Business & Economics
Robert Poole – Pres. Biden’s “Infrastructure” Plan
This week’s podcast features Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the Reason Foundation. Bob Poole, one of the leading transportation policy experts in the nation – discusses Pres. Biden’s so-called infrastructure plan and what’s really in it. Mr. Poole also discusses California’s poor infrastructure and ideas to improve it, ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 10, 2021
Business & Economics
It’s Time For A Supply-Side Resurgence
The Biden administration’s multi-trillion-dollar stimulus and spending policies are exclusively demand-side measures aimed at supporting the consumer. But this focus is blinding the Biden team from mounting economic crises that are resulting from this anti-growth agenda. Instead, the federal government desperately needs to implement a comprehensive supply-side agenda – low-taxes, ...
Wayne Winegarden
May 10, 2021
Business & Economics
Replace gas tax with more efficient, fairer mileage fee
California policymakers have spent years debating how to pay for road and highway repairs. President Biden’s current infrastructure plan brings that debate to the national stage. Like its peers, California relies on a gas tax and registration fees to pay for infrastructure. But policymakers should cut registration fees and replace ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 5, 2021
California On Track To Connect With The Past
It’s widely known that the California bullet train will cost far more than promised, carry fewer passengers at higher fares than predicted, and is more than a decade behind schedule. Add to this another significant flaw that has received little attention: High-speed rail is outdated technology. “High‐speed trains were rendered ...
Kerry Jackson
April 27, 2021
Europe Negotiates A Poor Vaccine Rollout
Several European countries just instituted another round of lockdowns amid a new wave of Covid-19 cases. This turn of events is sobering but puzzling. Europe seemed to have Covid-19 under control a few months ago, at least compared to the United States. What happened? The countries’ vaccination rates offer an explanation. Europe ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 26, 2021
Business & Economics
Earth Day 2021 Special with Julian Morris
Julian Morris, Senior Fellow at Reason and a Senior Scholar at the International Center for Law and Economics, joins us for a discussion on environmental topics as we mark Earth Day 2021. We discuss the Biden Administration’s “green infrastructure” proposals, California’s big government energy policies, whether government fuel emission standards ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 20, 2021
Carry a Stack of Studies? Moi?
This past week, Politico reported that our fellow think tankers (albeit left-leaning) at the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute were forming unions. I assumed that these think tanks were breaking ground, but it appears that they’re just playing catch-up. The Nonprofit Professional Employees Union had already successfully organized several prominent ...
Rowena Itchon
April 20, 2021
New Caltrans Report Latest Reminders That Sacramento Continues to Shortchange Congestion Relief
Caltrans last week released a draft of its 2021 “State Highway System Maintenance Plan,” which is a biannual report estimating the state’s highway repair needs, available funding, and strategies for keeping the state’s roadways running efficiently over the next decade. The Sacramento Bee’s headline on the report’s release says it ...
Tim Anaya
April 19, 2021
Good Morning Arizona Interviews Steven Greenhut on “Mega-Drought” in the West
PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) – Are we running out of water? It’s a scary thought but a possible reality for states like Arizona that are facing droughts. Some scientists warn the Grand Canyon State and the rest of the West may be headed for the worst megadrought in history. According to the ...
Steven Greenhut
April 16, 2021
KMVT Idaho Interviews Steven Greenhut on the West’s “Mega-Drought”
Much of the western United States is running out of water with much of Southern Idaho in the abnormally dry or moderate drought categories. Nearly 80% of the American West is in a drought and now is the time to think about the future of Idaho water. With much of ...
Steven Greenhut
April 16, 2021
Robert Poole – Pres. Biden’s “Infrastructure” Plan
This week’s podcast features Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the Reason Foundation. Bob Poole, one of the leading transportation policy experts in the nation – discusses Pres. Biden’s so-called infrastructure plan and what’s really in it. Mr. Poole also discusses California’s poor infrastructure and ideas to improve it, ...
It’s Time For A Supply-Side Resurgence
The Biden administration’s multi-trillion-dollar stimulus and spending policies are exclusively demand-side measures aimed at supporting the consumer. But this focus is blinding the Biden team from mounting economic crises that are resulting from this anti-growth agenda. Instead, the federal government desperately needs to implement a comprehensive supply-side agenda – low-taxes, ...
Replace gas tax with more efficient, fairer mileage fee
California policymakers have spent years debating how to pay for road and highway repairs. President Biden’s current infrastructure plan brings that debate to the national stage. Like its peers, California relies on a gas tax and registration fees to pay for infrastructure. But policymakers should cut registration fees and replace ...
California On Track To Connect With The Past
It’s widely known that the California bullet train will cost far more than promised, carry fewer passengers at higher fares than predicted, and is more than a decade behind schedule. Add to this another significant flaw that has received little attention: High-speed rail is outdated technology. “High‐speed trains were rendered ...
Europe Negotiates A Poor Vaccine Rollout
Several European countries just instituted another round of lockdowns amid a new wave of Covid-19 cases. This turn of events is sobering but puzzling. Europe seemed to have Covid-19 under control a few months ago, at least compared to the United States. What happened? The countries’ vaccination rates offer an explanation. Europe ...
Earth Day 2021 Special with Julian Morris
Julian Morris, Senior Fellow at Reason and a Senior Scholar at the International Center for Law and Economics, joins us for a discussion on environmental topics as we mark Earth Day 2021. We discuss the Biden Administration’s “green infrastructure” proposals, California’s big government energy policies, whether government fuel emission standards ...
Carry a Stack of Studies? Moi?
This past week, Politico reported that our fellow think tankers (albeit left-leaning) at the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute were forming unions. I assumed that these think tanks were breaking ground, but it appears that they’re just playing catch-up. The Nonprofit Professional Employees Union had already successfully organized several prominent ...
New Caltrans Report Latest Reminders That Sacramento Continues to Shortchange Congestion Relief
Caltrans last week released a draft of its 2021 “State Highway System Maintenance Plan,” which is a biannual report estimating the state’s highway repair needs, available funding, and strategies for keeping the state’s roadways running efficiently over the next decade. The Sacramento Bee’s headline on the report’s release says it ...
Good Morning Arizona Interviews Steven Greenhut on “Mega-Drought” in the West
PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) – Are we running out of water? It’s a scary thought but a possible reality for states like Arizona that are facing droughts. Some scientists warn the Grand Canyon State and the rest of the West may be headed for the worst megadrought in history. According to the ...
KMVT Idaho Interviews Steven Greenhut on the West’s “Mega-Drought”
Much of the western United States is running out of water with much of Southern Idaho in the abnormally dry or moderate drought categories. Nearly 80% of the American West is in a drought and now is the time to think about the future of Idaho water. With much of ...