

Piping Up: Medical Innovation Critical To Bringing Down Health Care Costs

By the end of this decade, national health care spending is projected to amount to one-fifth of the country’s GDP. That’s more than four times military expenditures–and five times the amount spent each year on education. And that’s a conservative estimate. In a recent study, consulting firm Deloitte revealed that ...

Death Trap Democrats

Despite November’s New Deal magnitude political earthquake, surviving House Democrats just laughed off their historic 63 seat loss and reelected ultra-left San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader, a position she will now apparently hold for life. Somehow Democrats are convinced that the American people will come to ...

BOOK REVIEW: How to dismantle Obamacare

WHY OBAMACARE IS WRONG FOR AMERICA: HOW THE NEW HEALTH CARE LAW DRIVES UP COSTS, PUTS GOVERNMENT IN CHARGE OF YOUR DECISIONS, AND THREATENS YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS By Grace-Marie Turner, James P. Capretta, Thomas P. Miller and Robert E. Moffit Broadside Books, $14.99, 272 pages “ObamaCare is wrong for families, ...

Good News for All States and All Taxpayers: Rhode Island’s Medicaid Waiver Survives Scrutiny

Rhode Island, the smallest state, is wielding big influence against federal control of health care. Other states would do well to take notice. Federal taxpayers pay about 53 percent of Rhode Island’s Medicaid costs. This has created a perverse incentive for state politicians to increase dependency on Medicaid in order ...

What Explains Sebelius’ Ignorance of Health Law?

As I’ve written about previously, most of the so-called consumer protections that she touts were actually legislated back in 1996. The 1996 law resulted in dramatic increase in federal regulation of health care, but no sigificant positive outcomes. But Secretary Sebelius won’t quit trafficking scare-stories about denial of coverage that ...

Piping Up: Do Waivers Make Way For A Single-Payer Health Care System?

The Senate is currently considering a new measure that would allow states to opt out of ObamaCare three years earlier than originally planned. It’s attracted support from an unlikely source: President Obama. Why would the president endorse an effort that would seemingly undermine his signature law? Because the provision would ...

Mitch Daniels’ Medicaid Reforms: The Perfect Vs. The Good

Because Governor Daniels has been shaky on this front (as I’ve already described), Cannon’s arguments against the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and against Governor Daniels’s accepting federal Obamacare grants have blurred together into an almost ad hominem criticism of Daniels. Turner, on the other hand, not only supports HIP but ...

We suffer unhealthy budgets, thanks to Obamacare

Republicans and Democrats are currently jockeying for position in the fight over this year’s federal budget. The two sides seem miles apart on spending cuts and other priorities. But this year’s budget battle is only the beginning. Thanks to the new health care law, next year’s budget debate is shaping ...
Health Care

Has the Fight Against Obamacare Morphed into a Fight Against Government-Run Health Care?

The previous congressional majority managed to jam Obamacare down the throats of an increasingly resistant nation. Now the fight against Obamacare may have delivered a shock to the system that goes beyond the battle cry of “repeal and replace.” Serious health care reformers, however, still face some unpleasant realities. Public-opinion ...

Pro & Con: Should states block formation of health insurance exchanges?

In January, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled in favor of Georgia and 25 other states that the federal health reform law was unconstitutional. Last December, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson made a similar decision in a lawsuit brought by Virginia. The elected branches also are doing their part to ...

Piping Up: Medical Innovation Critical To Bringing Down Health Care Costs

By the end of this decade, national health care spending is projected to amount to one-fifth of the country’s GDP. That’s more than four times military expenditures–and five times the amount spent each year on education. And that’s a conservative estimate. In a recent study, consulting firm Deloitte revealed that ...

Death Trap Democrats

Despite November’s New Deal magnitude political earthquake, surviving House Democrats just laughed off their historic 63 seat loss and reelected ultra-left San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader, a position she will now apparently hold for life. Somehow Democrats are convinced that the American people will come to ...

BOOK REVIEW: How to dismantle Obamacare

WHY OBAMACARE IS WRONG FOR AMERICA: HOW THE NEW HEALTH CARE LAW DRIVES UP COSTS, PUTS GOVERNMENT IN CHARGE OF YOUR DECISIONS, AND THREATENS YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS By Grace-Marie Turner, James P. Capretta, Thomas P. Miller and Robert E. Moffit Broadside Books, $14.99, 272 pages “ObamaCare is wrong for families, ...

Good News for All States and All Taxpayers: Rhode Island’s Medicaid Waiver Survives Scrutiny

Rhode Island, the smallest state, is wielding big influence against federal control of health care. Other states would do well to take notice. Federal taxpayers pay about 53 percent of Rhode Island’s Medicaid costs. This has created a perverse incentive for state politicians to increase dependency on Medicaid in order ...

What Explains Sebelius’ Ignorance of Health Law?

As I’ve written about previously, most of the so-called consumer protections that she touts were actually legislated back in 1996. The 1996 law resulted in dramatic increase in federal regulation of health care, but no sigificant positive outcomes. But Secretary Sebelius won’t quit trafficking scare-stories about denial of coverage that ...

Piping Up: Do Waivers Make Way For A Single-Payer Health Care System?

The Senate is currently considering a new measure that would allow states to opt out of ObamaCare three years earlier than originally planned. It’s attracted support from an unlikely source: President Obama. Why would the president endorse an effort that would seemingly undermine his signature law? Because the provision would ...

Mitch Daniels’ Medicaid Reforms: The Perfect Vs. The Good

Because Governor Daniels has been shaky on this front (as I’ve already described), Cannon’s arguments against the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and against Governor Daniels’s accepting federal Obamacare grants have blurred together into an almost ad hominem criticism of Daniels. Turner, on the other hand, not only supports HIP but ...

We suffer unhealthy budgets, thanks to Obamacare

Republicans and Democrats are currently jockeying for position in the fight over this year’s federal budget. The two sides seem miles apart on spending cuts and other priorities. But this year’s budget battle is only the beginning. Thanks to the new health care law, next year’s budget debate is shaping ...
Health Care

Has the Fight Against Obamacare Morphed into a Fight Against Government-Run Health Care?

The previous congressional majority managed to jam Obamacare down the throats of an increasingly resistant nation. Now the fight against Obamacare may have delivered a shock to the system that goes beyond the battle cry of “repeal and replace.” Serious health care reformers, however, still face some unpleasant realities. Public-opinion ...

Pro & Con: Should states block formation of health insurance exchanges?

In January, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled in favor of Georgia and 25 other states that the federal health reform law was unconstitutional. Last December, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson made a similar decision in a lawsuit brought by Virginia. The elected branches also are doing their part to ...
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