
Business & Economics

Are low interest rates doing more harm than good? with Lee Hoskins

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announce that the Federal Reserve’s latest policy decision would be to keep interest rates as they are for an extended period of time. PRI’s Lee Hoskins, Robert Heller, SDR Capital Market and William Ford, Middle Tennessee State University answer questions regarding the announcement and whether ...
Business & Economics

Brown Busts the Budget

The California Legislature just passed a budget. Less than 24 hours later, the governor vetoed it, leaving many scratching their heads why Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a budget from his own party. “For the first time in history, the state budget has been vetoed,” Brown said in a news conference. ...
Business & Economics

New consumer bureau will be a bust – guaranteed

In July, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) formally begins operations. Republicans oppose President Obama’s top choice, Elizabeth Warren, to head the new bureau, which should not have been created in the first place. The CFPB will drive up prices, but won’t actually protect consumers. Consider first the sheer implausibility ...

Mission Impossible: Medicare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board

Key Points • The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is a new bureaucracy established by Obamacare that will limit Medicare beneficiaries’ access to certain medical goods and services—especially new prescription drugs. • IPAB puts Medicare beneficiaries’ access to prescription drugs and certain other medical goods and services under control of ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 13 still the Left’s bogeyman

California has become such a basket case that outsiders are starting to parachute in and report on the tales of woe from our deficit-racked, economically stagnant and politically dysfunctional state. It makes for good reading for a broader audience, and the reporters can enjoy themselves at the beach or at ...
Business & Economics

The tea party should hold fast on debt ceiling

Two weeks ago, Standard and Poor’s kept the U.S. government’s AAA debt rating, but downgraded its future outlook from “stable” to “negative.” The announcement roiled stock markets and underscored the need for tea party activists to keep legislators’ feet to the fire on the debt ceiling. Paul Ryan’s allegedly radical ...
Health Care

The Ryan Republican Medicare Reforms: What They Are, What They’re Not, and What They Might Become

Key Points The Medicare part of the Ryan budget is superior to Obamacare but needs more definition. The current proposal would limit future Medicare beneficiaries’ choices to those selected from a federal exchange. Medicare beneficiaries would benefit more from Republicans’ clear commitment to restore Medicare Advantage, a popular alternative to ...

Obama 2012 budget boosts federal spending on failed education programs

Despite his newfound cost-cutting rhetoric, President Obama’s proposed 2012 budget significantly increases federal education spending. His supporters defend the expansions as consistent with the vision of America’s founders. The historical evidence, however, refutes this argument. If enacted, the Obama administration’s $77.4 billion education spending proposal would represent a 57 percent ...
Business & Economics

The Fed needs to free the market

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission issued its finding that the devastating economic events of the past few years were “preventable.” The FCIC heaped the blame on many parties, but drew the wrong conclusion when it faulted the government and Federal Reserve for lax oversight. On the ...

Let Education Choice SOAR Coast to Coast

Last month a strong bi-partisan coalition in Congress introduced the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act. The program would reauthorize the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program and adds to a burgeoning movement for education choice across the country. Congress launched the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program in 2004. In spite of ...
Business & Economics

Are low interest rates doing more harm than good? with Lee Hoskins

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announce that the Federal Reserve’s latest policy decision would be to keep interest rates as they are for an extended period of time. PRI’s Lee Hoskins, Robert Heller, SDR Capital Market and William Ford, Middle Tennessee State University answer questions regarding the announcement and whether ...
Business & Economics

Brown Busts the Budget

The California Legislature just passed a budget. Less than 24 hours later, the governor vetoed it, leaving many scratching their heads why Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a budget from his own party. “For the first time in history, the state budget has been vetoed,” Brown said in a news conference. ...
Business & Economics

New consumer bureau will be a bust – guaranteed

In July, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) formally begins operations. Republicans oppose President Obama’s top choice, Elizabeth Warren, to head the new bureau, which should not have been created in the first place. The CFPB will drive up prices, but won’t actually protect consumers. Consider first the sheer implausibility ...

Mission Impossible: Medicare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board

Key Points • The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is a new bureaucracy established by Obamacare that will limit Medicare beneficiaries’ access to certain medical goods and services—especially new prescription drugs. • IPAB puts Medicare beneficiaries’ access to prescription drugs and certain other medical goods and services under control of ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 13 still the Left’s bogeyman

California has become such a basket case that outsiders are starting to parachute in and report on the tales of woe from our deficit-racked, economically stagnant and politically dysfunctional state. It makes for good reading for a broader audience, and the reporters can enjoy themselves at the beach or at ...
Business & Economics

The tea party should hold fast on debt ceiling

Two weeks ago, Standard and Poor’s kept the U.S. government’s AAA debt rating, but downgraded its future outlook from “stable” to “negative.” The announcement roiled stock markets and underscored the need for tea party activists to keep legislators’ feet to the fire on the debt ceiling. Paul Ryan’s allegedly radical ...
Health Care

The Ryan Republican Medicare Reforms: What They Are, What They’re Not, and What They Might Become

Key Points The Medicare part of the Ryan budget is superior to Obamacare but needs more definition. The current proposal would limit future Medicare beneficiaries’ choices to those selected from a federal exchange. Medicare beneficiaries would benefit more from Republicans’ clear commitment to restore Medicare Advantage, a popular alternative to ...

Obama 2012 budget boosts federal spending on failed education programs

Despite his newfound cost-cutting rhetoric, President Obama’s proposed 2012 budget significantly increases federal education spending. His supporters defend the expansions as consistent with the vision of America’s founders. The historical evidence, however, refutes this argument. If enacted, the Obama administration’s $77.4 billion education spending proposal would represent a 57 percent ...
Business & Economics

The Fed needs to free the market

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission issued its finding that the devastating economic events of the past few years were “preventable.” The FCIC heaped the blame on many parties, but drew the wrong conclusion when it faulted the government and Federal Reserve for lax oversight. On the ...

Let Education Choice SOAR Coast to Coast

Last month a strong bi-partisan coalition in Congress introduced the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act. The program would reauthorize the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program and adds to a burgeoning movement for education choice across the country. Congress launched the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program in 2004. In spite of ...
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