

Canadian Father Dies Due To Covid-19 Delays For Single-Payer Elective Surgeries

Last August, Chris Walcroft, a 50-year old Canadian father of two, was told that he would be dead within a year without dialysis, according to reporting from CTV News. His kidneys were failing. His doctor scheduled a surgery for mid-March to implant a fistula, which is necessary for dialysis. Modern medical ...

Biden’s radical health care plans – here’s what they mean for you

When Democrats gather – virtually – for their nominating convention this week, health care is sure to take center stage. Not only is the world in the midst of a historic pandemic, but Democrats have spent the last few years making health care reform their flagship issue. Yet for voters who value things like choice, lower taxes ...

Dems use coronavirus to push ‘Medicare-for-all,’ but their ploy is based on bad information

More than 5 million Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health insurance due to coronavirus-related unemployment, according to a new study from FamiliesUSA. In response, Democrats are renewing their push for “Medicare-for-all”. Just this week, 360 Democratic delegates promised to vote against any party platform that doesn’t endorse single-payer health care. In their formal petition, ...

Mourning The Many Foibles Of Medicare And Medicaid At 55

Today, Medicare and Medicaid both mark their 55th birthdays. But hold the cake. There’s not much to celebrate on this anniversary. You’d be hard pressed to find two more wasteful, fraud-ridden programs than Medicare and Medicaid. They grow less fiscally sustainable with each passing year. And they routinely deliver subpar care that, ...

After COVID-19 subsides, ‘the telehealth revolution must march on’

It’s hard to find a silver lining in a pandemic. But one of the few may be the rapid rise of telemedicine. With people stuck at home, doctors retooled their practices to see patients via videoconference. Insurance companies and regulators expanded the number of services available via telemedicine—and made reimbursement ...

Trump’s drug pricing executive orders harmful to patients — will hinder development of new drugs

President Trump issued four executive orders Friday that he said will lower drug prices — but in reality, three of the orders will cause far more harm than good and represent electioneering at its worst. The three harmful executive orders allow the importation of drugs from Canada, reduce the price ...

Biden a moderate? Sanders, AOC plans for candidate suggest this instead

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has long been considered a political moderate. A new report from his “unity” task forces should put that reputation to rest. The 110-page document offers detailed policy recommendations for an incoming Biden administration. It would represent the most left-wing governing program of any president ...

Medicaid Expansion Will Add To Oklahoma’s Woes

Late last month, Oklahoma voters narrowly approved a ballot measure expanding the state’s Medicaid program to childless adults making up to 138% of the poverty level under the terms of Obamacare. Missouri could follow suit next month when a similar ballot initiative comes up for a vote. Medicaid expansion seems ...

Reforms Should Empower Healthcare Entrepreneurs Not Bureaucrats

Unaffordable healthcare is an unnecessary access barrier that has burdened too many people with financially ruinous debt. Worsening these outcomes, healthcare waste is excessive, and productivity is stagnating. In response, more and more policymakers are favoring reforms that would nationalize healthcare or create a public health insurance option. Further socializing ...

Dems Want to Use Medicaid to Incinerate Yet More Taxpayer Money

Congressional Democrats are looking to put billions more federal dollars into Medicaid as part of their plan to fight COVID-19. The HEROES Act, which narrowly passed the House in May, would temporarily increase the share of the program’s spending covered by the federal government, to the tune of $45 billion ...

Canadian Father Dies Due To Covid-19 Delays For Single-Payer Elective Surgeries

Last August, Chris Walcroft, a 50-year old Canadian father of two, was told that he would be dead within a year without dialysis, according to reporting from CTV News. His kidneys were failing. His doctor scheduled a surgery for mid-March to implant a fistula, which is necessary for dialysis. Modern medical ...

Biden’s radical health care plans – here’s what they mean for you

When Democrats gather – virtually – for their nominating convention this week, health care is sure to take center stage. Not only is the world in the midst of a historic pandemic, but Democrats have spent the last few years making health care reform their flagship issue. Yet for voters who value things like choice, lower taxes ...

Dems use coronavirus to push ‘Medicare-for-all,’ but their ploy is based on bad information

More than 5 million Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health insurance due to coronavirus-related unemployment, according to a new study from FamiliesUSA. In response, Democrats are renewing their push for “Medicare-for-all”. Just this week, 360 Democratic delegates promised to vote against any party platform that doesn’t endorse single-payer health care. In their formal petition, ...

Mourning The Many Foibles Of Medicare And Medicaid At 55

Today, Medicare and Medicaid both mark their 55th birthdays. But hold the cake. There’s not much to celebrate on this anniversary. You’d be hard pressed to find two more wasteful, fraud-ridden programs than Medicare and Medicaid. They grow less fiscally sustainable with each passing year. And they routinely deliver subpar care that, ...

After COVID-19 subsides, ‘the telehealth revolution must march on’

It’s hard to find a silver lining in a pandemic. But one of the few may be the rapid rise of telemedicine. With people stuck at home, doctors retooled their practices to see patients via videoconference. Insurance companies and regulators expanded the number of services available via telemedicine—and made reimbursement ...

Trump’s drug pricing executive orders harmful to patients — will hinder development of new drugs

President Trump issued four executive orders Friday that he said will lower drug prices — but in reality, three of the orders will cause far more harm than good and represent electioneering at its worst. The three harmful executive orders allow the importation of drugs from Canada, reduce the price ...

Biden a moderate? Sanders, AOC plans for candidate suggest this instead

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has long been considered a political moderate. A new report from his “unity” task forces should put that reputation to rest. The 110-page document offers detailed policy recommendations for an incoming Biden administration. It would represent the most left-wing governing program of any president ...

Medicaid Expansion Will Add To Oklahoma’s Woes

Late last month, Oklahoma voters narrowly approved a ballot measure expanding the state’s Medicaid program to childless adults making up to 138% of the poverty level under the terms of Obamacare. Missouri could follow suit next month when a similar ballot initiative comes up for a vote. Medicaid expansion seems ...

Reforms Should Empower Healthcare Entrepreneurs Not Bureaucrats

Unaffordable healthcare is an unnecessary access barrier that has burdened too many people with financially ruinous debt. Worsening these outcomes, healthcare waste is excessive, and productivity is stagnating. In response, more and more policymakers are favoring reforms that would nationalize healthcare or create a public health insurance option. Further socializing ...

Dems Want to Use Medicaid to Incinerate Yet More Taxpayer Money

Congressional Democrats are looking to put billions more federal dollars into Medicaid as part of their plan to fight COVID-19. The HEROES Act, which narrowly passed the House in May, would temporarily increase the share of the program’s spending covered by the federal government, to the tune of $45 billion ...
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