23,000 ...

Health Reform: Would You Like A California Cash Cow or New York Pork With Your Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, and Florida Flim-Flam?

California’s recent budget deficits will look bush league relative to the fiscal hurricane that federal health reform will unleash on California and many other states. I made that prediction in this space on December 2, but as we approach 2010 Californians should know that things are actually worse than I ...

The Federal Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Soared Under Republican Rule

This dramatic different in length motivated me to attempt a similar measurement of the federal regulatory burden on U.S. health care — by counting the pages dedicated to regulating health care in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) over the past decade. (I focused only on Medicare and Medicaid, regulation ...

It’s not about health care reform

The current legislation being presented in Congress is not about health care reform or health insurance reform. The only purpose is to increase the federal government’s power and control over American citizens. Many of the people supporting the legislation are doing so simply because they support the president and believe ...

Health reform: Pluses, minuses

Opinionline: What people are saying about health debate The New York Times, in an editorial: “The health care reform bill that Senate Democratic leaders have cobbled together to win support from all 60 members, … has drawn scornful attacks from a united Republican opposition. … The bill … has some ...

Democrats in Fantasyland on Health Care Reform

While Harry Reid, the Scrooge of the Senate, forces a health care vote on December 24, Americans are commencing their Christmas celebrations. Across the continent from Washington, one popular destination, Disneyland, is decorated with Christmas splendor in anticipation of hundreds of thousands of people visiting it over the holidays. There ...
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