

Obamacare Bloats U.S. Healthcare System

Last month, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a developed-country think tank, released its latest estimates of how much the rich world spends on health care. Yet again, the United States took the top spot. Our nation spends $8,713 per person on health care — more than double the ...

The Health Care Sector Needs Innovation, Not Regulation

While problems with the U.S. health care system persist, the recent failures of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) illustrate that greater government regulation cannot cure what ails the U.S. health care industry. Deregulation that empowers private sector health care innovation can. In fact, private sector innovations, such as Dental Service ...
Business & Economics

Increasing Benefits Without Reducing Jobs

Thought leaders on the left believe we can save federal government dollars by making employers pay more to their employees. Ralph Nader’s recent blog on the Huffington Post cites a Center for American Progress study that welfare rolls would drop by 6 percent if a minimum wage of $10.10 were ...

Pharmaceutical Price Controls Risk Future Cures

Recent reports of significant price increases for certain medications have ignited, yet again, calls for pharmaceutical price controls. If implemented, price controls will reduce medical discovery and diminish patients’ access to life saving medicines. Pharmaceutical innovations help patients and strengthen the U.S. economy Pharmaceutical innovations are improving the quality of ...

Obamacare’s Exchanges Begin To Implode

Need proof that Obamacare is imploding? Look to its exchanges. The largest U.S. insurer, UnitedHealth Group, just announced that it may withdraw from the exchanges in 2017. The insurer currently offers plans in 34 states and covers more than 500,000 people through the online marketplaces. But it’s expecting $700 million ...

Uncle Sam Can’t haggle better than private insurers

The White House is declaring war on prescription drug prices. “The administration is deeply concerned with the rapidly growing prices of specialty and brand name drugs,” notes President Obama’s 2016 budget proposal. To keep prices down, the president wants the government to negotiate prices for drugs dispensed through Medicare. But ...

Brace Yourself

It’s been a tough year for some of America’s favorite health care bogeymen — insurers. U.S. insurers had to absorb nearly $2.9 billion in unexpected medical expenses from their customers in Obamacare’s exchanges in 2014, according to new data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. But don’t shed tears ...

Tough times for health care insurers — and patients

It’s been a tough year for some of America’s favorite health care boogeymen: insurers. U.S. insurers had to absorb nearly $2.9 billion in unexpected medical expenses from their customers in Obamacare’s exchanges in 2014, according to new data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. But don’t shed too many ...
Health Care

Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts. The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriated in 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The ...

Obamacare’s Enrollment Is Flatlining

Yesterday, Obamacare’s third open-enrollment period began. From November 1 to January 31, Americans without employer-sponsored or government insurance coverage will be able to purchase health plans for 2016. It’s the third open-enrollment period for Obamacare. And it’s shaping up to be a challenge. According to the Obama administration, 10.5 million ...

Obamacare Bloats U.S. Healthcare System

Last month, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a developed-country think tank, released its latest estimates of how much the rich world spends on health care. Yet again, the United States took the top spot. Our nation spends $8,713 per person on health care — more than double the ...

The Health Care Sector Needs Innovation, Not Regulation

While problems with the U.S. health care system persist, the recent failures of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) illustrate that greater government regulation cannot cure what ails the U.S. health care industry. Deregulation that empowers private sector health care innovation can. In fact, private sector innovations, such as Dental Service ...
Business & Economics

Increasing Benefits Without Reducing Jobs

Thought leaders on the left believe we can save federal government dollars by making employers pay more to their employees. Ralph Nader’s recent blog on the Huffington Post cites a Center for American Progress study that welfare rolls would drop by 6 percent if a minimum wage of $10.10 were ...

Pharmaceutical Price Controls Risk Future Cures

Recent reports of significant price increases for certain medications have ignited, yet again, calls for pharmaceutical price controls. If implemented, price controls will reduce medical discovery and diminish patients’ access to life saving medicines. Pharmaceutical innovations help patients and strengthen the U.S. economy Pharmaceutical innovations are improving the quality of ...

Obamacare’s Exchanges Begin To Implode

Need proof that Obamacare is imploding? Look to its exchanges. The largest U.S. insurer, UnitedHealth Group, just announced that it may withdraw from the exchanges in 2017. The insurer currently offers plans in 34 states and covers more than 500,000 people through the online marketplaces. But it’s expecting $700 million ...

Uncle Sam Can’t haggle better than private insurers

The White House is declaring war on prescription drug prices. “The administration is deeply concerned with the rapidly growing prices of specialty and brand name drugs,” notes President Obama’s 2016 budget proposal. To keep prices down, the president wants the government to negotiate prices for drugs dispensed through Medicare. But ...

Brace Yourself

It’s been a tough year for some of America’s favorite health care bogeymen — insurers. U.S. insurers had to absorb nearly $2.9 billion in unexpected medical expenses from their customers in Obamacare’s exchanges in 2014, according to new data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. But don’t shed tears ...

Tough times for health care insurers — and patients

It’s been a tough year for some of America’s favorite health care boogeymen: insurers. U.S. insurers had to absorb nearly $2.9 billion in unexpected medical expenses from their customers in Obamacare’s exchanges in 2014, according to new data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. But don’t shed too many ...
Health Care

Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts. The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriated in 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The ...

Obamacare’s Enrollment Is Flatlining

Yesterday, Obamacare’s third open-enrollment period began. From November 1 to January 31, Americans without employer-sponsored or government insurance coverage will be able to purchase health plans for 2016. It’s the third open-enrollment period for Obamacare. And it’s shaping up to be a challenge. According to the Obama administration, 10.5 million ...
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