

Reports Of Obamacare Repeal’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

President Trump recently tweeted, “Unless the Republican senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead!” He’s completely right that free-marketeers shouldn’t give up on health reform. But if we’re being honest, none of the bills that the Senate considered last week would have come close to fulfilling the ...

California’s Single-Payer Bill Is Still Alive — And That’s A Shame

The Democrats’ dream of single-payer health care is alive and well in California — it’s just been temporarily deferred. In late June, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon shelved SB 562, the Healthy California Act, until next year. If passed, the bill would abolish private insurance and force everyone — including ...

The Tragic Demise Of Repeal And Replace

Anyone committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare will not mourn the death of the Senate’s “skinny repeal” bill this past Friday morning. It retreated from nearly every health policy goal — from rolling back premium-inflating insurance regulations to modernizing Medicaid — that conservatives have championed since ObamaCare became law over ...

Yes, We Should Block-Grant Medicaid

The Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act is effectively dead following the 57–43 no vote on July 25. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also did not have the votes to pass the Obamacare-repeal bill that Congress passed in 2015 but President Obama vetoed; it was rejected the next day, 55–45. That’s mainly ...

Free-Marketers Shouldn’t Give Up on Health Care Reform

The nation is watching to see whether the U.S. Senate repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), revises it, or even continues working in earnest to repeal Obamacare. No matter the outcome, free-market health care reformers will be disappointed. None of the legislation under consideration offers a full-fledged, consumer-driven alternative to ...
Health Care

Obamacare CO-OP Trade Association Now Appears Dead

After 20 of the 24 Obamacare non-profit health insurance cooperatives collapsed, despite the influx of $2.4 billion in taxpayer funds, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that its trade association would also fail. The National Alliance of State Health Cooperatives (NASCHO), the Obamacare co-op health insurance trade association, has quietly closed its ...
Health Care

Senate Votes to Move Health Care Debate Forward in 51-50 Vote

On Tuesday, Senate Republicans voted to begin debate on health care in a 51-50 vote with the goal of repealing and replacing Obamacare. Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.) returned from surgery to cast his “yes” vote and Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote. Two Republican senators, Susan Collins ...

How Trump Can Undo Obamacare, With Or Without Congress

The Senate’s effort to pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act — or even some form of the 2015 repeal-only Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act — appears to have collapsed. But the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare is not over. As President Trump told Senate Republicans last week, “Inaction is not ...
Business & Economics

Separating Budgetary Wheat From The Chaff: The CDC Example

For Samsung, it was the Galaxy Note 7; for Microsoft, it was the Zune; and for Coke, it was New Coke. These famous flops exemplify that failures are a part of life – even for multi-billion-dollar companies. In the private sector, successful companies own up to their failures and, if ...
Health Care

As Senate Moves To Repeal Obamacare Only, Expert Says Lawmakers Should Keep Promise To Replace It As Well

Next week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) is planning to begin a motion for debate to repeal Obamacare only, after the Senate’s replacement bill could not gain enough votes to pass. Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, warns that lawmakers should keep their promise ...

Reports Of Obamacare Repeal’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

President Trump recently tweeted, “Unless the Republican senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead!” He’s completely right that free-marketeers shouldn’t give up on health reform. But if we’re being honest, none of the bills that the Senate considered last week would have come close to fulfilling the ...

California’s Single-Payer Bill Is Still Alive — And That’s A Shame

The Democrats’ dream of single-payer health care is alive and well in California — it’s just been temporarily deferred. In late June, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon shelved SB 562, the Healthy California Act, until next year. If passed, the bill would abolish private insurance and force everyone — including ...

The Tragic Demise Of Repeal And Replace

Anyone committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare will not mourn the death of the Senate’s “skinny repeal” bill this past Friday morning. It retreated from nearly every health policy goal — from rolling back premium-inflating insurance regulations to modernizing Medicaid — that conservatives have championed since ObamaCare became law over ...

Yes, We Should Block-Grant Medicaid

The Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act is effectively dead following the 57–43 no vote on July 25. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also did not have the votes to pass the Obamacare-repeal bill that Congress passed in 2015 but President Obama vetoed; it was rejected the next day, 55–45. That’s mainly ...

Free-Marketers Shouldn’t Give Up on Health Care Reform

The nation is watching to see whether the U.S. Senate repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), revises it, or even continues working in earnest to repeal Obamacare. No matter the outcome, free-market health care reformers will be disappointed. None of the legislation under consideration offers a full-fledged, consumer-driven alternative to ...
Health Care

Obamacare CO-OP Trade Association Now Appears Dead

After 20 of the 24 Obamacare non-profit health insurance cooperatives collapsed, despite the influx of $2.4 billion in taxpayer funds, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that its trade association would also fail. The National Alliance of State Health Cooperatives (NASCHO), the Obamacare co-op health insurance trade association, has quietly closed its ...
Health Care

Senate Votes to Move Health Care Debate Forward in 51-50 Vote

On Tuesday, Senate Republicans voted to begin debate on health care in a 51-50 vote with the goal of repealing and replacing Obamacare. Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.) returned from surgery to cast his “yes” vote and Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote. Two Republican senators, Susan Collins ...

How Trump Can Undo Obamacare, With Or Without Congress

The Senate’s effort to pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act — or even some form of the 2015 repeal-only Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act — appears to have collapsed. But the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare is not over. As President Trump told Senate Republicans last week, “Inaction is not ...
Business & Economics

Separating Budgetary Wheat From The Chaff: The CDC Example

For Samsung, it was the Galaxy Note 7; for Microsoft, it was the Zune; and for Coke, it was New Coke. These famous flops exemplify that failures are a part of life – even for multi-billion-dollar companies. In the private sector, successful companies own up to their failures and, if ...
Health Care

As Senate Moves To Repeal Obamacare Only, Expert Says Lawmakers Should Keep Promise To Replace It As Well

Next week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) is planning to begin a motion for debate to repeal Obamacare only, after the Senate’s replacement bill could not gain enough votes to pass. Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, warns that lawmakers should keep their promise ...
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