

Kasich-Hickenlooper Plan Rescues Obamacare, Abandons Patients

Two of the nation’s highest-profile governors, frustrated by congressional inaction on health care, have offered up a proposal of their own. Democrat John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., and Republican John Kasich, R-Ohio, hope that their plan will get a serious look, in part because they hail from different parties — and so ...

Just Say No to Pay-fors

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was established in 1997—a program that gives states federal matching funds to provide health insurance to children from families that are too wealthy to qualify for Medicaid, but too poor to afford private insurance. However, current federal funding for CHIP expires on September 30th. ...

Reforms Should Improve the Efficiency of the Pharmaceutical Market

The refrain that pharmaceuticals are driving the health care affordability problem has been repeated so often that it is becoming an illusory truth – people believe it to be true simply because they have heard it repeated so often. Obviously, repeating the same incorrect statement over and over again does ...

How to Bring Down the Cost of Health Insurance Premiums, Guaranteed

Earlier this summer, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would make medical malpractice suits less lucrative to plaintiffs and trial lawyers. The measure is part of House Republicans’ effort to tackle skyrocketing health costs. Such reforms are sorely needed. But Congress is the wrong forum for these changes. ...

Critics Say Republican Budget Threatens Californians’ Health

As Congress works to pass a budget by the end of the month, advocates for the poor warn Republicans’ proposed cuts to safety-net programs could hurt Californians’ health. The California Budget and Policy Center has crunched the numbers in the House Budget Committee’s proposed budget. The Center says it would ...

Here’s What Single-Payer Advocates Don’t Want You To Know

Single-payer is back on the docket in California. Late last month, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon announced that he’d formed a special committee “to develop plans for achieving universal health care in California.” Rendon has been under pressure from progressive activists all summer, ever since he shelved SB 562, a bill ...

Republicans, Don’t Settle For Half-Hearted Tweaks To Obamacare

Members of Congress will return on September 5 from their recess. They have a lot on their agenda: reforming the tax code, repairing the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and raising the debt ceiling. President Trump wants to add another item to that agenda. He recently implored Congress to “keep its promise, ...

The False Promise Of ‘Medicaid For All’

“Medicaid for All” has suddenly become the darling of the health reform crowd. Nevada almost became the first state in the nation to adopt Medicaid for All this year — until Gov. Brian Sandoval vetoed the plan in June. Other states, including Massachusetts and Minnesota, are looking into it. These ...
Health Care

Obamacare Enrollment Program Signed Up a Fraction of Those Who Canceled Coverage in 2017

The Affordable Care Act Enrollment Assistance Program helped 14,500 individuals enroll in the Obamacare exchanges, which represented only 0.007 percent of the 1.9 million individuals who decided to drop their Obamacare plan in 2017. The Obama administration established the Enrollment Assistance Program, which created storefronts and hired workers to help ...
Health Care

‘Obamacare’ opponent says ending CSR payments would weaken law

Targeting certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be the best way to weaken the legislation after the failure of repeal and replace, a longtime opponent of former President Barack Obama’s health care law argues. Sally Pipes, director of the conservative Pacific Research Institute, says to start with ...

Kasich-Hickenlooper Plan Rescues Obamacare, Abandons Patients

Two of the nation’s highest-profile governors, frustrated by congressional inaction on health care, have offered up a proposal of their own. Democrat John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., and Republican John Kasich, R-Ohio, hope that their plan will get a serious look, in part because they hail from different parties — and so ...

Just Say No to Pay-fors

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was established in 1997—a program that gives states federal matching funds to provide health insurance to children from families that are too wealthy to qualify for Medicaid, but too poor to afford private insurance. However, current federal funding for CHIP expires on September 30th. ...

Reforms Should Improve the Efficiency of the Pharmaceutical Market

The refrain that pharmaceuticals are driving the health care affordability problem has been repeated so often that it is becoming an illusory truth – people believe it to be true simply because they have heard it repeated so often. Obviously, repeating the same incorrect statement over and over again does ...

How to Bring Down the Cost of Health Insurance Premiums, Guaranteed

Earlier this summer, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would make medical malpractice suits less lucrative to plaintiffs and trial lawyers. The measure is part of House Republicans’ effort to tackle skyrocketing health costs. Such reforms are sorely needed. But Congress is the wrong forum for these changes. ...

Critics Say Republican Budget Threatens Californians’ Health

As Congress works to pass a budget by the end of the month, advocates for the poor warn Republicans’ proposed cuts to safety-net programs could hurt Californians’ health. The California Budget and Policy Center has crunched the numbers in the House Budget Committee’s proposed budget. The Center says it would ...

Here’s What Single-Payer Advocates Don’t Want You To Know

Single-payer is back on the docket in California. Late last month, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon announced that he’d formed a special committee “to develop plans for achieving universal health care in California.” Rendon has been under pressure from progressive activists all summer, ever since he shelved SB 562, a bill ...

Republicans, Don’t Settle For Half-Hearted Tweaks To Obamacare

Members of Congress will return on September 5 from their recess. They have a lot on their agenda: reforming the tax code, repairing the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and raising the debt ceiling. President Trump wants to add another item to that agenda. He recently implored Congress to “keep its promise, ...

The False Promise Of ‘Medicaid For All’

“Medicaid for All” has suddenly become the darling of the health reform crowd. Nevada almost became the first state in the nation to adopt Medicaid for All this year — until Gov. Brian Sandoval vetoed the plan in June. Other states, including Massachusetts and Minnesota, are looking into it. These ...
Health Care

Obamacare Enrollment Program Signed Up a Fraction of Those Who Canceled Coverage in 2017

The Affordable Care Act Enrollment Assistance Program helped 14,500 individuals enroll in the Obamacare exchanges, which represented only 0.007 percent of the 1.9 million individuals who decided to drop their Obamacare plan in 2017. The Obama administration established the Enrollment Assistance Program, which created storefronts and hired workers to help ...
Health Care

‘Obamacare’ opponent says ending CSR payments would weaken law

Targeting certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be the best way to weaken the legislation after the failure of repeal and replace, a longtime opponent of former President Barack Obama’s health care law argues. Sally Pipes, director of the conservative Pacific Research Institute, says to start with ...
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