Climate Change
The SEC Risks Misinformation If Standardized And Detailed Climate Risks Disclosures Are Adopted
Based on the well-established materiality standard, public companies must disclose any potential financial risks from global climate change. The SEC is questioning whether these disclosures are inadequate, and is considering additional more detailed and standardized disclosure standards. Imposing such standards would be costly for public companies and will lessen investors ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 21, 2021
Been There, Done That on High Speed Rail
Inspired by California’s high-speed rail debacle, the Biden Administration and liberals in Congress have proposed spending tens of billions of dollars to build new high-speed rail networks nationwide. California Has “Been There, Done That” Californians have grown increasingly frustrated with its “train to nowhere,” which is tens of billions of ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 18, 2021
What Americans can Learn from Argentina’s Infrastructure Spending
We were sixth in line when the banker came outside to address the long line which stretched down the street for half a mile. He spoke in Spanish, “we are all out of money, come back next week!” I shook my head in frustration, wondering how we would buy food ...
McKenzie Richards
June 16, 2021
Progress in California Road Repairs Lagging Despite Gas Tax Hike
Four years ago, Will Kempton, then executive director of Transportation California and a former Caltrans director, said the state’s roads were “the worst I have seen.” A few months later, the state began collecting revenue from a $52 billion, 10-year fuel tax hike to raise enough revenue to bring up to date ...
Kerry Jackson
June 9, 2021
Competitive Energy Markets, Not Monopoly, Delivers Affordable, Reliable, And Low-Emission Energy
Texas’ energy debacle during this past winter has led to a great deal of introspection regarding which energy market structure is the most appropriate. Most analysts would agree that energy market regulations should facilitate access to affordable and reliable electricity, while generating the lowest feasible emissions. The controversy arises with ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 7, 2021
Climate Change
PRI Launches “Electricity Reality Report” Website to Make Case for Increased Energy Competition
Increased Energy Competition Will Lower Costs, Increase Innovation, Better Address Climate Change Aiming to provide market-based analyses and perspective to educate policymakers and the public about policies impacting competitive electricity markets, the Pacific Research Institute – a California-based, nonpartisan, free-market think tank, today launched the “Electricity Reality Report.” The new ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 1, 2021
California Has Millions of Acre-feet of Water Waiting to Be Built
As part of its May Revise rollout, the Newsom administration announced $5.1 billion for water infrastructure and drought response. While the announcement invests on funding better data collection, continuing the implementation of Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, or SGMA, and maintaining current water infrastructure, nothing in Newsom’s proposed funding will solve ...
Evan Harris
May 26, 2021
Analyzing the Biden Administration’s Tech and Innovation Policy Agenda
While it took a couple months for clarity to replace idle speculation, the Biden administration’s tech and innovation public policy agenda is increasingly clear. The forecast? Government with little chance of free markets. At his recent address to Congress President Biden highlighted “technologies of the future” as a place where ...
Bartlett Cleland
May 21, 2021
Winners and Losers – May 14
Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: Vaccinated Americans – Americans who have received both jabs (or the single jab with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) will no longer have to wear masks outdoors and in most indoor settings, the Centers for Disease Control announced ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 14, 2021
Biden’s Intellectual Property Waiver Puts Political Symbolism Before Saving Lives
President Biden recently backed a World Trade Organization proposal to waive intellectual property protections on COVID-19 vaccines and therapies — a move the Trump administration rejected just a few months ago. The White House’s decision is a catastrophe. The waiver will do nothing to increase access to vaccines. It will, however, undermine the system ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 12, 2021
The SEC Risks Misinformation If Standardized And Detailed Climate Risks Disclosures Are Adopted
Based on the well-established materiality standard, public companies must disclose any potential financial risks from global climate change. The SEC is questioning whether these disclosures are inadequate, and is considering additional more detailed and standardized disclosure standards. Imposing such standards would be costly for public companies and will lessen investors ...
Been There, Done That on High Speed Rail
Inspired by California’s high-speed rail debacle, the Biden Administration and liberals in Congress have proposed spending tens of billions of dollars to build new high-speed rail networks nationwide. California Has “Been There, Done That” Californians have grown increasingly frustrated with its “train to nowhere,” which is tens of billions of ...
What Americans can Learn from Argentina’s Infrastructure Spending
We were sixth in line when the banker came outside to address the long line which stretched down the street for half a mile. He spoke in Spanish, “we are all out of money, come back next week!” I shook my head in frustration, wondering how we would buy food ...
Progress in California Road Repairs Lagging Despite Gas Tax Hike
Four years ago, Will Kempton, then executive director of Transportation California and a former Caltrans director, said the state’s roads were “the worst I have seen.” A few months later, the state began collecting revenue from a $52 billion, 10-year fuel tax hike to raise enough revenue to bring up to date ...
Competitive Energy Markets, Not Monopoly, Delivers Affordable, Reliable, And Low-Emission Energy
Texas’ energy debacle during this past winter has led to a great deal of introspection regarding which energy market structure is the most appropriate. Most analysts would agree that energy market regulations should facilitate access to affordable and reliable electricity, while generating the lowest feasible emissions. The controversy arises with ...
PRI Launches “Electricity Reality Report” Website to Make Case for Increased Energy Competition
Increased Energy Competition Will Lower Costs, Increase Innovation, Better Address Climate Change Aiming to provide market-based analyses and perspective to educate policymakers and the public about policies impacting competitive electricity markets, the Pacific Research Institute – a California-based, nonpartisan, free-market think tank, today launched the “Electricity Reality Report.” The new ...
California Has Millions of Acre-feet of Water Waiting to Be Built
As part of its May Revise rollout, the Newsom administration announced $5.1 billion for water infrastructure and drought response. While the announcement invests on funding better data collection, continuing the implementation of Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, or SGMA, and maintaining current water infrastructure, nothing in Newsom’s proposed funding will solve ...
Analyzing the Biden Administration’s Tech and Innovation Policy Agenda
While it took a couple months for clarity to replace idle speculation, the Biden administration’s tech and innovation public policy agenda is increasingly clear. The forecast? Government with little chance of free markets. At his recent address to Congress President Biden highlighted “technologies of the future” as a place where ...
Winners and Losers – May 14
Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: Vaccinated Americans – Americans who have received both jabs (or the single jab with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) will no longer have to wear masks outdoors and in most indoor settings, the Centers for Disease Control announced ...
Biden’s Intellectual Property Waiver Puts Political Symbolism Before Saving Lives
President Biden recently backed a World Trade Organization proposal to waive intellectual property protections on COVID-19 vaccines and therapies — a move the Trump administration rejected just a few months ago. The White House’s decision is a catastrophe. The waiver will do nothing to increase access to vaccines. It will, however, undermine the system ...