

Tax Cuts, the “New New Thing”, but not for Californians

COVID-19 launched a whole host of trends, from house remodeling to restaurant delivery to working from home.  But who knew that tax relief would become in vogue?  Thanks to revenue windfalls and the prospect of employees working from anywhere, state tax-cuts have been sweeping the nation. The Tax Foundation reports ...

This Medicare change should concern seniors

Earlier this month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced plans to cut Medicare’s payment rates to physicians by nearly 4%. The announcement comes just days before the program turns 56 on July 30. The pay cut, which has received intense pushback from several physician groups, is slated to ...

Democrats $3.5 Trillion Budget Leaves the Health Care Sector as Broken as Ever

One of the most striking aspects of the $3.5 trillion budget resolution proposed last week by Senate Democrats is how little it does to improve America’s ailing healthcare system. The plan funnels massive sums of money into everything from Medicare and Medicaid to Obamacare’s premium tax credits. But it utterly fails to ...

Biden Takes Obamacare From Bad to Worse

The Biden administration just announced a set of new proposals aimed at expanding access to coverage through Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. The actual effects of these reforms will be inconsequential at best — and at worst, harmful. The main problem with the online marketplaces is that the plans on offer ...

Medicare expansion is a costly, ineffective reform

Last week, House Democrats introduced legislation that would add dental, vision, and hearing benefits to Medicare. Lawmakers want to include the measure in a massive, multitrillion-dollar budget reconciliation package later this year. Increasing benefits for today’s Medicare beneficiaries could eliminate them for tomorrow’s. Medicare can barely afford to provide its current level ...

Telehealth is a rare good thing to come from the pandemic. Let’s make it permanent

It’s time for your annual physical. You make an appointment with your doctor and mark the date on your calendar. But when the day arrives, you don’t set aside two to three hours or wait for a nurse to call your name in a sterile doctor’s office. You log onto ...

Stop The Bid To Expand Medicare

Progressives in Congress are laying the groundwork to expand Medicare by the slimmest of margins later this year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the head of the Senate Budget Committee, is teeing up a $6 trillion legislative package that would, among other things, lower the age at which older adults become ...

Democrats’ Medicare Plan Lavishes Billions on Patients Who Don’t Need It

Medicare is running out of money. According to a recent report from the Congressional Budget Office, the program’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is projected to be insolvent in 2024. At that point, there won’t be enough tax revenue coming in to cover the claims costs of the program’s beneficiaries. Naturally, ...

States are better off without Medicaid expansion

Congressional Democrats are debating several ways to offer Medicaid coverage to low-income, able-bodied adults in the 12 states that have refused to expand the program under Obamacare. Spending more federal dollars on the country’s largest entitlement is a bad idea. Medicaid is an unsustainable program that costs a fortune yet ...

The American Left’s Obsession with Government-Run Health Care Defies Reality

Fresh off their successful defense of Obamacare before the U.S. Supreme Court, Democrats are looking to expand government control over the country’s healthcare system. Lawmakers in the House and Senate have requested information on how to create a new public health insurance option. Senate Democrats led by Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., want to lower the ...

Tax Cuts, the “New New Thing”, but not for Californians

COVID-19 launched a whole host of trends, from house remodeling to restaurant delivery to working from home.  But who knew that tax relief would become in vogue?  Thanks to revenue windfalls and the prospect of employees working from anywhere, state tax-cuts have been sweeping the nation. The Tax Foundation reports ...

This Medicare change should concern seniors

Earlier this month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced plans to cut Medicare’s payment rates to physicians by nearly 4%. The announcement comes just days before the program turns 56 on July 30. The pay cut, which has received intense pushback from several physician groups, is slated to ...

Democrats $3.5 Trillion Budget Leaves the Health Care Sector as Broken as Ever

One of the most striking aspects of the $3.5 trillion budget resolution proposed last week by Senate Democrats is how little it does to improve America’s ailing healthcare system. The plan funnels massive sums of money into everything from Medicare and Medicaid to Obamacare’s premium tax credits. But it utterly fails to ...

Biden Takes Obamacare From Bad to Worse

The Biden administration just announced a set of new proposals aimed at expanding access to coverage through Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. The actual effects of these reforms will be inconsequential at best — and at worst, harmful. The main problem with the online marketplaces is that the plans on offer ...

Medicare expansion is a costly, ineffective reform

Last week, House Democrats introduced legislation that would add dental, vision, and hearing benefits to Medicare. Lawmakers want to include the measure in a massive, multitrillion-dollar budget reconciliation package later this year. Increasing benefits for today’s Medicare beneficiaries could eliminate them for tomorrow’s. Medicare can barely afford to provide its current level ...

Telehealth is a rare good thing to come from the pandemic. Let’s make it permanent

It’s time for your annual physical. You make an appointment with your doctor and mark the date on your calendar. But when the day arrives, you don’t set aside two to three hours or wait for a nurse to call your name in a sterile doctor’s office. You log onto ...

Stop The Bid To Expand Medicare

Progressives in Congress are laying the groundwork to expand Medicare by the slimmest of margins later this year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the head of the Senate Budget Committee, is teeing up a $6 trillion legislative package that would, among other things, lower the age at which older adults become ...

Democrats’ Medicare Plan Lavishes Billions on Patients Who Don’t Need It

Medicare is running out of money. According to a recent report from the Congressional Budget Office, the program’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is projected to be insolvent in 2024. At that point, there won’t be enough tax revenue coming in to cover the claims costs of the program’s beneficiaries. Naturally, ...

States are better off without Medicaid expansion

Congressional Democrats are debating several ways to offer Medicaid coverage to low-income, able-bodied adults in the 12 states that have refused to expand the program under Obamacare. Spending more federal dollars on the country’s largest entitlement is a bad idea. Medicaid is an unsustainable program that costs a fortune yet ...

The American Left’s Obsession with Government-Run Health Care Defies Reality

Fresh off their successful defense of Obamacare before the U.S. Supreme Court, Democrats are looking to expand government control over the country’s healthcare system. Lawmakers in the House and Senate have requested information on how to create a new public health insurance option. Senate Democrats led by Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., want to lower the ...
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