

Senate Republicans Embrace Obamacare In Their Healthcare Bill

Today, the Senate Republican leadership released its draft of a bill that would supposedly repeal and replace Obamacare. It does neither. With this bill, Senate Republicans are betraying the promises they made on the campaign trail for the better part of seven years. If it passes, the GOP will have ...
Business & Economics

New Study Finds High Prescription Drug Costs Are Not Driving Up U.S. Healthcare Costs

It’s easy for politicians and consumers to rage about the high price of prescription drugs, but Wayne Winegarden, Pacific Research Institute’s senior fellow in business and economics, said those prices are not to blame for the high cost of healthcare in the United States. Recently, U.S. Bernie Sanders has been ...
Business & Economics

Drug Importation Will Not Improve Health Care Affordability

The growing problem of health care affordability requires prompt and effective policy solutions. However, just as the wrong medical diagnosis will not cure a patient, and may make the patient even sicker, the wrong policy solution will not address the U.S. health care affordability problem, and may even worsen the ...
Business & Economics

New PRI Study Finds That High Prescription Drug Costs Are Not Driving Up U.S. Health Care Costs

A more realistic evaluation of U.S. prescription drug prices shows that high drug prices are not actually driving up health care costs overall, and reflect the higher U.S. health care costs compared to the rest of the world, according to a new report released today by the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Business & Economics

Can The Government Afford Economic Growth?

Despite the Federal Reserve’s latest interest rate increase last week, interest rates remain low by historical standards. While rising interest rates are an indication that the economic outlook is improving, the slow climb back to normal rates is a significant risk to the government’s budget. 50 years ago, about 10 ...
Health Care

Health Care Spending Increases, Federal Share Rises

The federal government spends more on health care than any other entity or group, in part due to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) contributed to the federal government becoming the largest purchaser of health insurance and other health care services ...
Business & Economics

Why Government Spending Is An Obstacle To Growth

Click here to read Part 1 of the New Normal series Click here to read Part 2 of the New Normal series Click here to read Part 3 of the New Normal series For too long, our economy has been growing unnecessarily slow. Since 2000, U.S. economic growth has been ...

California Job Losses From Obamacare Repeal? Fear Not!

Obamacare was a cash cow for providers, which now argue it was a program for jobs and economic growth. They now say that repealing Obamacare will kill California jobs. That grabs any politician’s attention, but it is not true. According to a study by the UC Berkeley Labor Center, which ...
Business & Economics

Drug Importation Is Not The Answer

The imminent repeal of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) is garnering most of the health care headlines, and rightly so. But, the focus on Obamacare should not overshadow other health care modifications that may be considered during the 115th Congress. Paramount among these proposals is the issue of drug ...

Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate

The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...

Senate Republicans Embrace Obamacare In Their Healthcare Bill

Today, the Senate Republican leadership released its draft of a bill that would supposedly repeal and replace Obamacare. It does neither. With this bill, Senate Republicans are betraying the promises they made on the campaign trail for the better part of seven years. If it passes, the GOP will have ...
Business & Economics

New Study Finds High Prescription Drug Costs Are Not Driving Up U.S. Healthcare Costs

It’s easy for politicians and consumers to rage about the high price of prescription drugs, but Wayne Winegarden, Pacific Research Institute’s senior fellow in business and economics, said those prices are not to blame for the high cost of healthcare in the United States. Recently, U.S. Bernie Sanders has been ...
Business & Economics

Drug Importation Will Not Improve Health Care Affordability

The growing problem of health care affordability requires prompt and effective policy solutions. However, just as the wrong medical diagnosis will not cure a patient, and may make the patient even sicker, the wrong policy solution will not address the U.S. health care affordability problem, and may even worsen the ...
Business & Economics

New PRI Study Finds That High Prescription Drug Costs Are Not Driving Up U.S. Health Care Costs

A more realistic evaluation of U.S. prescription drug prices shows that high drug prices are not actually driving up health care costs overall, and reflect the higher U.S. health care costs compared to the rest of the world, according to a new report released today by the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Business & Economics

Can The Government Afford Economic Growth?

Despite the Federal Reserve’s latest interest rate increase last week, interest rates remain low by historical standards. While rising interest rates are an indication that the economic outlook is improving, the slow climb back to normal rates is a significant risk to the government’s budget. 50 years ago, about 10 ...
Health Care

Health Care Spending Increases, Federal Share Rises

The federal government spends more on health care than any other entity or group, in part due to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) contributed to the federal government becoming the largest purchaser of health insurance and other health care services ...
Business & Economics

Why Government Spending Is An Obstacle To Growth

Click here to read Part 1 of the New Normal series Click here to read Part 2 of the New Normal series Click here to read Part 3 of the New Normal series For too long, our economy has been growing unnecessarily slow. Since 2000, U.S. economic growth has been ...

California Job Losses From Obamacare Repeal? Fear Not!

Obamacare was a cash cow for providers, which now argue it was a program for jobs and economic growth. They now say that repealing Obamacare will kill California jobs. That grabs any politician’s attention, but it is not true. According to a study by the UC Berkeley Labor Center, which ...
Business & Economics

Drug Importation Is Not The Answer

The imminent repeal of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) is garnering most of the health care headlines, and rightly so. But, the focus on Obamacare should not overshadow other health care modifications that may be considered during the 115th Congress. Paramount among these proposals is the issue of drug ...

Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate

The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...
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