

New York’s Single-Payer Healthcare Bill Remains A Disastrous Idea

New York Democrats hope that 2021 is the year socialized medicine finally arrives in the Empire State. Senator Gustavo Rivera, the chairman of the state Senate Health Committee, is reportedly planning to introduce the New York Health Act, which would ban private insurance and force all New Yorkers onto a ...

Don’t Overreact to Rising Health Spending

U.S. healthcare spending has reached a new high, according to the latest federal data. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimate national health expenditures reached $3.8 trillion in 2019, an increase of 4.6 percent over the previous year. That’s just under 18 percent of the national economy. It’s more ...

President Biden, It’s Time To Admit Obamacare’s Flaws

Starting today, uninsured Americans will be able to sign up for health plans through the federal exchange during a new special enrollment period through May 15. Created by one of President Biden’s first executive orders, it’s intended to help “restore and strengthen Americans’ access to quality, affordable health care.” ...

California’s Winter of Discontent

It comes as no surprise that a recent Gallup poll showed that Americans now believe that the biggest problem in the country are its politicians (29 percent), not the pandemic (22 percent). While tens of millions are frustratingly looking for a COVID-19 vaccine, the Biden Administration is busy fighting climate ...

Biden’s health care plans – this is what Americans can expect from Democrats

Last week, President Joe Biden signed executive orders that will re-open ObamaCare’s insurance exchanges from Feb. 15 through May 15 and direct federal agencies to re-examine some of the health care rules enacted by the Trump administration. There’s a limit to what Biden can accomplish by executive action. But with narrow control of Congress, there’s still plenty ...

Biden’s ill-advised Obamacare rescue mission

President Biden has proposed a $1.9 trillion stimulus plan that includes billions in new subsidies for health insurance purchased on Obamacare’s exchanges. That may be good news for people who get coverage through those marketplaces. But is it really the best use of taxpayer resources, given that many of those ...

Biden sets the stage for a radical health care agenda

President Joe Biden recently announced his picks to lead his administration’s approach to health care policy — and moderate they are not. Take his nominee to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra. He served in the House for 12 terms but has no on-the-ground experience in public ...

Price Transparency: A Gift To Americans In The New Year

The New Year is starting off with a healthcare victory for American patients. On January 1, a new rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services went into effect requiring hospitals to publish the prices they negotiate with insurers for various medical procedures. Previously, those prices had been secret. ...

Americans are getting a good return on their healthcare spending

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released new data on Dec. 16 on health expenditures. In 2019, overall spending rose 4.6% to reach a total of $3.8 trillion, or 17.7% of the economy. That’s enough to make anyone do a double take. But a deeper look at the data ...

Work Requirements Can Preserve Medicaid For Those Who Need It Most

This month, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case early next year that will decide whether states have the power to impose work requirements as a condition of receiving Medicaid benefits. The question before the high court is a legal one. But as a matter of policy, work requirements are a great ...

New York’s Single-Payer Healthcare Bill Remains A Disastrous Idea

New York Democrats hope that 2021 is the year socialized medicine finally arrives in the Empire State. Senator Gustavo Rivera, the chairman of the state Senate Health Committee, is reportedly planning to introduce the New York Health Act, which would ban private insurance and force all New Yorkers onto a ...

Don’t Overreact to Rising Health Spending

U.S. healthcare spending has reached a new high, according to the latest federal data. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimate national health expenditures reached $3.8 trillion in 2019, an increase of 4.6 percent over the previous year. That’s just under 18 percent of the national economy. It’s more ...

President Biden, It’s Time To Admit Obamacare’s Flaws

Starting today, uninsured Americans will be able to sign up for health plans through the federal exchange during a new special enrollment period through May 15. Created by one of President Biden’s first executive orders, it’s intended to help “restore and strengthen Americans’ access to quality, affordable health care.” ...

California’s Winter of Discontent

It comes as no surprise that a recent Gallup poll showed that Americans now believe that the biggest problem in the country are its politicians (29 percent), not the pandemic (22 percent). While tens of millions are frustratingly looking for a COVID-19 vaccine, the Biden Administration is busy fighting climate ...

Biden’s health care plans – this is what Americans can expect from Democrats

Last week, President Joe Biden signed executive orders that will re-open ObamaCare’s insurance exchanges from Feb. 15 through May 15 and direct federal agencies to re-examine some of the health care rules enacted by the Trump administration. There’s a limit to what Biden can accomplish by executive action. But with narrow control of Congress, there’s still plenty ...

Biden’s ill-advised Obamacare rescue mission

President Biden has proposed a $1.9 trillion stimulus plan that includes billions in new subsidies for health insurance purchased on Obamacare’s exchanges. That may be good news for people who get coverage through those marketplaces. But is it really the best use of taxpayer resources, given that many of those ...

Biden sets the stage for a radical health care agenda

President Joe Biden recently announced his picks to lead his administration’s approach to health care policy — and moderate they are not. Take his nominee to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra. He served in the House for 12 terms but has no on-the-ground experience in public ...

Price Transparency: A Gift To Americans In The New Year

The New Year is starting off with a healthcare victory for American patients. On January 1, a new rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services went into effect requiring hospitals to publish the prices they negotiate with insurers for various medical procedures. Previously, those prices had been secret. ...

Americans are getting a good return on their healthcare spending

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released new data on Dec. 16 on health expenditures. In 2019, overall spending rose 4.6% to reach a total of $3.8 trillion, or 17.7% of the economy. That’s enough to make anyone do a double take. But a deeper look at the data ...

Work Requirements Can Preserve Medicaid For Those Who Need It Most

This month, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case early next year that will decide whether states have the power to impose work requirements as a condition of receiving Medicaid benefits. The question before the high court is a legal one. But as a matter of policy, work requirements are a great ...
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