
Business & Economics

Where Does White House Health Overhaul Policy Go Now?

By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group and former Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Reagan On Sunday the Rasmussen organization reported that 42 percent of likely voters had told them they strong disapprove of the president’s job performance. At this rate it is not out of ...

Cut Costs Without Rationing Care By Putting Patient Back In Charge

Investor’s Business Daily, August 31, 2009 Lux Libertas, September 1, 2009 Decades of data confirm a simple truth: If we want to lower health costs, we need to put consumers back in charge. Many people now feel like second-class citizens when they enter the doctor’s office. That’s because everyone in ...
Business & Economics

Tort Tally 2009

The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, today released Tort Law Tally, a new report identifying which state tort reforms reduce tort losses and tort insurance premiums the most. The analysis identifies 18 reforms to state civil-justice systems that significantly reduce tort losses and/or tort ...
Business & Economics

What we need

In an interview with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Pacific Research Institute last week, Tom McClintock — one-time candidate for governor in California, one-time member of the state’s Assembly and Senate, and now a member of the House of Representatives — offered an opinion about why this state is ...

The Top Ten Reasons We Must Oppose ObamaCare

Why it has to be stopped. 1. ObamaCare’s centerpiece, a Medicare-like “public option,” would cause millions of Americans to lose their employer-provided health insurance. Millions of employers would choose this new “option” for their employees. The Lewin Group, a prominent consulting firm, estimates that under a widespread, Medicare-like “public option,” ...
Business & Economics

The Reagan Revolution and Its Discontents

His presidency was better than expected, but worse than desired. Some years ago I had occasion to hear Sir Martin Gilbert, then in the midst of producing the official biography of Winston Churchill, discuss how he became interested in writing history. His answer was simple — curiosity. As a small ...

The Medicare tsunami

In a recent news conference, President Obama said: “The biggest driving force behind our federal deficit is the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. So let me be clear: If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficits.” He is absolutely right. The ...

California as a Warning for America

Your current President is following the exact same path that has been followed by the State of California! If you don’t know, California is the 7th largest economy on the planet…and notice where they have landed…virtual bankruptcy. It is a long and educational read…but give it a try. Pretend you ...
Health Care

Sickening behavior in the health care debate

Congress and the Obama administration seem to be backing off a half-step on the issue of national health care, which will hopefully cool the debate that has sunk on both sides to calling the opposition Nazis. Foes of the plan even carried signs showing Obama with a Hitler mustache, which ...

N.Y. Congressman Pushes ‘Medicare-for-all’ on ‘Morning Joe’

‘Morning Joe’ fails to note problems in claim there is no need for private insurers. While the uproar over a government-run public option continues in Washington, D.C. and around the country, one Democratic congressman is pushing for an even more drastic “takeover” of health care. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., told ...
Business & Economics

Where Does White House Health Overhaul Policy Go Now?

By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group and former Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Reagan On Sunday the Rasmussen organization reported that 42 percent of likely voters had told them they strong disapprove of the president’s job performance. At this rate it is not out of ...

Cut Costs Without Rationing Care By Putting Patient Back In Charge

Investor’s Business Daily, August 31, 2009 Lux Libertas, September 1, 2009 Decades of data confirm a simple truth: If we want to lower health costs, we need to put consumers back in charge. Many people now feel like second-class citizens when they enter the doctor’s office. That’s because everyone in ...
Business & Economics

Tort Tally 2009

The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, today released Tort Law Tally, a new report identifying which state tort reforms reduce tort losses and tort insurance premiums the most. The analysis identifies 18 reforms to state civil-justice systems that significantly reduce tort losses and/or tort ...
Business & Economics

What we need

In an interview with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Pacific Research Institute last week, Tom McClintock — one-time candidate for governor in California, one-time member of the state’s Assembly and Senate, and now a member of the House of Representatives — offered an opinion about why this state is ...

The Top Ten Reasons We Must Oppose ObamaCare

Why it has to be stopped. 1. ObamaCare’s centerpiece, a Medicare-like “public option,” would cause millions of Americans to lose their employer-provided health insurance. Millions of employers would choose this new “option” for their employees. The Lewin Group, a prominent consulting firm, estimates that under a widespread, Medicare-like “public option,” ...
Business & Economics

The Reagan Revolution and Its Discontents

His presidency was better than expected, but worse than desired. Some years ago I had occasion to hear Sir Martin Gilbert, then in the midst of producing the official biography of Winston Churchill, discuss how he became interested in writing history. His answer was simple — curiosity. As a small ...

The Medicare tsunami

In a recent news conference, President Obama said: “The biggest driving force behind our federal deficit is the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. So let me be clear: If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficits.” He is absolutely right. The ...

California as a Warning for America

Your current President is following the exact same path that has been followed by the State of California! If you don’t know, California is the 7th largest economy on the planet…and notice where they have landed…virtual bankruptcy. It is a long and educational read…but give it a try. Pretend you ...
Health Care

Sickening behavior in the health care debate

Congress and the Obama administration seem to be backing off a half-step on the issue of national health care, which will hopefully cool the debate that has sunk on both sides to calling the opposition Nazis. Foes of the plan even carried signs showing Obama with a Hitler mustache, which ...

N.Y. Congressman Pushes ‘Medicare-for-all’ on ‘Morning Joe’

‘Morning Joe’ fails to note problems in claim there is no need for private insurers. While the uproar over a government-run public option continues in Washington, D.C. and around the country, one Democratic congressman is pushing for an even more drastic “takeover” of health care. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., told ...
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