Health Savings Accounts


Another Broken Obama Promise: The Healthcare Cost Monster Emerges

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published an article for its special “Election 2012? edition signed by nearly two dozen economists and healthcare experts calling for a “systematic approach” to health cost control. Several of the co-authors used to be advisers to President Obama, including former budget chief Peter ...

Solutions for CalPERS health insurance rate hikes

and The California Public Employees’ Retirement System recently raised health insurance premiums for nearly 1.3 million workers and retirees an average of 9.6 percent for 2013, more than three times the rate of general inflation over the past year. The rate hikes include 8.7 percent increases for basic health maintenance ...

Viewpoints: With health care put in federal hands, is rationing in our future?

President Ronald Reagan used to tell this story during the Soviet era when government central planners took charge of the economy: A Russian man wants to buy a car. The man goes to the official agency, puts down his money and is told that he can take delivery of his ...

Tax reform, health reform should be linked together

In his majority opinion upholding Obamacare, Chief Justice John Roberts salvaged the notorious individual mandate that requires people to obtain insurance or pay a fine by effectively reclassifying the fine as a tax. The decision baffled most observers. Conservatives were outraged that the ostensibly friendly chief justice had upheld the ...

A Healthcare Blueprint For A President Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney caused a stir during his recent speech before the NAACP, telling the crowd, “I will eliminate expensive non-essential programs like Obamacare.” The largely pro-Obama crowd was not thrilled with Romney’s attack on the president’s signature legislative achievement. But it’s hard to imagine how anyone could be excited about ...
Health Care

Chart Focus: Will Americans Ever Control As Many Of Our Own Health Dollars as the Swiss, the Swedes, or the Canadians?

Key Points: Americans control a smaller share of our health spending than do residents of most other developed countries. •In the late 1980s, the United States allowed patients to control more health spending than any other country, except Switzerland. •In the twenty years to 2008, the share of U.S. health ...
Health Care

Health Care Expert Sally Pipes on Repealing, Replacing Obamacare

As a Canadian and firsthand witness of Canada’s government-run health care system, Sally Pipes is warning that Obamacare will exacerbate the existing problems of rising costs and lack of access in the American health care system. At a recent Heritage event, Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, ...

Government Mandates Make Health Savings More Elusive

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released some data that show that the digital revolution continues to evade health care. Through mid-May, just 1,026 registered hospitals and physicians out of a possible 56,599 have demonstrated that they are using electronic medical records and other health information technology in ...

Death Trap Democrats

Despite November’s New Deal magnitude political earthquake, surviving House Democrats just laughed off their historic 63 seat loss and reelected ultra-left San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader, a position she will now apparently hold for life. Somehow Democrats are convinced that the American people will come to ...

Pro & Con: Should states block formation of health insurance exchanges?

In January, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled in favor of Georgia and 25 other states that the federal health reform law was unconstitutional. Last December, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson made a similar decision in a lawsuit brought by Virginia. The elected branches also are doing their part to ...

Another Broken Obama Promise: The Healthcare Cost Monster Emerges

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published an article for its special “Election 2012? edition signed by nearly two dozen economists and healthcare experts calling for a “systematic approach” to health cost control. Several of the co-authors used to be advisers to President Obama, including former budget chief Peter ...

Solutions for CalPERS health insurance rate hikes

and The California Public Employees’ Retirement System recently raised health insurance premiums for nearly 1.3 million workers and retirees an average of 9.6 percent for 2013, more than three times the rate of general inflation over the past year. The rate hikes include 8.7 percent increases for basic health maintenance ...

Viewpoints: With health care put in federal hands, is rationing in our future?

President Ronald Reagan used to tell this story during the Soviet era when government central planners took charge of the economy: A Russian man wants to buy a car. The man goes to the official agency, puts down his money and is told that he can take delivery of his ...

Tax reform, health reform should be linked together

In his majority opinion upholding Obamacare, Chief Justice John Roberts salvaged the notorious individual mandate that requires people to obtain insurance or pay a fine by effectively reclassifying the fine as a tax. The decision baffled most observers. Conservatives were outraged that the ostensibly friendly chief justice had upheld the ...

A Healthcare Blueprint For A President Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney caused a stir during his recent speech before the NAACP, telling the crowd, “I will eliminate expensive non-essential programs like Obamacare.” The largely pro-Obama crowd was not thrilled with Romney’s attack on the president’s signature legislative achievement. But it’s hard to imagine how anyone could be excited about ...
Health Care

Chart Focus: Will Americans Ever Control As Many Of Our Own Health Dollars as the Swiss, the Swedes, or the Canadians?

Key Points: Americans control a smaller share of our health spending than do residents of most other developed countries. •In the late 1980s, the United States allowed patients to control more health spending than any other country, except Switzerland. •In the twenty years to 2008, the share of U.S. health ...
Health Care

Health Care Expert Sally Pipes on Repealing, Replacing Obamacare

As a Canadian and firsthand witness of Canada’s government-run health care system, Sally Pipes is warning that Obamacare will exacerbate the existing problems of rising costs and lack of access in the American health care system. At a recent Heritage event, Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, ...

Government Mandates Make Health Savings More Elusive

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released some data that show that the digital revolution continues to evade health care. Through mid-May, just 1,026 registered hospitals and physicians out of a possible 56,599 have demonstrated that they are using electronic medical records and other health information technology in ...

Death Trap Democrats

Despite November’s New Deal magnitude political earthquake, surviving House Democrats just laughed off their historic 63 seat loss and reelected ultra-left San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader, a position she will now apparently hold for life. Somehow Democrats are convinced that the American people will come to ...

Pro & Con: Should states block formation of health insurance exchanges?

In January, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled in favor of Georgia and 25 other states that the federal health reform law was unconstitutional. Last December, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson made a similar decision in a lawsuit brought by Virginia. The elected branches also are doing their part to ...
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