

Blame unaffordable insurance on Obamacare

The number of uninsured Americans rose in 2018 for the first time since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, according to recent research from the Census Bureau. Obamacare’s defenders were quick to blame the change on meddling by the Trump administration. But the real culprit is the law’s faulty ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Mentioned in “Obamacare Reboots For Prescription Drugs Take Congress By Storm”

Everyone wants to live the American dream. But many of us also fear the American nightmare: An expensive medical problem that wipes out our financial security. Maybe it’s a trip to the emergency room, or a chronic illness that requires expensive prescription medicine. That shouldn’t destroy our lives. But to ...
Business & Economics

NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilars Study Shows Massive State and Taxpayer Savings Possible by Expanding Biosimilars Market

Biosimilars have the opportunity to bring significant savings to state Medicaid programs and consumers with commercial insurance according to a new study released today by Pacific Research Institute. “Every state would experience significant savings in the state Medicaid programs from expanding the use of biosimilars compared to the more expensive ...

ObamaCare, not Trump, is adding to the number of uninsured Americans

On Sept. 10, the Census Bureau announced that the share of Americans without health insurance increased for the first time since 2010, the year the Affordable Care Act became law. Defenders of ObamaCare immediately blamed President Trump for the increase in the uninsured rate. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, never one to mince words, said ...

Medicare’s finances are full of waste

A new report just uncovered millions of dollars in Medicare waste. The report, from the Office of the Inspector General at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, found that the agency paid for some of the same drugs twice, wasting $160 million. Unfortunately, this is only the latest example of ...
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes Comments on CA Medi-Cal expansion in CALmatters story

Democratic legislators are advancing a bill that aims to provide free health care to low-income undocumented seniors — an idea that they floated earlier this year, but which failed to make it into the state budget because of concerns over its cost. The bill, authored by Los Angeles Democrat Maria Elena ...
Health Care

Bidencare Is Bad News

As his chief competitors for the Democratic nomination for president rush to embrace Medicare for All, Joe Biden is running in the other direction. The former vice president has proposed building on Obamacare with a “public option,” which would let individuals purchase coverage from a new, government-run insurance plan. Biden ...

New Bombshell Report Reveals Obamacare’s Epic Medicaid Waste

Medicaid was created in 1965 to provide health coverage to impoverished Americans. But according to a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, it’s the insurer of record for a significant number of middle-class Americans. The cost to taxpayers? Hundreds of millions of dollars. The culprit for this epic ...

Bidencare is bad news

As his chief competitors for the Democratic nomination for president rush to embrace Medicare for All, Joe Biden is running in the other direction. The former vice president has proposed building on Obamacare with a “public option,” which would let individuals purchase coverage from a new, government-run insurance plan. Biden ...

More Competition Will Improve Drug Affordability

Making medicines more affordable for patients promises to be a top policy priority for Congress when it returns from its August recess. Achieving this goal does not require new, elaborate, government programs or regulations. It requires reforms that will empower biosimilars to more effectively compete against originator biologics. To see ...

Blame unaffordable insurance on Obamacare

The number of uninsured Americans rose in 2018 for the first time since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, according to recent research from the Census Bureau. Obamacare’s defenders were quick to blame the change on meddling by the Trump administration. But the real culprit is the law’s faulty ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Mentioned in “Obamacare Reboots For Prescription Drugs Take Congress By Storm”

Everyone wants to live the American dream. But many of us also fear the American nightmare: An expensive medical problem that wipes out our financial security. Maybe it’s a trip to the emergency room, or a chronic illness that requires expensive prescription medicine. That shouldn’t destroy our lives. But to ...
Business & Economics

NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilars Study Shows Massive State and Taxpayer Savings Possible by Expanding Biosimilars Market

Biosimilars have the opportunity to bring significant savings to state Medicaid programs and consumers with commercial insurance according to a new study released today by Pacific Research Institute. “Every state would experience significant savings in the state Medicaid programs from expanding the use of biosimilars compared to the more expensive ...

ObamaCare, not Trump, is adding to the number of uninsured Americans

On Sept. 10, the Census Bureau announced that the share of Americans without health insurance increased for the first time since 2010, the year the Affordable Care Act became law. Defenders of ObamaCare immediately blamed President Trump for the increase in the uninsured rate. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, never one to mince words, said ...

Medicare’s finances are full of waste

A new report just uncovered millions of dollars in Medicare waste. The report, from the Office of the Inspector General at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, found that the agency paid for some of the same drugs twice, wasting $160 million. Unfortunately, this is only the latest example of ...
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes Comments on CA Medi-Cal expansion in CALmatters story

Democratic legislators are advancing a bill that aims to provide free health care to low-income undocumented seniors — an idea that they floated earlier this year, but which failed to make it into the state budget because of concerns over its cost. The bill, authored by Los Angeles Democrat Maria Elena ...
Health Care

Bidencare Is Bad News

As his chief competitors for the Democratic nomination for president rush to embrace Medicare for All, Joe Biden is running in the other direction. The former vice president has proposed building on Obamacare with a “public option,” which would let individuals purchase coverage from a new, government-run insurance plan. Biden ...

New Bombshell Report Reveals Obamacare’s Epic Medicaid Waste

Medicaid was created in 1965 to provide health coverage to impoverished Americans. But according to a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, it’s the insurer of record for a significant number of middle-class Americans. The cost to taxpayers? Hundreds of millions of dollars. The culprit for this epic ...

Bidencare is bad news

As his chief competitors for the Democratic nomination for president rush to embrace Medicare for All, Joe Biden is running in the other direction. The former vice president has proposed building on Obamacare with a “public option,” which would let individuals purchase coverage from a new, government-run insurance plan. Biden ...

More Competition Will Improve Drug Affordability

Making medicines more affordable for patients promises to be a top policy priority for Congress when it returns from its August recess. Achieving this goal does not require new, elaborate, government programs or regulations. It requires reforms that will empower biosimilars to more effectively compete against originator biologics. To see ...
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