

ObamaCare to debut in Calif. – will it fly?

An expert on healthcare policy thinks ObamaCare must fail in at least one state at taxpayers’ expense before Democrats realize it won’t work. California will lead the nation in implementing the new healthcare law with a $10-billion plan, approved by the Obama administration, to grant citizens Medicaid waivers. The new ...
Health Care

Beyond ObamaCare: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments and the “Right to Health Care”

Key Points: Libertarians and conservatives need not fear a “right to health care,” because defining such a right prevents ObamaCare and similar federal interference, according to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. A number of legislators and attorneys general have decided to challenge ObamaCare on constitutional grounds, citing the Tenth Amendment, ...

Election Gives States Momentum to Defeat Obamacare

Yesterday’s election resulted in a resounding setback for Obamacare. The federal government takeover of Americans’ access to medical services will suffer significant setbacks in the new Congress. While Congress works towards repeal, states have to choose whether to enable or obstruct Obamacare, which will further pummel states’ fiscal situations. If ...

Coverage lost

So American companies “are weighing the pros and cons of eventually forcing employees to strike out on their own” for health insurance (“Could health law undermine employer coverage?” Oct. 24). Many Americans may soon find themselves without insurance despite president Obama’s promise that Americans who liked their coverage could keep ...

The high cost of Obama’s health ‘savings’

Patient choice looks to be the first casualty of Obamacare. The new healthcare law gives the federal government unprecedented control over medical decisions. And one bureaucrat in particular looks to be leading the crusade for more public power: Dr. Donald Berwick, the new director of the Centers for Medicare and ...

Life under ObamaCare: More cost, less service

With Washington set to assume control of more than half of all health care spending – and thus remake nearly 20 percent of the economy – it’s worth asking if the federal government is up to the task. If my husband’s recent experience with the Transportation Security Administration is any ...

A glimpse of a future with Obamacare

The one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act this week brings new reason to consider a major health-care announcement by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Almost five years into his state’s Romneycare plan, it turns out that spending is out of control, threatening public-sector budgets and private-sector wealth generation. The solution ...

Americans’ healthy dislike for Obamacare

Supporters of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul maintained throughout the summer that the law was slowly, but surely, growing in popularity. “The more people understand this bill, the more they are going to like it,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius recently said. Public opinion data tell ...

Interview with Sally Pipes on ObamaCare at Six Months

“I would say the mainstream media, of course, always likes to increase the role of government in our lives, and Obama, Pelosi, and Reid believe that government can make decisions for the American people better than we can make for ourselves.” AIM recently interviewed Sally Pipes, President and CEO of ...
Health Care

Orszag Versus Medicaid

Read the entire column at National Review Online.

ObamaCare to debut in Calif. – will it fly?

An expert on healthcare policy thinks ObamaCare must fail in at least one state at taxpayers’ expense before Democrats realize it won’t work. California will lead the nation in implementing the new healthcare law with a $10-billion plan, approved by the Obama administration, to grant citizens Medicaid waivers. The new ...
Health Care

Beyond ObamaCare: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments and the “Right to Health Care”

Key Points: Libertarians and conservatives need not fear a “right to health care,” because defining such a right prevents ObamaCare and similar federal interference, according to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. A number of legislators and attorneys general have decided to challenge ObamaCare on constitutional grounds, citing the Tenth Amendment, ...

Election Gives States Momentum to Defeat Obamacare

Yesterday’s election resulted in a resounding setback for Obamacare. The federal government takeover of Americans’ access to medical services will suffer significant setbacks in the new Congress. While Congress works towards repeal, states have to choose whether to enable or obstruct Obamacare, which will further pummel states’ fiscal situations. If ...

Coverage lost

So American companies “are weighing the pros and cons of eventually forcing employees to strike out on their own” for health insurance (“Could health law undermine employer coverage?” Oct. 24). Many Americans may soon find themselves without insurance despite president Obama’s promise that Americans who liked their coverage could keep ...

The high cost of Obama’s health ‘savings’

Patient choice looks to be the first casualty of Obamacare. The new healthcare law gives the federal government unprecedented control over medical decisions. And one bureaucrat in particular looks to be leading the crusade for more public power: Dr. Donald Berwick, the new director of the Centers for Medicare and ...

Life under ObamaCare: More cost, less service

With Washington set to assume control of more than half of all health care spending – and thus remake nearly 20 percent of the economy – it’s worth asking if the federal government is up to the task. If my husband’s recent experience with the Transportation Security Administration is any ...

A glimpse of a future with Obamacare

The one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act this week brings new reason to consider a major health-care announcement by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Almost five years into his state’s Romneycare plan, it turns out that spending is out of control, threatening public-sector budgets and private-sector wealth generation. The solution ...

Americans’ healthy dislike for Obamacare

Supporters of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul maintained throughout the summer that the law was slowly, but surely, growing in popularity. “The more people understand this bill, the more they are going to like it,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius recently said. Public opinion data tell ...

Interview with Sally Pipes on ObamaCare at Six Months

“I would say the mainstream media, of course, always likes to increase the role of government in our lives, and Obama, Pelosi, and Reid believe that government can make decisions for the American people better than we can make for ourselves.” AIM recently interviewed Sally Pipes, President and CEO of ...
Health Care

Orszag Versus Medicaid

Read the entire column at National Review Online.
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