

Why Trump Should Be Happy That the GOP’s ‘Repeal-and-Delay’ Is Dead

Senate Republicans’ bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act collapsed on Tuesday, after Sens. Jerry Moran, (R-Kans.), and Mike Lee, (R-Utah), became the third and fourth Republicans to come out against the bill. Their defections deprived Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of the votes he needed to advance ...
Health Care

Americans Aren’t Buying What Obamacare Is Selling

A new Gallup poll provides yet more evidence that Obamacare is collapsing. According to the survey, the share of people without health insurance jumped to 11.7 percent in the second quarter of this year — up from 10.9 percent at the end of 2016. Obamacare is spending billions of taxpayer ...
Health Care

Which Is More Efficient: Employer-Sponsored Insurance Or Medicaid?

An old disagreement between Uwe Reinhardt and Sally Pipes in Forbes is a teachable moment. There’s a dearth of confrontational debates in health policy and education is worse off for it. Crux of the issue is the more efficient system: employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) or Medicaid. Sally Pipes, president of the ...

Declaring Independence From Obamacare

Republican senators are hashing out their health reform bill over the July 4 recess. When they return on July 10, let’s hope they’ve written a bill that looks less like Obamacare Lite and more like a genuine market-based alternative to repeal and replace the failing health law. Anyone who believes ...

Is The Horror Story Of Single-payer Health Care Coming Soon To A Theater Near You?

Hollywood loves a sequel. This summer, studios are releasing a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean, a third edition of the Despicable Me franchise, and yet another Spiderman. But warmed-over ideas are not the sole province of the film industry. Progressive lawmakers are launching a reboot of their own — Single-Payer ...

Ignoring Single-Payer’s Siren Song

Government-run, single-payer health care is apparently back in vogue. The California state Senate recently green-lit a bill that would abolish private insurance and force all residents — including those currently on Medicare and the state’s version of Medicaid, Medi-Cal — into a new government-run plan. The bill has been put ...

Republicans Shouldn’t Wince At That CBO Score

Senate Republicans just delayed a vote on their health care bill. The decision came less than a day after the Congressional Budget Office officially “scored” the bill and found that 22 million people would lose coverage if the legislation passes. There are plenty of reasons to object to the Senate ...

GOP Health Reform Is Hardly Sweeping

Listen to the critics of the GOP’s healthcare reform effort, and you might think Republicans are intent on personally cancelling the insurance policies of 300 million Americans. Earlier this month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., referred to the Senate’s Obamacare replacement, which became public June 22, as “a bill that’s going ...

The Senate Health Care Bill Is Just Obamacare Lite

After weeks of closed-door negotiations, the Senate Republican leadership on Thursday released its bid to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s the product of a 13-member Senate working group. The bill is a disappointment. It’s little more than repeal in name only. And its ideas for replacement are almost indistinguishable from ...
Government Spending

Senate Republicans Release Their Obamacare Replacement Plan

Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a wide-ranging plan to roll back the Affordable Care Act, with features that include a dramatic reduction in government spending that could mean millions more Americans will be left uninsured. The plan, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his team after working on ...

Why Trump Should Be Happy That the GOP’s ‘Repeal-and-Delay’ Is Dead

Senate Republicans’ bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act collapsed on Tuesday, after Sens. Jerry Moran, (R-Kans.), and Mike Lee, (R-Utah), became the third and fourth Republicans to come out against the bill. Their defections deprived Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of the votes he needed to advance ...
Health Care

Americans Aren’t Buying What Obamacare Is Selling

A new Gallup poll provides yet more evidence that Obamacare is collapsing. According to the survey, the share of people without health insurance jumped to 11.7 percent in the second quarter of this year — up from 10.9 percent at the end of 2016. Obamacare is spending billions of taxpayer ...
Health Care

Which Is More Efficient: Employer-Sponsored Insurance Or Medicaid?

An old disagreement between Uwe Reinhardt and Sally Pipes in Forbes is a teachable moment. There’s a dearth of confrontational debates in health policy and education is worse off for it. Crux of the issue is the more efficient system: employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) or Medicaid. Sally Pipes, president of the ...

Declaring Independence From Obamacare

Republican senators are hashing out their health reform bill over the July 4 recess. When they return on July 10, let’s hope they’ve written a bill that looks less like Obamacare Lite and more like a genuine market-based alternative to repeal and replace the failing health law. Anyone who believes ...

Is The Horror Story Of Single-payer Health Care Coming Soon To A Theater Near You?

Hollywood loves a sequel. This summer, studios are releasing a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean, a third edition of the Despicable Me franchise, and yet another Spiderman. But warmed-over ideas are not the sole province of the film industry. Progressive lawmakers are launching a reboot of their own — Single-Payer ...

Ignoring Single-Payer’s Siren Song

Government-run, single-payer health care is apparently back in vogue. The California state Senate recently green-lit a bill that would abolish private insurance and force all residents — including those currently on Medicare and the state’s version of Medicaid, Medi-Cal — into a new government-run plan. The bill has been put ...

Republicans Shouldn’t Wince At That CBO Score

Senate Republicans just delayed a vote on their health care bill. The decision came less than a day after the Congressional Budget Office officially “scored” the bill and found that 22 million people would lose coverage if the legislation passes. There are plenty of reasons to object to the Senate ...

GOP Health Reform Is Hardly Sweeping

Listen to the critics of the GOP’s healthcare reform effort, and you might think Republicans are intent on personally cancelling the insurance policies of 300 million Americans. Earlier this month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., referred to the Senate’s Obamacare replacement, which became public June 22, as “a bill that’s going ...

The Senate Health Care Bill Is Just Obamacare Lite

After weeks of closed-door negotiations, the Senate Republican leadership on Thursday released its bid to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s the product of a 13-member Senate working group. The bill is a disappointment. It’s little more than repeal in name only. And its ideas for replacement are almost indistinguishable from ...
Government Spending

Senate Republicans Release Their Obamacare Replacement Plan

Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a wide-ranging plan to roll back the Affordable Care Act, with features that include a dramatic reduction in government spending that could mean millions more Americans will be left uninsured. The plan, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his team after working on ...
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