
Business & Economics

Tort Reform Is Key To Health Reform

Though common-sense Americans repeatedly raised the issue of tort reform while discussing health care legislation with members of Congress during town hall meetings this past summer, too many lawmakers and analysts still stubbornly insist that medical liability lawsuits do not contribute significantly to rising health care costs. These lawmakers and ...

The Nanny State and the Cost of Unfunded Government Liabilities

The Market Oracle, November 1, 2009 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among ...

The Middle-Class Health Tax Heist Of 2009

Investor’s Business Daily, October 23, 2009 The Kansas Progess, October 26, 2009 Pouring over the details of the 1,501-page health care bill that came out of Sen. Max Baucus’ Finance Committee, it’s clear that the financing is so full of smoke and mirrors that one has to wear a respirator ...

Obama Hasn’t Closed the Health-Care Sale

Wait until the voters figure out how Congress is proposing to pay for reform. Now that the Senate Finance Committee has voted for the health-care bill drafted by Montana Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, negotiations over the real bill can begin in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s cozy Capitol hideaway. It ...

New Obama healthcare plan relies on imaginary savings, costs $2 trillion, explodes budget deficits

Health-care “reform” always costs more than predicted, as ObamaCare provisions have at the state level. So the claim that the new, cheaper version of Obama’s healthcare plan will cost only $829 billion, while not increasing the deficit, should be taken with a grain of salt. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ...

The Senate reform fraud

THE Senate Finance Committee yesterday voted on a fraud: Sen. Max Baucus’ “responsible” health-reform bill is actually a recipe for fiscal disaster — and the Congressional Budget Office report that supposedly bolstered the bill actually exposes it. As others have noted, Baucus used all manner of budgetary gimmicks to oblige ...

Baucus’ Hefty Bill

The New York Post, October 9, 2009 So the Congressional Budget Office has produced the product that Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and President Obama needed: a contorted acknowledgement that — if taxes are hiked, Medicaid expanded and Medicare reimbursements slashed permanently by 25 percent—Baucus’ $829 billion bill will ...

The Weak Spots in the Baucus Bill

The Baucus bill is vulnerable in several immediately apparent ways: It would reduce Americans’ liberty by requiring them to buy health insurance and fining them if they don’t. It would ruin private insurance by requiring insurers to cover all comers at the same premium. In doing so, it would thereby ...

The line forms to the left: Waiting for care under health reform

Waiting for care under health reform proposal Will waiting lines at doctors’ offices, labs and hospitals get longer if President Barack Obama’s vision of health care reform becomes a reality? And who will decide if a patient is eligible for a treatment or procedure? It will probably come as no ...
Business & Economics

The Triumph Of Optimism

You call this a crisis? Think back nearly 30 years ago. When Ronald Reagan took office the country’s economy was in a shambles—inflation was running into the double digits, growth had stagnated and the top marginal tax rate was 70%. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union, bristling with imperial designs and nuclear ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform Is Key To Health Reform

Though common-sense Americans repeatedly raised the issue of tort reform while discussing health care legislation with members of Congress during town hall meetings this past summer, too many lawmakers and analysts still stubbornly insist that medical liability lawsuits do not contribute significantly to rising health care costs. These lawmakers and ...

The Nanny State and the Cost of Unfunded Government Liabilities

The Market Oracle, November 1, 2009 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among ...

The Middle-Class Health Tax Heist Of 2009

Investor’s Business Daily, October 23, 2009 The Kansas Progess, October 26, 2009 Pouring over the details of the 1,501-page health care bill that came out of Sen. Max Baucus’ Finance Committee, it’s clear that the financing is so full of smoke and mirrors that one has to wear a respirator ...

Obama Hasn’t Closed the Health-Care Sale

Wait until the voters figure out how Congress is proposing to pay for reform. Now that the Senate Finance Committee has voted for the health-care bill drafted by Montana Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, negotiations over the real bill can begin in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s cozy Capitol hideaway. It ...

New Obama healthcare plan relies on imaginary savings, costs $2 trillion, explodes budget deficits

Health-care “reform” always costs more than predicted, as ObamaCare provisions have at the state level. So the claim that the new, cheaper version of Obama’s healthcare plan will cost only $829 billion, while not increasing the deficit, should be taken with a grain of salt. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ...

The Senate reform fraud

THE Senate Finance Committee yesterday voted on a fraud: Sen. Max Baucus’ “responsible” health-reform bill is actually a recipe for fiscal disaster — and the Congressional Budget Office report that supposedly bolstered the bill actually exposes it. As others have noted, Baucus used all manner of budgetary gimmicks to oblige ...

Baucus’ Hefty Bill

The New York Post, October 9, 2009 So the Congressional Budget Office has produced the product that Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and President Obama needed: a contorted acknowledgement that — if taxes are hiked, Medicaid expanded and Medicare reimbursements slashed permanently by 25 percent—Baucus’ $829 billion bill will ...

The Weak Spots in the Baucus Bill

The Baucus bill is vulnerable in several immediately apparent ways: It would reduce Americans’ liberty by requiring them to buy health insurance and fining them if they don’t. It would ruin private insurance by requiring insurers to cover all comers at the same premium. In doing so, it would thereby ...

The line forms to the left: Waiting for care under health reform

Waiting for care under health reform proposal Will waiting lines at doctors’ offices, labs and hospitals get longer if President Barack Obama’s vision of health care reform becomes a reality? And who will decide if a patient is eligible for a treatment or procedure? It will probably come as no ...
Business & Economics

The Triumph Of Optimism

You call this a crisis? Think back nearly 30 years ago. When Ronald Reagan took office the country’s economy was in a shambles—inflation was running into the double digits, growth had stagnated and the top marginal tax rate was 70%. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union, bristling with imperial designs and nuclear ...
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