

​Misguided Govt Policies Mean Employer-Based Coverage Costs Soar

The cost of employer-based health insurance continues to reach new heights. According to a report out this month from the Kaiser Family Foundation, premiums for a family health plan have risen 47% since 2011, and during that same period, employee earnings rose by 31%, while overall inflation ticked up just 19%. What’s ...

Inflation, Drug Price Controls, and President Biden’s Build Back Better Program

Inflation is worrying Americans, and for good reason. The latest inflation report, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) released on November 10th, showed that prices were 6.2 percent higher in October 2021 compared to October 2020. More troubling, this was the fifth month in a row where the annual growth in ...
Business & Economics

New study analyzes how federal relief efforts impact small business, innovation amid Covid pandemic

By Sarah Downey | Nov 9, 2021 As Californians and families nationwide struggle with rising prices, concerns persist about the extent to which federal relief programs have increased barriers to economic opportunity and contributed to historic inflation. “The federal government’s response to the pandemic’s economic consequences have been a failure,” ...

Democrats Abandon US Patients to Rescue Drug-Pricing Reform

Just a few days ago, it appeared that Democrats had given up on including prescription drug pricing reforms in their massive spending bill. But not anymore. In an eleventh-hour turn of events, congressional Democrats this week resurrected their long-standing desire to levy government price controls on prescription drugs. If lawmakers successfully deploy their latest ...

Gallup Survey: Americans Push Back on Government Activism

It was 35 years ago when Ronald Reagan said at a press conference, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”  And for most of the last three decades, a majority of Americans agreed with the Gipper.  Last year marked only ...

Budget Reconciliation Bill’s Healthcare Provisions Are Disastrous

Last week, House Democrats passed the $3.5 trillion budget resolution that their Senate counterparts approved earlier this month. The resolution is merely a framework, though. Over the coming months, lawmakers will write the actual legislative text of this mammoth spending bill, which could usher in the most radical changes to our healthcare ...

Biden’s American Families Plan Poised to Harm Families through the Death Tax

President Biden’s American Families Plan promises expansive benefits to families such as free universal preschool, two years of free community college, child tax credits, and a paid family leave program amongst many other attractive (but expensive) initiatives. Unlike the recently passed and controversial $1 trillion infrastructure bill, the new benefits ...

High-Priced California is About to Get Even More Expensive

I’ve been back in the office full-time for nearly three months now, but I still can’t get over how pricey everything has become. The chicken salad at the burger stand in our office building is $12.75.  Add a Diet Pepsi ($2.75) and the tab becomes $15.50, add tax ($1.55) and ...

In Bipartisan Vote, U.S. Senate Follows PRI’s Advice in Rejecting ‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich’

You may have missed it amidst the “vote-a-rama” on dozens of amendments to the Senate Democrats’ $3.5 billion budget reconciliation bill being voted on early Wednesday morning, but a key bipartisan vote could put an end to what PRI has termed “costly subsidies for the rich,” or taxpayers subsidizing electric ...

Biden, Psaki Add to White House “Dog Days of Summer”

A couple of weeks ago, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that the White House was working with Facebook and other social media companies to target accounts spreading misinformation. Reaction to her comments and answers from reporters varied, but the lasting takeaway is that misinformation on social media is ...

​Misguided Govt Policies Mean Employer-Based Coverage Costs Soar

The cost of employer-based health insurance continues to reach new heights. According to a report out this month from the Kaiser Family Foundation, premiums for a family health plan have risen 47% since 2011, and during that same period, employee earnings rose by 31%, while overall inflation ticked up just 19%. What’s ...

Inflation, Drug Price Controls, and President Biden’s Build Back Better Program

Inflation is worrying Americans, and for good reason. The latest inflation report, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) released on November 10th, showed that prices were 6.2 percent higher in October 2021 compared to October 2020. More troubling, this was the fifth month in a row where the annual growth in ...
Business & Economics

New study analyzes how federal relief efforts impact small business, innovation amid Covid pandemic

By Sarah Downey | Nov 9, 2021 As Californians and families nationwide struggle with rising prices, concerns persist about the extent to which federal relief programs have increased barriers to economic opportunity and contributed to historic inflation. “The federal government’s response to the pandemic’s economic consequences have been a failure,” ...

Democrats Abandon US Patients to Rescue Drug-Pricing Reform

Just a few days ago, it appeared that Democrats had given up on including prescription drug pricing reforms in their massive spending bill. But not anymore. In an eleventh-hour turn of events, congressional Democrats this week resurrected their long-standing desire to levy government price controls on prescription drugs. If lawmakers successfully deploy their latest ...

Gallup Survey: Americans Push Back on Government Activism

It was 35 years ago when Ronald Reagan said at a press conference, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”  And for most of the last three decades, a majority of Americans agreed with the Gipper.  Last year marked only ...

Budget Reconciliation Bill’s Healthcare Provisions Are Disastrous

Last week, House Democrats passed the $3.5 trillion budget resolution that their Senate counterparts approved earlier this month. The resolution is merely a framework, though. Over the coming months, lawmakers will write the actual legislative text of this mammoth spending bill, which could usher in the most radical changes to our healthcare ...

Biden’s American Families Plan Poised to Harm Families through the Death Tax

President Biden’s American Families Plan promises expansive benefits to families such as free universal preschool, two years of free community college, child tax credits, and a paid family leave program amongst many other attractive (but expensive) initiatives. Unlike the recently passed and controversial $1 trillion infrastructure bill, the new benefits ...

High-Priced California is About to Get Even More Expensive

I’ve been back in the office full-time for nearly three months now, but I still can’t get over how pricey everything has become. The chicken salad at the burger stand in our office building is $12.75.  Add a Diet Pepsi ($2.75) and the tab becomes $15.50, add tax ($1.55) and ...

In Bipartisan Vote, U.S. Senate Follows PRI’s Advice in Rejecting ‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich’

You may have missed it amidst the “vote-a-rama” on dozens of amendments to the Senate Democrats’ $3.5 billion budget reconciliation bill being voted on early Wednesday morning, but a key bipartisan vote could put an end to what PRI has termed “costly subsidies for the rich,” or taxpayers subsidizing electric ...

Biden, Psaki Add to White House “Dog Days of Summer”

A couple of weeks ago, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that the White House was working with Facebook and other social media companies to target accounts spreading misinformation. Reaction to her comments and answers from reporters varied, but the lasting takeaway is that misinformation on social media is ...
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