

Don’t Lower the Medicare Eligibility Age

President-elect Joe Biden wants Congress to lower the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60. That’s long been a goal of Democrats. But even 7 in 10 Republicans have expressed support for expanding Medicare in the direction Biden has suggested, according to polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Opening up ...

Republicans and Democrats missing the point on prescription drug costs

Bashing drug companies, long a bipartisan pastime, reached a fever pitch when President Trump recently announced a new federal rule aimed at slashing the prices Medicare pays for some lifesaving medications. Republicans and Democrats alike are stuck on the idea that the best way to reduce our nation’s health care bill is ...

What uninsured crisis?

Roughly 30 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. But there’s more to that 30-million figure than meets the eye. The majority are more or less uninsured by choice. Getting those folks covered can be done for a lot less than the hundreds of ...

Biden His Time On Health Care?

It’s all but certain that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. Down the ballot, though, Democrats didn’t fare as well. They lost seats in the House. And Republicans appear poised to hold onto the Senate, provided they win at least one of two upcoming runoff ...

Make relaxed state-based telehealth restrictions permanent

Imagine you’re traveling from Nashville to Louisville to visit your grandmother. When you’re 15 minutes from her house, you decide to call to let her know you’ll be arriving soon. For some reason, your mobile phone doesn’t connect. So you stop at a payphone to call your wireless phone provider. ...

The ‘public option’ will destroy choice

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has made it abundantly clear that he opposes the “Medicare for All” model of health reform favored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Instead, Biden proposes creating a public insurance option that would compete against private insurers on Obamacare’s exchanges. ...

BidenCare would bring socialized medicine and end private health insurance

When President Trump accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at their debate Thursday of supporting socialized medicine, Biden called the claim “ridiculous.” But in fact, Trump is right. The former vice president is trying to position himself as a moderate on health care — someone who will build on ObamaCare. ...

Cleveland Is Trump’s Best Chance To Reshape The Healthcare Conversation

This week, President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will square off in Cleveland for the first of three debates. The two candidates will have no shortage of disagreements to air, but one subject in particular is sure to receive significant attention—health care. From the pandemic response to the ...

Supreme Court and ObamaCare – here’s what to expect if law is not upheld

The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has suddenly made the demise of ObamaCare a possibility. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a case challenging the law’s constitutionality, California v. Texas, on Nov. 10, just a week after the election. Justice Ginsburg was a sure vote to uphold ObamaCare. Her replacement may not be. What would a ...

Fans of Medicare for All Have an Ally in Biden

So far in his campaign for president, Democratic nominee Joe Biden has assiduously avoided endorsing Medicare for All — much to the chagrin of a growing number of Democrats. A recent Hill-HarrisX poll finds that 87 percent of Democrats favor Medicare for All. And numerous delegates to the convention voted ...

Don’t Lower the Medicare Eligibility Age

President-elect Joe Biden wants Congress to lower the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60. That’s long been a goal of Democrats. But even 7 in 10 Republicans have expressed support for expanding Medicare in the direction Biden has suggested, according to polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Opening up ...

Republicans and Democrats missing the point on prescription drug costs

Bashing drug companies, long a bipartisan pastime, reached a fever pitch when President Trump recently announced a new federal rule aimed at slashing the prices Medicare pays for some lifesaving medications. Republicans and Democrats alike are stuck on the idea that the best way to reduce our nation’s health care bill is ...

What uninsured crisis?

Roughly 30 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. But there’s more to that 30-million figure than meets the eye. The majority are more or less uninsured by choice. Getting those folks covered can be done for a lot less than the hundreds of ...

Biden His Time On Health Care?

It’s all but certain that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. Down the ballot, though, Democrats didn’t fare as well. They lost seats in the House. And Republicans appear poised to hold onto the Senate, provided they win at least one of two upcoming runoff ...

Make relaxed state-based telehealth restrictions permanent

Imagine you’re traveling from Nashville to Louisville to visit your grandmother. When you’re 15 minutes from her house, you decide to call to let her know you’ll be arriving soon. For some reason, your mobile phone doesn’t connect. So you stop at a payphone to call your wireless phone provider. ...

The ‘public option’ will destroy choice

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has made it abundantly clear that he opposes the “Medicare for All” model of health reform favored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Instead, Biden proposes creating a public insurance option that would compete against private insurers on Obamacare’s exchanges. ...

BidenCare would bring socialized medicine and end private health insurance

When President Trump accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at their debate Thursday of supporting socialized medicine, Biden called the claim “ridiculous.” But in fact, Trump is right. The former vice president is trying to position himself as a moderate on health care — someone who will build on ObamaCare. ...

Cleveland Is Trump’s Best Chance To Reshape The Healthcare Conversation

This week, President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will square off in Cleveland for the first of three debates. The two candidates will have no shortage of disagreements to air, but one subject in particular is sure to receive significant attention—health care. From the pandemic response to the ...

Supreme Court and ObamaCare – here’s what to expect if law is not upheld

The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has suddenly made the demise of ObamaCare a possibility. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a case challenging the law’s constitutionality, California v. Texas, on Nov. 10, just a week after the election. Justice Ginsburg was a sure vote to uphold ObamaCare. Her replacement may not be. What would a ...

Fans of Medicare for All Have an Ally in Biden

So far in his campaign for president, Democratic nominee Joe Biden has assiduously avoided endorsing Medicare for All — much to the chagrin of a growing number of Democrats. A recent Hill-HarrisX poll finds that 87 percent of Democrats favor Medicare for All. And numerous delegates to the convention voted ...
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