

Sally Pipes Receives Honorary Doctorate from Pepperdine University School of Public Policy

Pacific Research Institute President and CEO Sally C. Pipes delivered this year’s commencement address to the graduates of the Pepperdine University School of Public Policy. At the event, she received an honorary doctor of humane letters degree – the university’s highest honor. The prepared text of Pipes’ remarks are below: ...

Sally Pipes in CA Health News: Calif. Leads Nation In Pushing Back Against Trump Administration Health Policies

(Story also ran in Los Angeles Times) By Ana B. Ibarra These days, when the federal government turns in one direction, California veers in the other — and in the case of healthcare, it’s a sharp swerve. In the nation’s most populous state, lawmakers and other policymakers seemingly are not content ...

Idaho Can’t Ignore ObamaCare Completely — But It Can Pry Open These Loopholes

Last month, the Trump administration saved ObamaCare from destruction. It was a difficult decision — and the correct one. Administration officials shot down a daring plan from Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter that would have allowed Idaho insurers to ignore ObamaCare’s premium-inflating regulations. Under the proposal, insurers would have been able ...

Expanding Affordable Healthcare in the States, The Legal Way

In March, the Trump administration saved Obamacare in Idaho. It was a hard decision for administration officials, who harbor no love for the health law. But it was the right call. Idaho officials wanted to help residents who have been harmed by Obamacare’s premium-inflating regulations. So they planned to allow ...
Health Care

Take Single-Payer Health Care Proposals Seriously: Sally Pipes

By Allison Bell Advocates of pure single-payer health care proposals for the United States are in a stronger position than ever, and those proposals would create a system much different from Medicare Advantage for all. Sally Pipes. president of the Pacific Research Institute, has delivered those messages in her new book, “The ...

ObamaCare’s 8th Birthday is An Unhappy One for All Americans

When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has. Americans are worse off than we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Health insurance premiums and deductibles are soaring, and consumers face a shrinking number of insurance options. More ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses Her New Book on Encounter Books Podcast

PRI’s Sally C. Pipes joins Ben Weingarten on the Encounter Books podcast to discuss her new Encounter Broadside “The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care”, the state of Obamacare, how staggeringly wrong our politicians were about Medicare and Medicaid, and much more. To learn more about her new book, click ...

‘Medicare Extra’ Delivers Socialized Medicine In Slow Motion

The Center for American Progress, one of the nation’s most influential left-wing think tanks, just released a plan to repeal Obamacare. Unfortunately, the proposal would replace the law with something even worse — single-payer health care. CAP’s plan would impose single-payer gradually, over a period of at least eight years. But the ...

If You Like Waiting Hours For An Ambulance, You Might Like Single-Payer Health Care

“Hello, 911? I think I’m having a heart attack.” “We’ll send an ambulance to your address right away. It’ll be there in four hours. Good luck.” That’s the present reality for patients captive to the United Kingdom’s government-run, single-payer health care system. And it’s apparently what the progressives who have ...

What ‘United States of Care’ Truly Cares About

There’s a new kid on the health policy block. A deep-pocketed, nominally bipartisan advocacy group called United States of Care — which counts former governors, senators, and top health policy officials among its members — launched earlier this month to great media acclaim. Since its debut, the group hasn’t said much. Its ...

Sally Pipes Receives Honorary Doctorate from Pepperdine University School of Public Policy

Pacific Research Institute President and CEO Sally C. Pipes delivered this year’s commencement address to the graduates of the Pepperdine University School of Public Policy. At the event, she received an honorary doctor of humane letters degree – the university’s highest honor. The prepared text of Pipes’ remarks are below: ...

Sally Pipes in CA Health News: Calif. Leads Nation In Pushing Back Against Trump Administration Health Policies

(Story also ran in Los Angeles Times) By Ana B. Ibarra These days, when the federal government turns in one direction, California veers in the other — and in the case of healthcare, it’s a sharp swerve. In the nation’s most populous state, lawmakers and other policymakers seemingly are not content ...

Idaho Can’t Ignore ObamaCare Completely — But It Can Pry Open These Loopholes

Last month, the Trump administration saved ObamaCare from destruction. It was a difficult decision — and the correct one. Administration officials shot down a daring plan from Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter that would have allowed Idaho insurers to ignore ObamaCare’s premium-inflating regulations. Under the proposal, insurers would have been able ...

Expanding Affordable Healthcare in the States, The Legal Way

In March, the Trump administration saved Obamacare in Idaho. It was a hard decision for administration officials, who harbor no love for the health law. But it was the right call. Idaho officials wanted to help residents who have been harmed by Obamacare’s premium-inflating regulations. So they planned to allow ...
Health Care

Take Single-Payer Health Care Proposals Seriously: Sally Pipes

By Allison Bell Advocates of pure single-payer health care proposals for the United States are in a stronger position than ever, and those proposals would create a system much different from Medicare Advantage for all. Sally Pipes. president of the Pacific Research Institute, has delivered those messages in her new book, “The ...

ObamaCare’s 8th Birthday is An Unhappy One for All Americans

When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has. Americans are worse off than we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Health insurance premiums and deductibles are soaring, and consumers face a shrinking number of insurance options. More ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses Her New Book on Encounter Books Podcast

PRI’s Sally C. Pipes joins Ben Weingarten on the Encounter Books podcast to discuss her new Encounter Broadside “The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care”, the state of Obamacare, how staggeringly wrong our politicians were about Medicare and Medicaid, and much more. To learn more about her new book, click ...

‘Medicare Extra’ Delivers Socialized Medicine In Slow Motion

The Center for American Progress, one of the nation’s most influential left-wing think tanks, just released a plan to repeal Obamacare. Unfortunately, the proposal would replace the law with something even worse — single-payer health care. CAP’s plan would impose single-payer gradually, over a period of at least eight years. But the ...

If You Like Waiting Hours For An Ambulance, You Might Like Single-Payer Health Care

“Hello, 911? I think I’m having a heart attack.” “We’ll send an ambulance to your address right away. It’ll be there in four hours. Good luck.” That’s the present reality for patients captive to the United Kingdom’s government-run, single-payer health care system. And it’s apparently what the progressives who have ...

What ‘United States of Care’ Truly Cares About

There’s a new kid on the health policy block. A deep-pocketed, nominally bipartisan advocacy group called United States of Care — which counts former governors, senators, and top health policy officials among its members — launched earlier this month to great media acclaim. Since its debut, the group hasn’t said much. Its ...
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