

Health Reform: Would You Like A California Cash Cow or New York Pork With Your Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, and Florida Flim-Flam?

California’s recent budget deficits will look bush league relative to the fiscal hurricane that federal health reform will unleash on California and many other states. I made that prediction in this space on December 2, but as we approach 2010 Californians should know that things are actually worse than I ...

The Federal Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Soared Under Republican Rule

This dramatic different in length motivated me to attempt a similar measurement of the federal regulatory burden on U.S. health care — by counting the pages dedicated to regulating health care in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) over the past decade. (I focused only on Medicare and Medicaid, regulation ...

It’s not about health care reform

The current legislation being presented in Congress is not about health care reform or health insurance reform. The only purpose is to increase the federal government’s power and control over American citizens. Many of the people supporting the legislation are doing so simply because they support the president and believe ...

Health reform: Pluses, minuses

Opinionline: What people are saying about health debate The New York Times, in an editorial: “The health care reform bill that Senate Democratic leaders have cobbled together to win support from all 60 members, … has drawn scornful attacks from a united Republican opposition. … The bill … has some ...

Democrats in Fantasyland on Health Care Reform

While Harry Reid, the Scrooge of the Senate, forces a health care vote on December 24, Americans are commencing their Christmas celebrations. Across the continent from Washington, one popular destination, Disneyland, is decorated with Christmas splendor in anticipation of hundreds of thousands of people visiting it over the holidays. There ...

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Obamacare

Obamacare would require Americans to buy government-approved health insurance. It would make it illegal to offer choices in insurance plans beyond the handful of very similar ones that the government would allow. It would become illegal to offer new and innovative plans. Under any of the government-approved plans, it would ...
Health Care

The Federal Government’s Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Has Increased By More Than Half in a Decade

Politicians who want to increase the federal government’s control of Americans’ access to medical services under the banner of “reform” describe the status quo as some kind of Wild West, where nobody has protection against greedy insurers, incompetent doctors, or dangerous hospitals. The facts show otherwise. As I have described ...

Federal Regulatory Burden on Health Care Increased By Over Half in Ten Years

So, I thought that I would find a decrease, or no change, in the relevant regulatory pages. I focused only on Medicare and Medicaid, regulation of private health insurance, and regulation of providers. However, I did not address the regulation of drugs or medical devices for safety and efficacy. The ...

Health care reform taking stubborn path to huge debt

Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), December 19, 2009 Wisconsin Democratic Sens. Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold are almost never in the headlines on health care reform. Hands over eyes and ears, they are marching forward in lockstep with President Barack Obama toward some kind of a muddled conclusion. They remain committed ...

Media Parade as ObamaCare Hangs in the Balance

The hour-by-hour drama of the Democrats’ attempt to secure 60 votes in the Senate to advance their health care agenda is gripping the nation. Is Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) in? Or is he out? And what about Ben Nelson (D-NE)? While Lieberman is rightly accused of flip-flopping on the issue of ...

Health Reform: Would You Like A California Cash Cow or New York Pork With Your Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, and Florida Flim-Flam?

California’s recent budget deficits will look bush league relative to the fiscal hurricane that federal health reform will unleash on California and many other states. I made that prediction in this space on December 2, but as we approach 2010 Californians should know that things are actually worse than I ...

The Federal Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Soared Under Republican Rule

This dramatic different in length motivated me to attempt a similar measurement of the federal regulatory burden on U.S. health care — by counting the pages dedicated to regulating health care in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) over the past decade. (I focused only on Medicare and Medicaid, regulation ...

It’s not about health care reform

The current legislation being presented in Congress is not about health care reform or health insurance reform. The only purpose is to increase the federal government’s power and control over American citizens. Many of the people supporting the legislation are doing so simply because they support the president and believe ...

Health reform: Pluses, minuses

Opinionline: What people are saying about health debate The New York Times, in an editorial: “The health care reform bill that Senate Democratic leaders have cobbled together to win support from all 60 members, … has drawn scornful attacks from a united Republican opposition. … The bill … has some ...

Democrats in Fantasyland on Health Care Reform

While Harry Reid, the Scrooge of the Senate, forces a health care vote on December 24, Americans are commencing their Christmas celebrations. Across the continent from Washington, one popular destination, Disneyland, is decorated with Christmas splendor in anticipation of hundreds of thousands of people visiting it over the holidays. There ...

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Obamacare

Obamacare would require Americans to buy government-approved health insurance. It would make it illegal to offer choices in insurance plans beyond the handful of very similar ones that the government would allow. It would become illegal to offer new and innovative plans. Under any of the government-approved plans, it would ...
Health Care

The Federal Government’s Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Has Increased By More Than Half in a Decade

Politicians who want to increase the federal government’s control of Americans’ access to medical services under the banner of “reform” describe the status quo as some kind of Wild West, where nobody has protection against greedy insurers, incompetent doctors, or dangerous hospitals. The facts show otherwise. As I have described ...

Federal Regulatory Burden on Health Care Increased By Over Half in Ten Years

So, I thought that I would find a decrease, or no change, in the relevant regulatory pages. I focused only on Medicare and Medicaid, regulation of private health insurance, and regulation of providers. However, I did not address the regulation of drugs or medical devices for safety and efficacy. The ...

Health care reform taking stubborn path to huge debt

Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), December 19, 2009 Wisconsin Democratic Sens. Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold are almost never in the headlines on health care reform. Hands over eyes and ears, they are marching forward in lockstep with President Barack Obama toward some kind of a muddled conclusion. They remain committed ...

Media Parade as ObamaCare Hangs in the Balance

The hour-by-hour drama of the Democrats’ attempt to secure 60 votes in the Senate to advance their health care agenda is gripping the nation. Is Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) in? Or is he out? And what about Ben Nelson (D-NE)? While Lieberman is rightly accused of flip-flopping on the issue of ...
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