
Business & Economics

Addressing The Systemic Problems Of Rising Health Care Costs In America

Even with the 2016 Presidential campaign mercifully coming to an end, there is more drama to come. While there will be many epicenters, perhaps none will impact the daily lives of more citizens than the impending drama in the health care industry. While not referring to the Affordable Care Act, ...
Business & Economics

Reformed Public Pensions Can Still Be Generous

As documented in a September 18, 2016 story in the L.A. Times, the problem of California’s unfunded public pensions has reached crisis proportions. The state controller’s office estimates that the total unfunded liabilities of the state and local public pension systems are $241.3 billion. But this assumes an annual return ...

A Better Way to Affordable, Quality Health Care

President Obama recently took to the Journal of the American Medical Association to defend his health-care law and recommend additional reforms. Among them? A government-run “public option” designed to compete against insurers on the exchanges. Instead of looking to increase the federal government’s role in health care yet again, he ...

The GOP’s Obamacare Replacement: Better Than Good

Last week, the GOP kept a promise to the American people by delivering a replacement plan for Obamacare. The plan — part of the party’s “A Better Way” campaign — was unveiled by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. “What we are laying out today is a first-time-in-six-years consensus by the ...

Gov. Brown exceeds his authority on greenhouse gas limits

When Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order last year mandating reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, he said he did it for California’s future. But his motives were irrelevant. He broke the law, says the state’s legislative counsel. “We think the determination ...

President Obama Double Downs On Medicaid’s Failures

President Barack Obama is calling on taxpayers to shell out more money for his health reform law’s disastrous Medicaid expansion. The president recently asked Congress to approve $106 billion in new Medicaid spending over the next 10 years. Nevermind that the Congressional Budget Office just concluded that, as is, Medicaid ...

Little to celebrate on Obamacare’s sixth birthday

Last week marked Obamacare’s sixth birthday. President Obama is, of course, celebrating the occasion. At a recent speech in Milwaukee, the president offered a catalog of the law’s supposed successes. Unfortunately, not one of his boasts stands up to scrutiny. He’s ignored the growing pile of evidence that his namesake ...

Obama vetoes an Obamacare repeal: Here’s what comes next

President Obama wasted no time earlier this month vetoing a bill that would’ve repealed large parts of Obamacare. To the president and his fellow Democrats, the entire process was pointless. Sixty-one previous repeal efforts by the GOP have failed. Obamacare is almost six years old, here to stay and Republicans ...
Business & Economics

Tax Increases Diminish Economic Opportunities

As Ronald Reagan might say upon hearing Hillary Clinton’s latest tax proposal, “there she goes again.” Secretary Clinton wants to impose a 4 percent “fair share surcharge” on people earning more than $5 million annually in order to get the “wealthy and the corporations to pay their fair share.” While ...

Obamacare Makes Employer-Based System Even Worse

The cost of health insurance is continuing its steady upward climb. According to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average annual premium for employer-sponsored insurance reached $17,545 this year — an almost $4,000 uptick since 2010, when Obamacare became law. Many workers may not have felt the ...
Business & Economics

Addressing The Systemic Problems Of Rising Health Care Costs In America

Even with the 2016 Presidential campaign mercifully coming to an end, there is more drama to come. While there will be many epicenters, perhaps none will impact the daily lives of more citizens than the impending drama in the health care industry. While not referring to the Affordable Care Act, ...
Business & Economics

Reformed Public Pensions Can Still Be Generous

As documented in a September 18, 2016 story in the L.A. Times, the problem of California’s unfunded public pensions has reached crisis proportions. The state controller’s office estimates that the total unfunded liabilities of the state and local public pension systems are $241.3 billion. But this assumes an annual return ...

A Better Way to Affordable, Quality Health Care

President Obama recently took to the Journal of the American Medical Association to defend his health-care law and recommend additional reforms. Among them? A government-run “public option” designed to compete against insurers on the exchanges. Instead of looking to increase the federal government’s role in health care yet again, he ...

The GOP’s Obamacare Replacement: Better Than Good

Last week, the GOP kept a promise to the American people by delivering a replacement plan for Obamacare. The plan — part of the party’s “A Better Way” campaign — was unveiled by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. “What we are laying out today is a first-time-in-six-years consensus by the ...

Gov. Brown exceeds his authority on greenhouse gas limits

When Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order last year mandating reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, he said he did it for California’s future. But his motives were irrelevant. He broke the law, says the state’s legislative counsel. “We think the determination ...

President Obama Double Downs On Medicaid’s Failures

President Barack Obama is calling on taxpayers to shell out more money for his health reform law’s disastrous Medicaid expansion. The president recently asked Congress to approve $106 billion in new Medicaid spending over the next 10 years. Nevermind that the Congressional Budget Office just concluded that, as is, Medicaid ...

Little to celebrate on Obamacare’s sixth birthday

Last week marked Obamacare’s sixth birthday. President Obama is, of course, celebrating the occasion. At a recent speech in Milwaukee, the president offered a catalog of the law’s supposed successes. Unfortunately, not one of his boasts stands up to scrutiny. He’s ignored the growing pile of evidence that his namesake ...

Obama vetoes an Obamacare repeal: Here’s what comes next

President Obama wasted no time earlier this month vetoing a bill that would’ve repealed large parts of Obamacare. To the president and his fellow Democrats, the entire process was pointless. Sixty-one previous repeal efforts by the GOP have failed. Obamacare is almost six years old, here to stay and Republicans ...
Business & Economics

Tax Increases Diminish Economic Opportunities

As Ronald Reagan might say upon hearing Hillary Clinton’s latest tax proposal, “there she goes again.” Secretary Clinton wants to impose a 4 percent “fair share surcharge” on people earning more than $5 million annually in order to get the “wealthy and the corporations to pay their fair share.” While ...

Obamacare Makes Employer-Based System Even Worse

The cost of health insurance is continuing its steady upward climb. According to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average annual premium for employer-sponsored insurance reached $17,545 this year — an almost $4,000 uptick since 2010, when Obamacare became law. Many workers may not have felt the ...
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