

Coal In Our Stockings: The Destruction of Medical Innovation

The holidays are fast approaching, and the “elves” are busy at the North Pole. No, not the presidential candidates. No, not the Capitol Hill pols. And no, not those unrelenting pursuers of objectivity and truth: the journalists. I refer instead to the bureaucrats, in particular those implementing the new “comparative ...
Health Care

The Federal Government’s Deeply Flawed System For Controlling Medicare Costs

Medicare’s hospital trust fund is set to be exhausted by 2024, according to the latest report from the program’s trustees. Federal officials are understandably looking for easy ways to cut spending in the entitlement program in hopes of shoring up its finances. They believe they’ve hit on one with a ...

Shopping for Health Coverage Versus Shopping for Health Care

As I read the spirited debate over whether Obamacare will drive health insurers out of business (here and here), I wonder if we need to bring the discussion back to fundamentals: The key problem with U.S health insurance is that there is too much of it – whether provided by ...
Health Care

Just Say ‘No’ To New Health Insurance Taxes

This month, consulting firm Oliver Wyman released a new study revealing that — surprise, surprise — health insurance premiums will increase by several thousand dollars over the next ten years. That’s bad enough news for consumers. Even worse? The study only looked at the cost impact of Obamacare’s new tax ...
Health Care

The Medicare Auction Design and Incentives for Research and Development

Key Points: Government has incentives to focus far more heavily upon budget outlays than patient wellbeing in the operation of its health programs. So as to obtain medical devices and equipment for the beneficiaries of Medicare and Medicaid, the federal government uses auctions that are poorly designed, resulting in prices ...

ObamaCare’s Substandard Health Care Subsidies

Last week, Ohio’s voters amended their state’s constitution to say that they wouldn’t be bound by the federal individual health insurance mandate. The Buckeye State is now the 13th state to reject the mandate. Ordinary Americans aren’t the only ones incensed by the law. State officials are uncovering a laundry ...

Perry’s Texas: Creating jobs, not Medicaid dependents

In a crowded field for the Republican presidential nomination, only two candidates have real records of achievement on healthcare reform: Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Romney fell for the conventional wisdom that Americans believe it is the government’s responsibility to ensure “universal” coverage. This resulted in ...

Health Spending and the “Supercommittee”: Seven Items from President Obama that Republicans And Democrats Should Embrace

Key Points: Congress has a unique opportunity to make a clean cut in government health spending by Christmas. President Obama’s deficit-reducing proposal contains seven items that shift Medicare and Medicaid spending closer to the people. Although these items represent a small fraction of President Obama’s deficit-reducing proposal, they offer the ...
Health Care

Seal the Borders Against Canadian Health Care

Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-Mont.) recently announced his aspirations for bringing universal health coverage to Big Sky Country. Schweitzer is not the first U.S. governor to stump for a state-funded health care system. Earlier this year, Gov. Peter Shumlin (D-Vt.) signed Green Mountain Care into law and began moving his state ...
Health Care

Part D Price Controls Kill Jobs

Washington faces two pressing tasks — getting a handle on escalating federal debt and addressing the country’s unemployment crisis. Unfortunately, the White House, thanks to its usual ideological blinders, has come up with a plan that will actually cost jobs — even as it achieves only trifling savings. The proposal, ...

Coal In Our Stockings: The Destruction of Medical Innovation

The holidays are fast approaching, and the “elves” are busy at the North Pole. No, not the presidential candidates. No, not the Capitol Hill pols. And no, not those unrelenting pursuers of objectivity and truth: the journalists. I refer instead to the bureaucrats, in particular those implementing the new “comparative ...
Health Care

The Federal Government’s Deeply Flawed System For Controlling Medicare Costs

Medicare’s hospital trust fund is set to be exhausted by 2024, according to the latest report from the program’s trustees. Federal officials are understandably looking for easy ways to cut spending in the entitlement program in hopes of shoring up its finances. They believe they’ve hit on one with a ...

Shopping for Health Coverage Versus Shopping for Health Care

As I read the spirited debate over whether Obamacare will drive health insurers out of business (here and here), I wonder if we need to bring the discussion back to fundamentals: The key problem with U.S health insurance is that there is too much of it – whether provided by ...
Health Care

Just Say ‘No’ To New Health Insurance Taxes

This month, consulting firm Oliver Wyman released a new study revealing that — surprise, surprise — health insurance premiums will increase by several thousand dollars over the next ten years. That’s bad enough news for consumers. Even worse? The study only looked at the cost impact of Obamacare’s new tax ...
Health Care

The Medicare Auction Design and Incentives for Research and Development

Key Points: Government has incentives to focus far more heavily upon budget outlays than patient wellbeing in the operation of its health programs. So as to obtain medical devices and equipment for the beneficiaries of Medicare and Medicaid, the federal government uses auctions that are poorly designed, resulting in prices ...

ObamaCare’s Substandard Health Care Subsidies

Last week, Ohio’s voters amended their state’s constitution to say that they wouldn’t be bound by the federal individual health insurance mandate. The Buckeye State is now the 13th state to reject the mandate. Ordinary Americans aren’t the only ones incensed by the law. State officials are uncovering a laundry ...

Perry’s Texas: Creating jobs, not Medicaid dependents

In a crowded field for the Republican presidential nomination, only two candidates have real records of achievement on healthcare reform: Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Romney fell for the conventional wisdom that Americans believe it is the government’s responsibility to ensure “universal” coverage. This resulted in ...

Health Spending and the “Supercommittee”: Seven Items from President Obama that Republicans And Democrats Should Embrace

Key Points: Congress has a unique opportunity to make a clean cut in government health spending by Christmas. President Obama’s deficit-reducing proposal contains seven items that shift Medicare and Medicaid spending closer to the people. Although these items represent a small fraction of President Obama’s deficit-reducing proposal, they offer the ...
Health Care

Seal the Borders Against Canadian Health Care

Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-Mont.) recently announced his aspirations for bringing universal health coverage to Big Sky Country. Schweitzer is not the first U.S. governor to stump for a state-funded health care system. Earlier this year, Gov. Peter Shumlin (D-Vt.) signed Green Mountain Care into law and began moving his state ...
Health Care

Part D Price Controls Kill Jobs

Washington faces two pressing tasks — getting a handle on escalating federal debt and addressing the country’s unemployment crisis. Unfortunately, the White House, thanks to its usual ideological blinders, has come up with a plan that will actually cost jobs — even as it achieves only trifling savings. The proposal, ...
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