Health Savings Accounts


Free Marketers Should Use 2018 To Lay The Foundation For Medicare Reform

Earlier this month, President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other senior Republicans huddled at Camp David to plan the party’s 2018 legislative agenda. Speaker Ryan argued for reforming Medicare. That “is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” he said. He’s right. Unfortunately, ...

GOP Can Improve Health Care And Lower Taxes

Congressional Republicans are gearing up for a battle over tax reform. Nearly everyone in the caucus would like to slash corporate and individual taxes. But they will need to close some loopholes in the tax code if they hope to offset the revenue they will lose by lowering rates. One ...
Health Care

‘Obamacare’ opponent says ending CSR payments would weaken law

Targeting certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be the best way to weaken the legislation after the failure of repeal and replace, a longtime opponent of former President Barack Obama’s health care law argues. Sally Pipes, director of the conservative Pacific Research Institute, says to start with ...

Expansion Of Health Savings Accounts Can Bend The Healthcare Cost Curve Downwards

More than six in ten Republican voters want Congress to keep trying to repeal and replace ObamaCare, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll. Lawmakers won’t be able to do so in one fell swoop, given the Senate’s failure to agree on a comprehensive reform plan. But Republicans can ...
Health Care

Employers Forecast Health Care Costs Per Employee To Exceed $14,000 Next Year

Large employers are projecting that health care costs for each worker they employ will rise to $14,156 next year, according to a survey from the National Business Group on Health. This year those health care costs, which include premiums and out-of-pocket costs for medical and pharmacy benefits, totaled $13,482 per ...

Reports Of Obamacare Repeal’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

President Trump recently tweeted, “Unless the Republican senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead!” He’s completely right that free-marketeers shouldn’t give up on health reform. But if we’re being honest, none of the bills that the Senate considered last week would have come close to fulfilling the ...

Free-Marketers Shouldn’t Give Up on Health Care Reform

The nation is watching to see whether the U.S. Senate repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), revises it, or even continues working in earnest to repeal Obamacare. No matter the outcome, free-market health care reformers will be disappointed. None of the legislation under consideration offers a full-fledged, consumer-driven alternative to ...
Health Care

Health Care Policy Expert: Future GOP Health Care Reform Efforts Must Address The Tax Code

The Senate did not pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Monday, leaving the Affordable Care Act instituted under former President Barack Obama in place — for now. Various Republican senators vociferously opposed the plan for a variety of reasons, with some stating it did not do enough to repeal ...
Health Care

Modesto Man Thanks The ACA For Flimsy Health Plan And Sky-High Insurance Rates

Bruce Pardini of Modesto refers to his health insurance plan as “this plastic card in my pocket”, which costs almost $1,000 a month. It has a $6,500 annual deductible and other costly terms such as a $75 copay for physician visits. Pardini is among the middle class voices that are ...

The Senate Health Care Bill Is Just Obamacare Lite

After weeks of closed-door negotiations, the Senate Republican leadership on Thursday released its bid to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s the product of a 13-member Senate working group. The bill is a disappointment. It’s little more than repeal in name only. And its ideas for replacement are almost indistinguishable from ...

Free Marketers Should Use 2018 To Lay The Foundation For Medicare Reform

Earlier this month, President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other senior Republicans huddled at Camp David to plan the party’s 2018 legislative agenda. Speaker Ryan argued for reforming Medicare. That “is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” he said. He’s right. Unfortunately, ...

GOP Can Improve Health Care And Lower Taxes

Congressional Republicans are gearing up for a battle over tax reform. Nearly everyone in the caucus would like to slash corporate and individual taxes. But they will need to close some loopholes in the tax code if they hope to offset the revenue they will lose by lowering rates. One ...
Health Care

‘Obamacare’ opponent says ending CSR payments would weaken law

Targeting certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be the best way to weaken the legislation after the failure of repeal and replace, a longtime opponent of former President Barack Obama’s health care law argues. Sally Pipes, director of the conservative Pacific Research Institute, says to start with ...

Expansion Of Health Savings Accounts Can Bend The Healthcare Cost Curve Downwards

More than six in ten Republican voters want Congress to keep trying to repeal and replace ObamaCare, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll. Lawmakers won’t be able to do so in one fell swoop, given the Senate’s failure to agree on a comprehensive reform plan. But Republicans can ...
Health Care

Employers Forecast Health Care Costs Per Employee To Exceed $14,000 Next Year

Large employers are projecting that health care costs for each worker they employ will rise to $14,156 next year, according to a survey from the National Business Group on Health. This year those health care costs, which include premiums and out-of-pocket costs for medical and pharmacy benefits, totaled $13,482 per ...

Reports Of Obamacare Repeal’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

President Trump recently tweeted, “Unless the Republican senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead!” He’s completely right that free-marketeers shouldn’t give up on health reform. But if we’re being honest, none of the bills that the Senate considered last week would have come close to fulfilling the ...

Free-Marketers Shouldn’t Give Up on Health Care Reform

The nation is watching to see whether the U.S. Senate repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), revises it, or even continues working in earnest to repeal Obamacare. No matter the outcome, free-market health care reformers will be disappointed. None of the legislation under consideration offers a full-fledged, consumer-driven alternative to ...
Health Care

Health Care Policy Expert: Future GOP Health Care Reform Efforts Must Address The Tax Code

The Senate did not pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Monday, leaving the Affordable Care Act instituted under former President Barack Obama in place — for now. Various Republican senators vociferously opposed the plan for a variety of reasons, with some stating it did not do enough to repeal ...
Health Care

Modesto Man Thanks The ACA For Flimsy Health Plan And Sky-High Insurance Rates

Bruce Pardini of Modesto refers to his health insurance plan as “this plastic card in my pocket”, which costs almost $1,000 a month. It has a $6,500 annual deductible and other costly terms such as a $75 copay for physician visits. Pardini is among the middle class voices that are ...

The Senate Health Care Bill Is Just Obamacare Lite

After weeks of closed-door negotiations, the Senate Republican leadership on Thursday released its bid to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s the product of a 13-member Senate working group. The bill is a disappointment. It’s little more than repeal in name only. And its ideas for replacement are almost indistinguishable from ...
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