

Why Canadian premier seeks health care in U.S.

San Francisco Chronicle, February 25, 2010 The Greeneville Sun, February 22, 2010 Danny Williams, the premier of the Canadian province of Newfoundland, traveled to the United States earlier this month to undergo heart valve surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami. With his trip, Williams joined a long list ...

Obama’s Health Plan: New Federal Role for Insurance Regulation

President Obama this morning released a health care proposal that he will bring as a starting point for the bipartisan health care summit he is hosting Thursday. The plan closely follows the health care reform legislation that the Senate passed in December, but adds a new provision that would give ...

White House, Allies Turn to Reconciliation

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), February 22, 2010 The White House and its allies are seeking ways to regroup and pass a new version of government-run health care proposed by President Obama, even preparing to resort to the reconciliation process since no reform package is likely to pass through traditional ...

Tax-credit scholarships could ease school funding burden

Gov. Chris Christie has proposed freezing $475 million in education spending to help shrink New Jersey’s $2.2 billion budget deficit, focusing on school districts with budget surpluses. (“Deep budget cuts carry economic risk for N.J.,” Feb. 14.) This plan raises concerns about punishing fiscally responsible school districts. It also raises ...

UC’s culture of executive entitlement must change

In his state of the union address, President Obama lamented “big bonuses” to Wall Street bankers. For their part, Californians have good cause to cry foul over a bonus problem of their own involving the University of California medical centers, where performance does not always keep pace with pay. The ...
Health Care

Popular but Pointless: Subjecting Health Insurers to Federal Antitrust Laws Would Avoid, Not Achieve, Reform

Key Points Despite widespread media claims, health insurers are not “exempt from antitrust laws.” Instead, the McCarran-Ferguson Act allows state laws to supersede federal laws with respect to all lines of insurance – not just health insurance. The McCarran-Ferguson Act was passed because of a 1944 Supreme Court decision, which ...

California’s New HMO Regulations

There are standards that a single-payer plan could not hope to achieve. Indeed, California’s current government-run health plans can’t achieve them. The new regulations are a result of years of negotiations between HMOs, the government, and self-styled “consumer advocates”, who lobby for laws and regulation friendly to trial lawyers. Indeed, ...

Deadly Irony: California’s New HMO Regulations Versus Single-Payer Health Care

California has the unique distinction of being the only state that deploys two regulators of health plans: the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) as well as the Department of Insurance. Unsurprisingly, these departments busy themselves issuing ever-growing and more detailed regulations. The DMHC has been developing these regulations since ...
Business & Economics

We asked, they answered

Washington should try being honest and sensible about health care legislation Will Barclay of Pulaski represents the 124th district in the New York State Assembly to which he was elected on the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties’ lines. By WILL BARCLAY Just four days after Bill Owens defeated Doug Hoffman ...

Fixing America: Health Reform

Second in a three-part series on Fixing America Health reform is not dead. There are bipartisan ideas out there to fix it. And that means to enact reform, the only route out is the bipartisan way. First Some Common Sense It is time elected officials stop pursuing an agenda that ...

Why Canadian premier seeks health care in U.S.

San Francisco Chronicle, February 25, 2010 The Greeneville Sun, February 22, 2010 Danny Williams, the premier of the Canadian province of Newfoundland, traveled to the United States earlier this month to undergo heart valve surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami. With his trip, Williams joined a long list ...

Obama’s Health Plan: New Federal Role for Insurance Regulation

President Obama this morning released a health care proposal that he will bring as a starting point for the bipartisan health care summit he is hosting Thursday. The plan closely follows the health care reform legislation that the Senate passed in December, but adds a new provision that would give ...

White House, Allies Turn to Reconciliation

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), February 22, 2010 The White House and its allies are seeking ways to regroup and pass a new version of government-run health care proposed by President Obama, even preparing to resort to the reconciliation process since no reform package is likely to pass through traditional ...

Tax-credit scholarships could ease school funding burden

Gov. Chris Christie has proposed freezing $475 million in education spending to help shrink New Jersey’s $2.2 billion budget deficit, focusing on school districts with budget surpluses. (“Deep budget cuts carry economic risk for N.J.,” Feb. 14.) This plan raises concerns about punishing fiscally responsible school districts. It also raises ...

UC’s culture of executive entitlement must change

In his state of the union address, President Obama lamented “big bonuses” to Wall Street bankers. For their part, Californians have good cause to cry foul over a bonus problem of their own involving the University of California medical centers, where performance does not always keep pace with pay. The ...
Health Care

Popular but Pointless: Subjecting Health Insurers to Federal Antitrust Laws Would Avoid, Not Achieve, Reform

Key Points Despite widespread media claims, health insurers are not “exempt from antitrust laws.” Instead, the McCarran-Ferguson Act allows state laws to supersede federal laws with respect to all lines of insurance – not just health insurance. The McCarran-Ferguson Act was passed because of a 1944 Supreme Court decision, which ...

California’s New HMO Regulations

There are standards that a single-payer plan could not hope to achieve. Indeed, California’s current government-run health plans can’t achieve them. The new regulations are a result of years of negotiations between HMOs, the government, and self-styled “consumer advocates”, who lobby for laws and regulation friendly to trial lawyers. Indeed, ...

Deadly Irony: California’s New HMO Regulations Versus Single-Payer Health Care

California has the unique distinction of being the only state that deploys two regulators of health plans: the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) as well as the Department of Insurance. Unsurprisingly, these departments busy themselves issuing ever-growing and more detailed regulations. The DMHC has been developing these regulations since ...
Business & Economics

We asked, they answered

Washington should try being honest and sensible about health care legislation Will Barclay of Pulaski represents the 124th district in the New York State Assembly to which he was elected on the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties’ lines. By WILL BARCLAY Just four days after Bill Owens defeated Doug Hoffman ...

Fixing America: Health Reform

Second in a three-part series on Fixing America Health reform is not dead. There are bipartisan ideas out there to fix it. And that means to enact reform, the only route out is the bipartisan way. First Some Common Sense It is time elected officials stop pursuing an agenda that ...
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