Business & Economics
Increasing Liability Risks Threaten Growth and Trouble Boards
A study conducted by Lloyds, a London based insurance market, reveals that board members are increasingly concerned about the increasing number of corporate litigation cases facing the boards and the escalating cost in mitigating such risks. “Among the companies surveyed, almost seven in ten have faced lawsuits in the past ...
Fayazuddin A Shirazi
July 29, 2008
Business & Economics
Wisconsin County Is Optimistic About Non-Subsidized Wireless
Racine County, Wisconsin is less than a year away from full countywide wireless coverage, according to its own estimates projecting implementation by April 2009. The county has partnered with nationwide Internet service provider (ISP) eVergent Technologies and Milwaukee-based Midwest Fiber Networks. Racine County is sparsely populated, which has historically led ...
Phillip Rolen
July 1, 2008
Business & Economics
Senate Hearing on Net Neutrality Raises New Piracy Concerns
The role of piracy in the net neutrality debate roiled a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee hearing on May 6. Lawmakers of the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet entertained arguments regarding Chairman Ed Markey’s bill (HR 5353) that would establish net neutrality as the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) governing ...
Jonathan Strong
July 1, 2008
Business & Economics
New Orleans Will Shutter its Muni Wi-Fi
New Orleans has lost its municipal wi-fi system as its primary provider, Earthlink, decided to exit the sector altogether. The city government chose not to take over the system, which ceased operations effective May 18. City officials have not responded to requests to explain their decision, but the ongoing challenges ...
Doug Weihnacht
July 1, 2008
Business & Economics
California City Will Take Over Abandoned Muni Wi-Fi System
The city council of Milpitas, California has unanimously approved a city takeover of the municipal wi-fi system installed a year ago by Earthlink. The company is abandoning the Milpitas infrastructure as it exits the muni wi-fi sector nationwide. Milpitas plans to maintain and operate the wi-fi system purely for city ...
Doug Weihnacht
July 1, 2008
Russia’s Failed Universal Health Care Program Exposes the Perils of Single-Payer Systems
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 Despite doubling government spending, Russian system remains a model of what not to do Despite outgoing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s doubling of state spending on health care over the past two years, complaints about crumbling infrastructure, poor quality of medical services, and ...
Rina Shah
June 1, 2008
Climate Change
Climate change contrarian: How green hysteria will hit the US
If the ‘progressives’ get their way on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it will be ordinary Americans who suffer, says John Entine Let’s call it the black box syndrome: making revolutionary changes or new products without any real handle on what has actually been created or the potential impact. No-one really ...
Jon Entine
May 16, 2008
Business & Economics
Excessive regulations a major barrier to business growth
The General Assembly has spent a great deal of time in recent years working on legislation that will help build a stronger business climate in Ohio. In 2005, we passed tax reform, which included a 21 percent income tax cut for Ohio taxpayers; the elimination of the state’s tangible personal ...
Sen. John Carey
May 8, 2008
Business & Economics
Wireless Silicon Valley Plan Revived
In an effort to revive a failed municipal wireless project originally envisioned to cover most of Silicon Valley, Covad Communications has launched a technology trial of a WiFi overlay network in San Carlos, California. The competitive local exchange carrier Covad became part of the Wireless Silicon Valley project in February, ...
Steven Titch
May 1, 2008
Climate Change
The Real Cost of Tackling Climate Change
The usual chorus of environmentalists and editorial writers has chimed in to attack President Bush’s recent speech on climate change. In his address of April 23, he put forth a goal of stopping the growth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025. “Way too little and way too ...
Steven F. Hayward
April 28, 2008
Increasing Liability Risks Threaten Growth and Trouble Boards
A study conducted by Lloyds, a London based insurance market, reveals that board members are increasingly concerned about the increasing number of corporate litigation cases facing the boards and the escalating cost in mitigating such risks. “Among the companies surveyed, almost seven in ten have faced lawsuits in the past ...
Wisconsin County Is Optimistic About Non-Subsidized Wireless
Racine County, Wisconsin is less than a year away from full countywide wireless coverage, according to its own estimates projecting implementation by April 2009. The county has partnered with nationwide Internet service provider (ISP) eVergent Technologies and Milwaukee-based Midwest Fiber Networks. Racine County is sparsely populated, which has historically led ...
Senate Hearing on Net Neutrality Raises New Piracy Concerns
The role of piracy in the net neutrality debate roiled a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee hearing on May 6. Lawmakers of the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet entertained arguments regarding Chairman Ed Markey’s bill (HR 5353) that would establish net neutrality as the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) governing ...
New Orleans Will Shutter its Muni Wi-Fi
New Orleans has lost its municipal wi-fi system as its primary provider, Earthlink, decided to exit the sector altogether. The city government chose not to take over the system, which ceased operations effective May 18. City officials have not responded to requests to explain their decision, but the ongoing challenges ...
California City Will Take Over Abandoned Muni Wi-Fi System
The city council of Milpitas, California has unanimously approved a city takeover of the municipal wi-fi system installed a year ago by Earthlink. The company is abandoning the Milpitas infrastructure as it exits the muni wi-fi sector nationwide. Milpitas plans to maintain and operate the wi-fi system purely for city ...
Russia’s Failed Universal Health Care Program Exposes the Perils of Single-Payer Systems
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 Despite doubling government spending, Russian system remains a model of what not to do Despite outgoing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s doubling of state spending on health care over the past two years, complaints about crumbling infrastructure, poor quality of medical services, and ...
Climate change contrarian: How green hysteria will hit the US
If the ‘progressives’ get their way on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it will be ordinary Americans who suffer, says John Entine Let’s call it the black box syndrome: making revolutionary changes or new products without any real handle on what has actually been created or the potential impact. No-one really ...
Excessive regulations a major barrier to business growth
The General Assembly has spent a great deal of time in recent years working on legislation that will help build a stronger business climate in Ohio. In 2005, we passed tax reform, which included a 21 percent income tax cut for Ohio taxpayers; the elimination of the state’s tangible personal ...
Wireless Silicon Valley Plan Revived
In an effort to revive a failed municipal wireless project originally envisioned to cover most of Silicon Valley, Covad Communications has launched a technology trial of a WiFi overlay network in San Carlos, California. The competitive local exchange carrier Covad became part of the Wireless Silicon Valley project in February, ...
The Real Cost of Tackling Climate Change
The usual chorus of environmentalists and editorial writers has chimed in to attack President Bush’s recent speech on climate change. In his address of April 23, he put forth a goal of stopping the growth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025. “Way too little and way too ...