

Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed

ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...

To Help Patients, Reform The Drug Pricing System Don’t Impose Price Controls

Yesterday the House passed the ill-considered “Pelosi bill” that would impose draconian price controls on drugs. Ignoring the bill’s many adverse impacts, price control advocates like Speaker Pelosi appear to believe that these command and control schemes can solve the systemic health care affordability problem. But, as the latest government data illustrates, ...

Democrats Stage A Phony Retreat On Medicare For All

Not long ago, most leading Democrats were jostling for position aboard the “Medicare for All” bandwagon. But in the last few weeks, the political winds have shifted. Senator Elizabeth Warren has responded to her decline in the polls by embracing a public option for the first few years of her time in the White ...

State-Led Medicare For All Would Import All Of Canada’s Problems

Medicare for All is struggling to gain traction at the national level. Some progressives are hoping that left-leaning states will instead be able to lead the way. This month, California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna introduced the “State-Based Universal Health Care Act,” a bill that would let states take all the ...

Colorado’s public option is bad news

Colorado officials just released their plan to overhaul the state’s health care system. The proposal would make a state-sponsored insurance plan available to Colorado residents shopping for health insurance, starting in January 2022. Proponents of this “state option” claim it will expand access to affordable coverage and encourage competition in ...

Understanding ‘Medicare for All’ Could Make Seniors Vote Red

Politicians can be amazingly adept at blowing smoke, especially while electioneering. With the 2020 presidential race unfolding, there is no better example of the phenomenon than the Democrats’ mantra of “Medicare for All.” Healthcare is certainly top-of-mind for many seniors, who are projected to make up nearly a quarter of the ...

TennCare block grant will serve as blueprint for the country

Tennessee has a plan to revolutionize health care for its low-income residents. The Volunteer State is petitioning the federal government to fund its Medicaid program, TennCare, with an annual lump-sum payment. The Medicaid funding status quo, wherein the federal government matches every dollar a state spends on the program, encourages ...

Elizabeth Warren misleads Americans on harm and costs of ‘Medicare-for-all’

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren promised to release her plan to pay for “Medicare-for-all.” Throughout her campaign, Warren has come under fire for refusing to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class to fund her health care plan. Many of her fellow Democrats —  including “Medicare-for-all” architect Bernie Sanders — ...

Medicare’s Denial Of Coverage To Kidney Patients Could Be Just The Beginning

In September 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sent an email announcing that it would no longer cover Auryxia®. Auryxia® is an FDA approved medicine that treats iron deficiency anemia (anemia) for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but who are not on dialysis. People with CKD ...

Mayor Pete’s Medicare for All Who Want It plan as flawed as Medicare for All

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in hot water with progressives. At last week’s Democratic presidential debate in Ohio, he attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren for refusing to say whether her preferred brand of health reform, Medicare for All, would require middle-class tax hikes. Soon after, a year-old tweet from the South Bend, ...

Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed

ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...

To Help Patients, Reform The Drug Pricing System Don’t Impose Price Controls

Yesterday the House passed the ill-considered “Pelosi bill” that would impose draconian price controls on drugs. Ignoring the bill’s many adverse impacts, price control advocates like Speaker Pelosi appear to believe that these command and control schemes can solve the systemic health care affordability problem. But, as the latest government data illustrates, ...

Democrats Stage A Phony Retreat On Medicare For All

Not long ago, most leading Democrats were jostling for position aboard the “Medicare for All” bandwagon. But in the last few weeks, the political winds have shifted. Senator Elizabeth Warren has responded to her decline in the polls by embracing a public option for the first few years of her time in the White ...

State-Led Medicare For All Would Import All Of Canada’s Problems

Medicare for All is struggling to gain traction at the national level. Some progressives are hoping that left-leaning states will instead be able to lead the way. This month, California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna introduced the “State-Based Universal Health Care Act,” a bill that would let states take all the ...

Colorado’s public option is bad news

Colorado officials just released their plan to overhaul the state’s health care system. The proposal would make a state-sponsored insurance plan available to Colorado residents shopping for health insurance, starting in January 2022. Proponents of this “state option” claim it will expand access to affordable coverage and encourage competition in ...

Understanding ‘Medicare for All’ Could Make Seniors Vote Red

Politicians can be amazingly adept at blowing smoke, especially while electioneering. With the 2020 presidential race unfolding, there is no better example of the phenomenon than the Democrats’ mantra of “Medicare for All.” Healthcare is certainly top-of-mind for many seniors, who are projected to make up nearly a quarter of the ...

TennCare block grant will serve as blueprint for the country

Tennessee has a plan to revolutionize health care for its low-income residents. The Volunteer State is petitioning the federal government to fund its Medicaid program, TennCare, with an annual lump-sum payment. The Medicaid funding status quo, wherein the federal government matches every dollar a state spends on the program, encourages ...

Elizabeth Warren misleads Americans on harm and costs of ‘Medicare-for-all’

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren promised to release her plan to pay for “Medicare-for-all.” Throughout her campaign, Warren has come under fire for refusing to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class to fund her health care plan. Many of her fellow Democrats —  including “Medicare-for-all” architect Bernie Sanders — ...

Medicare’s Denial Of Coverage To Kidney Patients Could Be Just The Beginning

In September 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sent an email announcing that it would no longer cover Auryxia®. Auryxia® is an FDA approved medicine that treats iron deficiency anemia (anemia) for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but who are not on dialysis. People with CKD ...

Mayor Pete’s Medicare for All Who Want It plan as flawed as Medicare for All

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in hot water with progressives. At last week’s Democratic presidential debate in Ohio, he attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren for refusing to say whether her preferred brand of health reform, Medicare for All, would require middle-class tax hikes. Soon after, a year-old tweet from the South Bend, ...
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