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  • Health Technology


    Upsides are clear: Make the deregulation of telehealth permanent

    Many Texans had their first-ever telehealth appointment at some point in the last 18 months—likely a video chat to talk symptoms, prescriptions, or follow-up care with a doctor. Once relatively rare, virtual doctor visits boomed during the pandemic, as public health measures kept us at home. Even giant companies are ...

    Telehealth is a rare good thing to come from the pandemic. Let’s make it permanent

    It’s time for your annual physical. You make an appointment with your doctor and mark the date on your calendar. But when the day arrives, you don’t set aside two to three hours or wait for a nurse to call your name in a sterile doctor’s office. You log onto ...

    How The Private Sector Can Help Address The Doctor Shortage

    Demand for doctors is far outstripping supply. The United States will face a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, according to projections out this month from the Association of American Medical Colleges. Already, many Americans are struggling to get the care they need. About 35% of patients had trouble finding a ...

    Read Sally Pipes’ Remarks from Adam Smith Society National Meeting

    Below are remarks delivered by PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes at the annual national meeting of the Adam Smith Society on June 9, 2021.  She spoke about free market health care solutions. Thank you so very much for inviting me ...

    Telemedicine is here to stay

    This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced bills that could preserve access to telehealth for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries beyond the pandemic. The House measure would allow Medicare beneficiaries to continue receiving “audio-only” remote care — that is, by phone. The Senate bill would direct the federal government to come ...

    Conservatives Have Healthcare Ideas, Too

    Democrats are pushing ahead with their healthcare agenda. In the last few weeks, progressive lawmakers have introduced a new Medicare for All bill, proposed legislation that would implement a public option, and poured billions of dollars into expanding Obamacare subsidies. The press is wondering how Republicans will respond. Last month, ...

    Let health care workers treat patients in any state

    Sens. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., recently introduced legislation that would allow licensed medical professionals to provide treatment in any state through the remainder of the pandemic. That’s a good idea. But its existence sheds light on a bigger problem within our health care system. Even under normal ...

    Healthcare Price Controls Don’t Come For Free

    America’s healthcare bill continues to rise. Our tab reached $3.8 trillion in 2019, nearly $11,600 per person, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Health care consumes some 17.7% of our nation’s gross domestic product. In recent months, two leading research organizations, the Rand Corporation and the Kaiser ...

    Make relaxed state-based telehealth restrictions permanent

    Imagine you’re traveling from Nashville to Louisville to visit your grandmother. When you’re 15 minutes from her house, you decide to call to let her know you’ll be arriving soon. For some reason, your mobile phone doesn’t connect. So you stop at a payphone to call your wireless phone provider. ...

    After COVID-19 subsides, ‘the telehealth revolution must march on’

    It’s hard to find a silver lining in a pandemic. But one of the few may be the rapid rise of telemedicine. With people stuck at home, doctors retooled their practices to see patients via videoconference. Insurance companies and regulators expanded the number of services available via telemedicine—and made reimbursement ...

    Upsides are clear: Make the deregulation of telehealth permanent

    Many Texans had their first-ever telehealth appointment at some point in the last 18 months—likely a video chat to talk symptoms, prescriptions, or follow-up care with a doctor. Once relatively rare, virtual doctor visits boomed during the pandemic, as public health measures kept us at home. Even giant companies are ...

    Telehealth is a rare good thing to come from the pandemic. Let’s make it permanent

    It’s time for your annual physical. You make an appointment with your doctor and mark the date on your calendar. But when the day arrives, you don’t set aside two to three hours or wait for a nurse to call your name in a sterile doctor’s office. You log onto ...

    How The Private Sector Can Help Address The Doctor Shortage

    Demand for doctors is far outstripping supply. The United States will face a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, according to projections out this month from the Association of American Medical Colleges. Already, many Americans are struggling to get the care they need. About 35% of patients had trouble finding a ...

    Read Sally Pipes’ Remarks from Adam Smith Society National Meeting

    Below are remarks delivered by PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes at the annual national meeting of the Adam Smith Society on June 9, 2021.  She spoke about free market health care solutions. Thank you so very much for inviting me ...

    Telemedicine is here to stay

    This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced bills that could preserve access to telehealth for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries beyond the pandemic. The House measure would allow Medicare beneficiaries to continue receiving “audio-only” remote care — that is, by phone. The Senate bill would direct the federal government to come ...

    Conservatives Have Healthcare Ideas, Too

    Democrats are pushing ahead with their healthcare agenda. In the last few weeks, progressive lawmakers have introduced a new Medicare for All bill, proposed legislation that would implement a public option, and poured billions of dollars into expanding Obamacare subsidies. The press is wondering how Republicans will respond. Last month, ...

    Let health care workers treat patients in any state

    Sens. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., recently introduced legislation that would allow licensed medical professionals to provide treatment in any state through the remainder of the pandemic. That’s a good idea. But its existence sheds light on a bigger problem within our health care system. Even under normal ...

    Healthcare Price Controls Don’t Come For Free

    America’s healthcare bill continues to rise. Our tab reached $3.8 trillion in 2019, nearly $11,600 per person, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Health care consumes some 17.7% of our nation’s gross domestic product. In recent months, two leading research organizations, the Rand Corporation and the Kaiser ...

    Make relaxed state-based telehealth restrictions permanent

    Imagine you’re traveling from Nashville to Louisville to visit your grandmother. When you’re 15 minutes from her house, you decide to call to let her know you’ll be arriving soon. For some reason, your mobile phone doesn’t connect. So you stop at a payphone to call your wireless phone provider. ...

    After COVID-19 subsides, ‘the telehealth revolution must march on’

    It’s hard to find a silver lining in a pandemic. But one of the few may be the rapid rise of telemedicine. With people stuck at home, doctors retooled their practices to see patients via videoconference. Insurance companies and regulators expanded the number of services available via telemedicine—and made reimbursement ...
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