Health Care Reform
White House Convenes Summit To Mull Options for Health Care Reform
On Thursday, President Obama plans to host a White House health care summit during which attendees will discuss proposals to reform the U.S. health care system, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Obama has invited more than 120 physicians, patients, business owners and health insurer officials to attend the summit (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Philadelphia ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 5, 2009
President Obama’s Health Care Reform Efforts To Face Challenges
California Healthline, March 2, 2009 Kaiser Network, March 2, 2009 Efforts by President Obama to reform the U.S. health care system are “likely to be fraught with detours, potholes and perils” based on initial concerns about related provisions in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, as well as the current ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 2, 2009
National Priorities Partnership” agenda is elitist
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 An alliance of 28 health care stakeholders—including consumer groups, providers, health plans, and government organizations—has released an agenda for what its members say are needed reforms to the U.S. health care system. The stated goal of the alliance, called the National Priorities ...
Aricka Flowers
March 1, 2009
Daschle’s Health Plan Is Recipe for Bigger Government, Less Choice
By looking at President Barack Obama’s team of Tom Daschle as secretary of Health and Human Services and Melody Barnes as director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, we can predict both the strategy and substance of his administration’s coming efforts at health care reform. The prognosis is not ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 1, 2009
Public sector should manage health costs
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), February 28, 2009 For an eye opener, go to the Web site of the state Department of Employee Trust Funds and check out the premium for a single state employee. It comes to $896 a month, or $10,752 a year. Then go to a recent ...
John Torinus
February 28, 2009
Obama pursues universal health care
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, February 22, 2009 President Obama could make health care history, transforming how treatment and services are selected, delivered and paid for, many health care experts believe. Or, “ObamaCare,” touted as providing higher quality health care to all at a cheaper price, could be 2009’s “HillaryCare,” then first lady ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 22, 2009
Stimulus no fix for health insurance
Orange County Register, February 9, 2009 The stimulus package has money for government health programs, but that’s not the way to make coverage more affordable Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger raised the ire of many in California by calling for $1.1 billion in cuts to Medi-Cal, the state health care program for ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 8, 2009
Action Is Needed On Health Reform, But Not The Kind Obama Envisions
President Barack Obama’s Capitol Hill colleagues are urging him to act swiftly on health care reform. Echoing a number of prominent legislators, senior congressmen Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., and Michael Castle, R-Del., recently wrote that the president must quickly enact the health care measures he’d promised on the campaign trail, noting ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 5, 2009
Consumer-Directed Health Care Plan Falls Short in Arizona
Health Care News – Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), February 1, 2009 EMaxHealth, February 1, 2009 After a lengthy post-election ballot-counting process, the Arizona Secretary of State’s office announced Proposition 101, a groundbreaking initiative proponents say would have enshrined consumer-directed health care into the state’s constitution by preventing government from forcing ...
Joe Emanuel
February 1, 2009
Overhauling health care could boost the economy
There are plenty of reasons to overhaul our creaky health care system, ranging from its status as the most expensive system in the world to its failure to provide for the health of millions of our fellow citizens. But several recent studies suggest that there’s one more reason for reform: ...
Dean Calbreath
January 25, 2009
White House Convenes Summit To Mull Options for Health Care Reform
On Thursday, President Obama plans to host a White House health care summit during which attendees will discuss proposals to reform the U.S. health care system, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Obama has invited more than 120 physicians, patients, business owners and health insurer officials to attend the summit (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Philadelphia ...
President Obama’s Health Care Reform Efforts To Face Challenges
California Healthline, March 2, 2009 Kaiser Network, March 2, 2009 Efforts by President Obama to reform the U.S. health care system are “likely to be fraught with detours, potholes and perils” based on initial concerns about related provisions in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, as well as the current ...
National Priorities Partnership” agenda is elitist
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 An alliance of 28 health care stakeholders—including consumer groups, providers, health plans, and government organizations—has released an agenda for what its members say are needed reforms to the U.S. health care system. The stated goal of the alliance, called the National Priorities ...
Daschle’s Health Plan Is Recipe for Bigger Government, Less Choice
By looking at President Barack Obama’s team of Tom Daschle as secretary of Health and Human Services and Melody Barnes as director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, we can predict both the strategy and substance of his administration’s coming efforts at health care reform. The prognosis is not ...
Public sector should manage health costs
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), February 28, 2009 For an eye opener, go to the Web site of the state Department of Employee Trust Funds and check out the premium for a single state employee. It comes to $896 a month, or $10,752 a year. Then go to a recent ...
Obama pursues universal health care
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, February 22, 2009 President Obama could make health care history, transforming how treatment and services are selected, delivered and paid for, many health care experts believe. Or, “ObamaCare,” touted as providing higher quality health care to all at a cheaper price, could be 2009’s “HillaryCare,” then first lady ...
Stimulus no fix for health insurance
Orange County Register, February 9, 2009 The stimulus package has money for government health programs, but that’s not the way to make coverage more affordable Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger raised the ire of many in California by calling for $1.1 billion in cuts to Medi-Cal, the state health care program for ...
Action Is Needed On Health Reform, But Not The Kind Obama Envisions
President Barack Obama’s Capitol Hill colleagues are urging him to act swiftly on health care reform. Echoing a number of prominent legislators, senior congressmen Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., and Michael Castle, R-Del., recently wrote that the president must quickly enact the health care measures he’d promised on the campaign trail, noting ...
Consumer-Directed Health Care Plan Falls Short in Arizona
Health Care News – Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), February 1, 2009 EMaxHealth, February 1, 2009 After a lengthy post-election ballot-counting process, the Arizona Secretary of State’s office announced Proposition 101, a groundbreaking initiative proponents say would have enshrined consumer-directed health care into the state’s constitution by preventing government from forcing ...
Overhauling health care could boost the economy
There are plenty of reasons to overhaul our creaky health care system, ranging from its status as the most expensive system in the world to its failure to provide for the health of millions of our fellow citizens. But several recent studies suggest that there’s one more reason for reform: ...