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  • Health Technology


    Learn about case that could threaten medical innovation

    PRI Files Amicus Brief in Key State Supreme Court Case That Could Upend Future Medical Innovation in California

    In the case, the plaintiffs filed cases against the Gilead pharmaceutical company over the company’s failure to bring an alternative medication used to treat AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases to the marketplace called TAF under a speedier timeline, even though TAF and the originally developed medicine called TDF are both ...

    Biden Is Medical Innovation’s Executioner

    President Joe Biden just declared war on medical science — and has undermined his “Cancer Moonshot.” That’s the only way to interpret the administration’s announcement last week arrogating the power to seize patents for medicines and other technologies developed with taxpayer funds on the grounds that they’re too expensive. The president claims ...

    Sanders’ Haughty Stance Against Medical Innovators Harms Lives

    Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has summoned Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel to Capitol Hill for a public chastising next week. The hearing will probe why the biotech firm would consider raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine. Since the federal government played some role in the vaccine’s development, Sen. Sanders argues, it ...

    Deregulating Medical Devices Will Increase Innovation and Safety

    Government regulation is supposed to make products safer. But new research shows that, at least for medical devices, regulation can have the opposite effect. In a paper published this past November, UC San Diego economist Parker Rogers found that when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reduces regulation on a category of products, innovation ...

    Simple solutions that boost neighborhood healthcare

    Simple solutions that boost neighborhood healthcare by McKenzie Richards Perhaps I should not have moved to Los Angeles given that I hate driving. Driving here – and in any city, really – can be chaotic, unpredictable and time-consuming. For a recent doctor’s appointment, I opted to walk instead. Never having ...

    Health Care Priorities for Next Congress

    Election day approaches quickly. But no matter who wins come November, Americans must urge Congress to prioritize health care policy. Health care costs are consistently rising which endangers lives because costs can constrain patients from receiving needed care. Pandemic exigencies further highlighted shortcomings in our health care system. Before pandemic ...

    Human insulin saga: Anomalous, successful 40-year history of the first genetically-modified medicine underscores how regulators can scuttle innovation

    October 29th marks the 40th anniversary of one of biotechnology’s most significant milestones — the approval by the FDA of human insulin synthesized in genetically engineered bacteria to treat diabetes.

    The Inflation Reduction Act Kills the Golden Goose That Could End Cancer

    President Joe Biden recently relaunched his Cancer Moonshot initiative. His passion for ending cancer is commendable. Unfortunately, the policies he has enacted will undermine his quest.   The Cancer Moonshot aims to reduce the death rate from cancer by 50 percent over the next 25 years by pouring money into cancer research and improving coordination ...

    Pay No Attention To Biden’s Biotech Bluster

    Speaking in Boston earlier this month, President Biden insisted that the United States can “end cancer as we know it and even cure cancers once and for all.”   His “Cancer Moonshot” aims to do just that. Among its many lofty goals, it seeks to halve cancer deaths in the next 25 years. ...

    What’s at fault for lower life expectancy? Health care has less influence than individual choices.

    New life expectancy data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seems to indicate that things are getting only worse. Between 2020 and 2021, American life expectancy decreased 0.9 years. That follows a drop of 1.8 years in 2020.

    Learn about case that could threaten medical innovation

    PRI Files Amicus Brief in Key State Supreme Court Case That Could Upend Future Medical Innovation in California

    In the case, the plaintiffs filed cases against the Gilead pharmaceutical company over the company’s failure to bring an alternative medication used to treat AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases to the marketplace called TAF under a speedier timeline, even though TAF and the originally developed medicine called TDF are both ...

    Biden Is Medical Innovation’s Executioner

    President Joe Biden just declared war on medical science — and has undermined his “Cancer Moonshot.” That’s the only way to interpret the administration’s announcement last week arrogating the power to seize patents for medicines and other technologies developed with taxpayer funds on the grounds that they’re too expensive. The president claims ...

    Sanders’ Haughty Stance Against Medical Innovators Harms Lives

    Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has summoned Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel to Capitol Hill for a public chastising next week. The hearing will probe why the biotech firm would consider raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine. Since the federal government played some role in the vaccine’s development, Sen. Sanders argues, it ...

    Deregulating Medical Devices Will Increase Innovation and Safety

    Government regulation is supposed to make products safer. But new research shows that, at least for medical devices, regulation can have the opposite effect. In a paper published this past November, UC San Diego economist Parker Rogers found that when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reduces regulation on a category of products, innovation ...

    Simple solutions that boost neighborhood healthcare

    Simple solutions that boost neighborhood healthcare by McKenzie Richards Perhaps I should not have moved to Los Angeles given that I hate driving. Driving here – and in any city, really – can be chaotic, unpredictable and time-consuming. For a recent doctor’s appointment, I opted to walk instead. Never having ...

    Health Care Priorities for Next Congress

    Election day approaches quickly. But no matter who wins come November, Americans must urge Congress to prioritize health care policy. Health care costs are consistently rising which endangers lives because costs can constrain patients from receiving needed care. Pandemic exigencies further highlighted shortcomings in our health care system. Before pandemic ...

    Human insulin saga: Anomalous, successful 40-year history of the first genetically-modified medicine underscores how regulators can scuttle innovation

    October 29th marks the 40th anniversary of one of biotechnology’s most significant milestones — the approval by the FDA of human insulin synthesized in genetically engineered bacteria to treat diabetes.

    The Inflation Reduction Act Kills the Golden Goose That Could End Cancer

    President Joe Biden recently relaunched his Cancer Moonshot initiative. His passion for ending cancer is commendable. Unfortunately, the policies he has enacted will undermine his quest.   The Cancer Moonshot aims to reduce the death rate from cancer by 50 percent over the next 25 years by pouring money into cancer research and improving coordination ...

    Pay No Attention To Biden’s Biotech Bluster

    Speaking in Boston earlier this month, President Biden insisted that the United States can “end cancer as we know it and even cure cancers once and for all.”   His “Cancer Moonshot” aims to do just that. Among its many lofty goals, it seeks to halve cancer deaths in the next 25 years. ...

    What’s at fault for lower life expectancy? Health care has less influence than individual choices.

    New life expectancy data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seems to indicate that things are getting only worse. Between 2020 and 2021, American life expectancy decreased 0.9 years. That follows a drop of 1.8 years in 2020.
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