

Bye Bye ‘Cadillac’ Tax?

As congressional negotiators wrangle this morning over whether to soften the potential blow of the so-called “Cadillac” tax or kill it altogether, health care insiders on National Journal’s Health Care Expert Blog are discussing the plan’s effect on controlling skyrocketing costs. When congressional Democrats meet with President Obama today, the ...

Rethinking Big ED

Federal education spending per student has nearly tripled in real, inflation-adjusted dollars since 1970, but student achievement has, at best, flatlined. Last week President Obama admitted “On the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) math tests, 4th graders showed no signs of progress for the first time in many ...

Cadillac Health Plans; And Taxation Thereof

And I don’t just mean the HuffingtonPost/DailyKos/ crowd. There’s even a sense at the New York Times that the President’s faction has failed to grab history by the tail. Witness this column by Bob Herbert, who protests the tax on so-called “Cadillac health plans,” those which cost more than $23,000 ...
Business & Economics

Deflation delusion

Commentary: We’re in the midst of moderate stagflation NASHVILLE, Tenn. (MarketWatch) — The federal government recently reported that consumer prices had risen in November for the fourth straight month, thanks largely to big jumps in the price of gasoline and oil. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve and many commentators have dismissed ...

Plunder! Dissects Government Unions

How’s your government treating you lately? I thought so. Unjust wars. Torture. Inflation. Wild spending. Record deficits. Record debt. Bankruptcy. Police brutality. Officious officials. Depression. It’s time to get even. Or at least get an explanation. That’s just what you get in Steven Greenhut’s shocking Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions ...

Three Strikes against Obamacare

The public option isn’t the worst thing about the Senate health-care bill. Joseph Lieberman’s words, “I’m going to be stubborn on this,” must be giving Harry Reid heartburn. Lieberman may caucus with the Democrats, but he’s more than willing to go his own way — especially when it comes to ...
Business & Economics

New Yorkers pay a high price for liability litigation

High taxes help make New York an expensive place to do business. A new report argues convincingly that costly malpractice litigation and insurance also kill jobs and drive away business. The report from the conservative Pacific Research Institute notes that from an economic perspective, New York state ranks near the ...

Healthcare Bill Advances in Senate, Despite Receiving Failing Grade from Health Experts; Democrats Block Filibuster in Party-Line Vote, November 21, 2009 The healthcare bill is on the verge of passing the Senate, despite the fact that it has received a failing grade from healthcare experts like the Dean of Harvard Medical School, and the fact that it will increase taxes, deficits, and medical costs, while reducing lifesaving ...
Business & Economics

Where’s That Inflation?

From September 2008 to September 2009, the Federal Reserve pumped an unprecedented $2 trillion into the financial system by buying Treasury bonds and assets from banks. According to most mainstream economists, such action should create a general increase in prices. Inflation is the result of more dollars chasing the same ...
Business & Economics

Health Reform Would Bury Small Business

Investor’s Business Daily, November 6, 2009 President Obama recently delivered a special address aimed at quelling small-business owners’ concerns about Democratic plans for health care reform. The legislation, he assured, would “benefit millions of small businesses” and was “being written with the interests of Americans like you and your employees ...

Bye Bye ‘Cadillac’ Tax?

As congressional negotiators wrangle this morning over whether to soften the potential blow of the so-called “Cadillac” tax or kill it altogether, health care insiders on National Journal’s Health Care Expert Blog are discussing the plan’s effect on controlling skyrocketing costs. When congressional Democrats meet with President Obama today, the ...

Rethinking Big ED

Federal education spending per student has nearly tripled in real, inflation-adjusted dollars since 1970, but student achievement has, at best, flatlined. Last week President Obama admitted “On the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) math tests, 4th graders showed no signs of progress for the first time in many ...

Cadillac Health Plans; And Taxation Thereof

And I don’t just mean the HuffingtonPost/DailyKos/ crowd. There’s even a sense at the New York Times that the President’s faction has failed to grab history by the tail. Witness this column by Bob Herbert, who protests the tax on so-called “Cadillac health plans,” those which cost more than $23,000 ...
Business & Economics

Deflation delusion

Commentary: We’re in the midst of moderate stagflation NASHVILLE, Tenn. (MarketWatch) — The federal government recently reported that consumer prices had risen in November for the fourth straight month, thanks largely to big jumps in the price of gasoline and oil. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve and many commentators have dismissed ...

Plunder! Dissects Government Unions

How’s your government treating you lately? I thought so. Unjust wars. Torture. Inflation. Wild spending. Record deficits. Record debt. Bankruptcy. Police brutality. Officious officials. Depression. It’s time to get even. Or at least get an explanation. That’s just what you get in Steven Greenhut’s shocking Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions ...

Three Strikes against Obamacare

The public option isn’t the worst thing about the Senate health-care bill. Joseph Lieberman’s words, “I’m going to be stubborn on this,” must be giving Harry Reid heartburn. Lieberman may caucus with the Democrats, but he’s more than willing to go his own way — especially when it comes to ...
Business & Economics

New Yorkers pay a high price for liability litigation

High taxes help make New York an expensive place to do business. A new report argues convincingly that costly malpractice litigation and insurance also kill jobs and drive away business. The report from the conservative Pacific Research Institute notes that from an economic perspective, New York state ranks near the ...

Healthcare Bill Advances in Senate, Despite Receiving Failing Grade from Health Experts; Democrats Block Filibuster in Party-Line Vote, November 21, 2009 The healthcare bill is on the verge of passing the Senate, despite the fact that it has received a failing grade from healthcare experts like the Dean of Harvard Medical School, and the fact that it will increase taxes, deficits, and medical costs, while reducing lifesaving ...
Business & Economics

Where’s That Inflation?

From September 2008 to September 2009, the Federal Reserve pumped an unprecedented $2 trillion into the financial system by buying Treasury bonds and assets from banks. According to most mainstream economists, such action should create a general increase in prices. Inflation is the result of more dollars chasing the same ...
Business & Economics

Health Reform Would Bury Small Business

Investor’s Business Daily, November 6, 2009 President Obama recently delivered a special address aimed at quelling small-business owners’ concerns about Democratic plans for health care reform. The legislation, he assured, would “benefit millions of small businesses” and was “being written with the interests of Americans like you and your employees ...
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