Health Savings Accounts


The GOP’s Obamacare Replacement: Better Than Good

Last week, the GOP kept a promise to the American people by delivering a replacement plan for Obamacare. The plan — part of the party’s “A Better Way” campaign — was unveiled by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. “What we are laying out today is a first-time-in-six-years consensus by the ...

Obama administration should stop the attack on HSAs

Health insurance is about to bear a higher price tag. Experts at the Kaiser Family Foundation just warned that premiums are likely to jump in 2017 — after increasing an average of more than 12 percent this year. High-deductible health plans paired with tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts (HSA) have emerged ...

For GOP Health Reformers, No Sleep Til Cleveland

The Republican National Convention is less than three months away. The party may not have settled on a presidential nominee by then but if the GOP’s top elected official, Speaker Paul Ryan, has his way, Republicans will arrive in Cleveland with a brand-new plan for replacing Obamacare. The time is ...

Obamacare’s Sixth Birthday Provides No Reason To Celebrate

This Wednesday, March 23, Obamacare turns all of six years old. The administration is using the occasion to celebrate. At a speech in Milwaukee earlier this month, the president claimed that 20 million people have gained health insurance because of the law. The truth is far more complicated. Enrollment in ...

Donald Trump’s Obamacare Alternative Isn’t Bad, But It Isn’t Great Either

“Repeal and replace with something terrific.” That was Donald Trump’s promise for how he’d deal with Obamacare shortly after he announced his candidacy in June. Trump has finally revealed just what he meant by “terrific.” Last week, he released a seven-point plan outlining his alternative to Obamacare. Trump calls it ...

Time To Liberate Health Savings Accounts

Two members of Congress are trying to make paying for health care easier. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Rep. Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., just introduced companion legislation that would boost the power of Health Savings Accounts, which allow consumers to set aside money tax-free for health care expenses. They’re right to ...

Book Review: Sally Pipes’ ‘The Way Out Of Obamacare’

Back in January of 2011, and over drinks with Sally Pipes and Rowena Itchon (respectively President and Vice President of the Pacific Research Institute), we got to talking about Pipes’ emigration from Canada to the United States when she was a young adult. Her mother’s parting plea to Pipes was ...

The Right Way to Replace Obamacare’s Subsidy

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, nine candidates for the Republican presidential nomination remain. All are staunch critics of Obamacare. But they differ on what they’d put in its place. One point of tension? How to replace Obamacare’s overly complicated subsidy system. The GOP roughly falls into two ...

Obama’s veto won’t save the Affordable Care Act

To the surprise of no one, President Obama swiftly vetoed the latest bill aiming to repeal his signature health law. Soon afterward, Senate Republican leaders made clear that they don’t want to offer up an Obamacare alternative until after the election in November. That’s garnered criticism among Democrats. “When will ...

Obama vetoes an Obamacare repeal: Here’s what comes next

President Obama wasted no time earlier this month vetoing a bill that would’ve repealed large parts of Obamacare. To the president and his fellow Democrats, the entire process was pointless. Sixty-one previous repeal efforts by the GOP have failed. Obamacare is almost six years old, here to stay and Republicans ...

The GOP’s Obamacare Replacement: Better Than Good

Last week, the GOP kept a promise to the American people by delivering a replacement plan for Obamacare. The plan — part of the party’s “A Better Way” campaign — was unveiled by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. “What we are laying out today is a first-time-in-six-years consensus by the ...

Obama administration should stop the attack on HSAs

Health insurance is about to bear a higher price tag. Experts at the Kaiser Family Foundation just warned that premiums are likely to jump in 2017 — after increasing an average of more than 12 percent this year. High-deductible health plans paired with tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts (HSA) have emerged ...

For GOP Health Reformers, No Sleep Til Cleveland

The Republican National Convention is less than three months away. The party may not have settled on a presidential nominee by then but if the GOP’s top elected official, Speaker Paul Ryan, has his way, Republicans will arrive in Cleveland with a brand-new plan for replacing Obamacare. The time is ...

Obamacare’s Sixth Birthday Provides No Reason To Celebrate

This Wednesday, March 23, Obamacare turns all of six years old. The administration is using the occasion to celebrate. At a speech in Milwaukee earlier this month, the president claimed that 20 million people have gained health insurance because of the law. The truth is far more complicated. Enrollment in ...

Donald Trump’s Obamacare Alternative Isn’t Bad, But It Isn’t Great Either

“Repeal and replace with something terrific.” That was Donald Trump’s promise for how he’d deal with Obamacare shortly after he announced his candidacy in June. Trump has finally revealed just what he meant by “terrific.” Last week, he released a seven-point plan outlining his alternative to Obamacare. Trump calls it ...

Time To Liberate Health Savings Accounts

Two members of Congress are trying to make paying for health care easier. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Rep. Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., just introduced companion legislation that would boost the power of Health Savings Accounts, which allow consumers to set aside money tax-free for health care expenses. They’re right to ...

Book Review: Sally Pipes’ ‘The Way Out Of Obamacare’

Back in January of 2011, and over drinks with Sally Pipes and Rowena Itchon (respectively President and Vice President of the Pacific Research Institute), we got to talking about Pipes’ emigration from Canada to the United States when she was a young adult. Her mother’s parting plea to Pipes was ...

The Right Way to Replace Obamacare’s Subsidy

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, nine candidates for the Republican presidential nomination remain. All are staunch critics of Obamacare. But they differ on what they’d put in its place. One point of tension? How to replace Obamacare’s overly complicated subsidy system. The GOP roughly falls into two ...

Obama’s veto won’t save the Affordable Care Act

To the surprise of no one, President Obama swiftly vetoed the latest bill aiming to repeal his signature health law. Soon afterward, Senate Republican leaders made clear that they don’t want to offer up an Obamacare alternative until after the election in November. That’s garnered criticism among Democrats. “When will ...

Obama vetoes an Obamacare repeal: Here’s what comes next

President Obama wasted no time earlier this month vetoing a bill that would’ve repealed large parts of Obamacare. To the president and his fellow Democrats, the entire process was pointless. Sixty-one previous repeal efforts by the GOP have failed. Obamacare is almost six years old, here to stay and Republicans ...
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