Business & Economics
The Federal War Against Medical Technology
At about $75 billion annually, U.S. private-sector investment in medical technology is substantial, and a large body of research demonstrates that the economic returns to these investments are enormous. But emerging federal policies are likely to create powerful disincentives for the research and development of medical innovations, in particular, pharmaceuticals ...
Benjamin Zycher
August 18, 2011
Counting Up ObamaCare’s Health Cost Inflation
Its time to add yet another study to the growing list of research showing that ObamaCare isnt delivering on its grand promises. In the July issue of the journal Health Affairs, Medicares actuaries released new estimates of the rate of growth of national health costs. Surprise, surprise theyre projected ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 8, 2011
Senior Citizens Will Pay Dearly For Health Care Price Controls
Squabbles over spending cuts have ruled the negotiations over increasing the debt ceiling. But even after the ink is dry on the budget deal just passed, lawmakers will still be charged with reducing federal spending further. One proposal that refuses to die would impose price controls on prescription drugs in ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 1, 2011
80% of Employers Concerned About Health Reform’s Administrative Obligations; 30% Think Exchanges Will Offer Worse Coverage
A new survey by Lockton, Inc.s Health Reform Advisory Practice reports that 80 percent of respondents are concerned about federal health reforms additional administrative obligations (figure 2). The respondents cover a wide portfolio of industries. On the surface, it looks like fewer employers than anticipated by previous surveys (especially McKinsey ...
John R. Graham
July 27, 2011
ObamaCare’s Imposition Will Lead To An Unhealthy State Of Wellbeing
The federal government has produced yet another study stating the obvious about health care that having insurance coverage is better than not having it. Yet some wonks are hailing this report from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) as the most important health-care policy experiment since the 1970s. ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 25, 2011
Health Care
Health Insurance Exchanges: What If They Issued 347 Pages of Regulations and Nobody Cared?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has issued regulations governing Health Benefits Exchanges and Small-Business Health Options Exchanges under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). These regulations are poorly defined, confirming that the exchanges will empower state functionaries to reduce choice and competition in health ...
John R. Graham
July 19, 2011
Government Mandates Make Health Savings More Elusive
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released some data that show that the digital revolution continues to evade health care. Through mid-May, just 1,026 registered hospitals and physicians out of a possible 56,599 have demonstrated that they are using electronic medical records and other health information technology in ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 18, 2011
Follow the State’s Lead to Better Medicaid
By any objective measure, Medicaid is a failure. It provides substandard care at an ever increasing cost to taxpayers. When a Republican Congress and a Democrat president worked together to end another failing program welfare as we knew it we achieved something rare in public policy: success. We ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 11, 2011
Washington’s Medicaid Reform Could Benefit Every State in the US
Its a short law with big potential: SB 5596, signed by Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire at the end of May, is only three pages long. Nevertheless, it puts Washington state on a path to Medicaid solvency and sets an example for California and the nation. Remarkably, the law, sponsored by ...
John R. Graham
July 4, 2011
Lesson for California: Washington State’s Bipartisan Medicaid Reform Will Benefit Taxpayers and Patients
Its a short law with big potential: SB 5596, signed by governor Christine Gregoire at the end of May, is only three pages long. Nevertheless it puts Washington State on a path to Medicaid solvency and sets an example for California and the nation. Remarkably, the law, sponsored by conservative ...
John R. Graham
June 29, 2011
The Federal War Against Medical Technology
At about $75 billion annually, U.S. private-sector investment in medical technology is substantial, and a large body of research demonstrates that the economic returns to these investments are enormous. But emerging federal policies are likely to create powerful disincentives for the research and development of medical innovations, in particular, pharmaceuticals ...
Counting Up ObamaCare’s Health Cost Inflation
Its time to add yet another study to the growing list of research showing that ObamaCare isnt delivering on its grand promises. In the July issue of the journal Health Affairs, Medicares actuaries released new estimates of the rate of growth of national health costs. Surprise, surprise theyre projected ...
Senior Citizens Will Pay Dearly For Health Care Price Controls
Squabbles over spending cuts have ruled the negotiations over increasing the debt ceiling. But even after the ink is dry on the budget deal just passed, lawmakers will still be charged with reducing federal spending further. One proposal that refuses to die would impose price controls on prescription drugs in ...
80% of Employers Concerned About Health Reform’s Administrative Obligations; 30% Think Exchanges Will Offer Worse Coverage
A new survey by Lockton, Inc.s Health Reform Advisory Practice reports that 80 percent of respondents are concerned about federal health reforms additional administrative obligations (figure 2). The respondents cover a wide portfolio of industries. On the surface, it looks like fewer employers than anticipated by previous surveys (especially McKinsey ...
ObamaCare’s Imposition Will Lead To An Unhealthy State Of Wellbeing
The federal government has produced yet another study stating the obvious about health care that having insurance coverage is better than not having it. Yet some wonks are hailing this report from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) as the most important health-care policy experiment since the 1970s. ...
Health Insurance Exchanges: What If They Issued 347 Pages of Regulations and Nobody Cared?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has issued regulations governing Health Benefits Exchanges and Small-Business Health Options Exchanges under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). These regulations are poorly defined, confirming that the exchanges will empower state functionaries to reduce choice and competition in health ...
Government Mandates Make Health Savings More Elusive
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released some data that show that the digital revolution continues to evade health care. Through mid-May, just 1,026 registered hospitals and physicians out of a possible 56,599 have demonstrated that they are using electronic medical records and other health information technology in ...
Follow the State’s Lead to Better Medicaid
By any objective measure, Medicaid is a failure. It provides substandard care at an ever increasing cost to taxpayers. When a Republican Congress and a Democrat president worked together to end another failing program welfare as we knew it we achieved something rare in public policy: success. We ...
Washington’s Medicaid Reform Could Benefit Every State in the US
Its a short law with big potential: SB 5596, signed by Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire at the end of May, is only three pages long. Nevertheless, it puts Washington state on a path to Medicaid solvency and sets an example for California and the nation. Remarkably, the law, sponsored by ...
Lesson for California: Washington State’s Bipartisan Medicaid Reform Will Benefit Taxpayers and Patients
Its a short law with big potential: SB 5596, signed by governor Christine Gregoire at the end of May, is only three pages long. Nevertheless it puts Washington State on a path to Medicaid solvency and sets an example for California and the nation. Remarkably, the law, sponsored by conservative ...