

“The Thrill is Gone” for the State of the State

Today is one of the biggest events of the year at the State Capitol – the Governor’s State of the State Address. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was Governor, it was literally a circus.  the entire lawn of the Capitol was literally filled with dozens of satellite trucks.  There were so many ...

They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...

Infrastructure Should Be Budget Priority – Here’s 2 Smart Ways to Make It So

Repairing California’s crumbling roads and highways, and investing in our other infrastructure needs should be at the top of the agenda in Sacramento.  Often, it falls victim to other budget priorities. There’s no question that setting aside a secure and stable annual funding stream to fix our roads, bridges, and ...

Brown’s Budget Rejects Tax Rebates, Ignores Need for State Tax Reform

Gov. Jerry Brown’s 2018-19 budget proposal is projecting a $6.1 billion surplus by July 1, 2019, further evidence that the taxpayers of California have been overcharged. But there will be no rebates. Brown said at his press conference Wednesday that, in effect, the sky would fall if you give tax ...

Democrats Idolize Canada’s Health System as It Recovers from Worst Year Ever

Mainstream Democrats are clamoring for Canadian-style single-payer health care — a demand once relegated to the far-left fringe of the party. Sixteen Senate Democrats, including several with aspirations for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, have signed onto Sen. Bernie Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan. Fealty to single-payer is already proving ...

While California Put on ‘Road Diet,’ Drivers Still Stuck in Traffic Gridlock

Quick, name the place where drivers suffer through maybe the worst traffic on Earth while policymakers are committed to making it altogether intolerable. Yes, of course it’s California. Earlier this year, Inrix, a transportation analytics firm, ranked Los Angeles as the city with the worst traffic in the world, as ...
Business & Economics

Foreign Experiments With Trickle-Down Tax Cuts: A Rare Proposition For A Robust Economy

By Jason Margolis “The Word”/Public Radio International In the late 1970s, Ireland’s economy was struggling. So they decided to cut business taxes dramatically while also increasing individual taxes including on the middle class. The idea was that stronger businesses would benefit everyone. It worked. “For the following 25 years, they had really rapid ...

Maine’s Medicaid Mistake Could Cost Lives

As featured in Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing Maine made history earlier this month by becoming the first state to adopt Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion via ballot initiative. The vote could inspire progressive activists in other states to push for similar referenda. Expanding Medicaid to cover childless, able-bodied adults would blow ...

New Report Shows Legislature’s “Housing Day” Won’t Increase Affordability

California’s Legislature made a run at fixing the state’s housing crisis as the session was ending a bit more than a month ago. But it won’t solve anything next year, as home prices are expected to rise in 2018. In fact, lawmakers’ poor-faith effort isn’t likely to help moderate home ...

Gas and Diesel Fuel Tax Hikes Begin Today

Californians who didn’t fill up on Tuesday are probably kicking themselves today. Tax hikes on gasoline and diesel fuel went into effect, sending prices significantly higher. The levy on a gallon of gasoline spiked 12 cents, from 18 cents to 30, while diesel jumped from 16 cents a gallon to ...

“The Thrill is Gone” for the State of the State

Today is one of the biggest events of the year at the State Capitol – the Governor’s State of the State Address. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was Governor, it was literally a circus.  the entire lawn of the Capitol was literally filled with dozens of satellite trucks.  There were so many ...

They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...

Infrastructure Should Be Budget Priority – Here’s 2 Smart Ways to Make It So

Repairing California’s crumbling roads and highways, and investing in our other infrastructure needs should be at the top of the agenda in Sacramento.  Often, it falls victim to other budget priorities. There’s no question that setting aside a secure and stable annual funding stream to fix our roads, bridges, and ...

Brown’s Budget Rejects Tax Rebates, Ignores Need for State Tax Reform

Gov. Jerry Brown’s 2018-19 budget proposal is projecting a $6.1 billion surplus by July 1, 2019, further evidence that the taxpayers of California have been overcharged. But there will be no rebates. Brown said at his press conference Wednesday that, in effect, the sky would fall if you give tax ...

Democrats Idolize Canada’s Health System as It Recovers from Worst Year Ever

Mainstream Democrats are clamoring for Canadian-style single-payer health care — a demand once relegated to the far-left fringe of the party. Sixteen Senate Democrats, including several with aspirations for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, have signed onto Sen. Bernie Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan. Fealty to single-payer is already proving ...

While California Put on ‘Road Diet,’ Drivers Still Stuck in Traffic Gridlock

Quick, name the place where drivers suffer through maybe the worst traffic on Earth while policymakers are committed to making it altogether intolerable. Yes, of course it’s California. Earlier this year, Inrix, a transportation analytics firm, ranked Los Angeles as the city with the worst traffic in the world, as ...
Business & Economics

Foreign Experiments With Trickle-Down Tax Cuts: A Rare Proposition For A Robust Economy

By Jason Margolis “The Word”/Public Radio International In the late 1970s, Ireland’s economy was struggling. So they decided to cut business taxes dramatically while also increasing individual taxes including on the middle class. The idea was that stronger businesses would benefit everyone. It worked. “For the following 25 years, they had really rapid ...

Maine’s Medicaid Mistake Could Cost Lives

As featured in Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing Maine made history earlier this month by becoming the first state to adopt Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion via ballot initiative. The vote could inspire progressive activists in other states to push for similar referenda. Expanding Medicaid to cover childless, able-bodied adults would blow ...

New Report Shows Legislature’s “Housing Day” Won’t Increase Affordability

California’s Legislature made a run at fixing the state’s housing crisis as the session was ending a bit more than a month ago. But it won’t solve anything next year, as home prices are expected to rise in 2018. In fact, lawmakers’ poor-faith effort isn’t likely to help moderate home ...

Gas and Diesel Fuel Tax Hikes Begin Today

Californians who didn’t fill up on Tuesday are probably kicking themselves today. Tax hikes on gasoline and diesel fuel went into effect, sending prices significantly higher. The levy on a gallon of gasoline spiked 12 cents, from 18 cents to 30, while diesel jumped from 16 cents a gallon to ...
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