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  • Health Technology


    What We’re Watching – July 10

    Kerry Jackson – Thomas Sowell – Common Sense in a Senseless World The full one-hour documentary won’t be out until early next year. In the meantime, the world around us is likely to become more senseless by the day. Maybe the greatest act of 2021 will be done by the ...

    Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators

    The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...

    We must relax restrictions on foreign doctors

    The Trump administration just made it a bit easier for foreign doctors to join the fight against the coronavirus. This month, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services authorized foreign doctors in the Conrad 30 program to conduct telehealth visits across state lines. Previously, these doctors — up to 30 per state ...

    COVID-19 Reveals The Power Of Deregulation

    One of the most effective policy responses to COVID-19 thus far has not been a new government program or infusion of federal funding. Rather, it’s been the deliberate effort by the Trump administration to pare back regulations impeding access to health care. That work must continue after the pandemic passes. ...

    Coronavirus causes financial crisis for hospitals and doctors – Patients lose vital care

    While many heroic doctors, nurses and other health care professionals are working long hours and risking their lives to treat COVID-19 patients, others have seen their workloads and hospital occupancy rates drop dramatically as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. This has created a financial crisis and endangered public health. ...

    Sally Pipes – The Push for Government-Run Health Care During the Coronavirus Crisis

    PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Studies Sally C. Pipes is back to discuss some of the health care challenges that have popped up during the coronavirus crisis, including a renewed push for single-payer and calls for prescription drug price controls and a “Buy America” ...

    Coronavirus lockdown unleashes potential of this form of medicine

    Ninety-five percent of the country is currently under a stay-at-home order, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. So for those in need of a check-up, or a prescription refill, or a quick look at some swelling around a child’s eye, a virtual visit to the doctor may be the best option. ...

    Sally C. Pipes Talks Coronavirus, Telehealth Benefits on the Jim Bohannon Show

    The Jim Bohannon Show interviews Sally C. Pipes about the latest news on the coronavirus pandemic, including the expanded use of telehealth for underserved and rural areas. Pipes explains the importance of telehealth as we start to move past COVID-19 and the role telehealth could pay in more affordable health ...

    Telehealth should stay long after COVID-19 goes

    The new coronavirus outbreak has put enormous pressure on the American health care system. In response, federal officials and private insurers have rushed to improve patient access to video consultations and other forms of virtual care. It may have taken a public health emergency to bring “telehealth” to the mainstream, ...
    Drug Pricing

    Wayne Winegarden Drug Pricing Study Featured in Healthcare Finance News

    Drug supply chain, pricing system reforms will slash healthcare costs, says PRI By Jeff Lagasse As the Trump administration pushes for price caps and government controls to address prescription drug prices, a new issue brief released by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute contends ...

    What We’re Watching – July 10

    Kerry Jackson – Thomas Sowell – Common Sense in a Senseless World The full one-hour documentary won’t be out until early next year. In the meantime, the world around us is likely to become more senseless by the day. Maybe the greatest act of 2021 will be done by the ...

    Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators

    The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...

    We must relax restrictions on foreign doctors

    The Trump administration just made it a bit easier for foreign doctors to join the fight against the coronavirus. This month, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services authorized foreign doctors in the Conrad 30 program to conduct telehealth visits across state lines. Previously, these doctors — up to 30 per state ...

    COVID-19 Reveals The Power Of Deregulation

    One of the most effective policy responses to COVID-19 thus far has not been a new government program or infusion of federal funding. Rather, it’s been the deliberate effort by the Trump administration to pare back regulations impeding access to health care. That work must continue after the pandemic passes. ...

    Coronavirus causes financial crisis for hospitals and doctors – Patients lose vital care

    While many heroic doctors, nurses and other health care professionals are working long hours and risking their lives to treat COVID-19 patients, others have seen their workloads and hospital occupancy rates drop dramatically as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. This has created a financial crisis and endangered public health. ...

    Sally Pipes – The Push for Government-Run Health Care During the Coronavirus Crisis

    PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Studies Sally C. Pipes is back to discuss some of the health care challenges that have popped up during the coronavirus crisis, including a renewed push for single-payer and calls for prescription drug price controls and a “Buy America” ...

    Coronavirus lockdown unleashes potential of this form of medicine

    Ninety-five percent of the country is currently under a stay-at-home order, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. So for those in need of a check-up, or a prescription refill, or a quick look at some swelling around a child’s eye, a virtual visit to the doctor may be the best option. ...

    Sally C. Pipes Talks Coronavirus, Telehealth Benefits on the Jim Bohannon Show

    The Jim Bohannon Show interviews Sally C. Pipes about the latest news on the coronavirus pandemic, including the expanded use of telehealth for underserved and rural areas. Pipes explains the importance of telehealth as we start to move past COVID-19 and the role telehealth could pay in more affordable health ...

    Telehealth should stay long after COVID-19 goes

    The new coronavirus outbreak has put enormous pressure on the American health care system. In response, federal officials and private insurers have rushed to improve patient access to video consultations and other forms of virtual care. It may have taken a public health emergency to bring “telehealth” to the mainstream, ...
    Drug Pricing

    Wayne Winegarden Drug Pricing Study Featured in Healthcare Finance News

    Drug supply chain, pricing system reforms will slash healthcare costs, says PRI By Jeff Lagasse As the Trump administration pushes for price caps and government controls to address prescription drug prices, a new issue brief released by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute contends ...
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