Health Care Reform


Questions on healthcare reform

Healthcare reform will be front-and-center in the presidential debates. It’s a topic that’s full of complicated issues, so it can be hard to cut through all the rhetoric and figure out exactly what each candidate is proposing. So here’s the skinny on five questions that you’ll likely hear many times ...

What you don’t hear about health care

Health care reform will be front-and-center in the presidential debates. It’s a topic that’s full of complicated issues, so it can be hard to cut through all the rhetoric and figure out exactly what each candidate is proposing. So here’s the skinny on five questions that you’ll likely hear many ...

The Case Against Socialized Medicine

Powerline (MN), August 25, 2008 Nissan Forums/Infiniti Forums, August 25, 2008 Health care reform may have receded slightly as a campaign issue this year, as focus shifts to even more immediate concerns like the cost of filling our cars with gas. Although a bad employment picture can cost some Americans ...

Obama plan doesn’t promise health care reform

Sen. Barack Obama has promised to “turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday’s health care debates.” He’s right to call for a new approach to healthcare reform. What he’s offered thus far, however, is a government-heavy solution that’s all-too-similar to the tired proposals of yesteryear. The centerpiece of ...

A fight to the finish: McCain vs. Obama on health care

If you’re a member of Congress, you get exceptional health care coverage. In fact, Barack Obama likes his Senate plan so much he’d like everyone to have it. The only catch is, if we all had the generous coverage Congress enjoys, the American economy would have an instant heart attack. ...

Who Should Pay for Health Care?

We’ve all heard the statistic “47 million Americans do not have health insurance” as an underlying argument for massive health care reform. But did you know that 57 percent of the 47 million uninsured have annual incomes above $50,000? Or that two-thirds of the 47 million are between the ages ...
Health Care Reform

Instead of Universal Coverage, Reforms that Will Work

Tens of millions of Americans lack health insurance. Extending coverage to them has been a core goal of health reform proposals since the 1960s. President Richard Nixon offered a universal health plan in his first administration, but since then Republicans have hesitated to commit the nation to so costly an ...

CNN – The Glenn Beck Show

Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...
Business & Economics

Health Care Reform Begins With Tort Reform

(Peapack, NJ)… Fiscal Conservative Kate Whitman, Republican for Congress today shared details of her plan to reform our nation’s broken health care system in an effort to make health insurance affordable for all families. Whitman stated, “The unfortunate and unnecessary rapid rise in healthcare costs to individuals and employers is ...

Health care lessons from Down Under

Health care reform is still on the table in California, which should consider carefully the achievements and failings of foreign systems. Canada is the usual candidate, but Australia’s health care strategies deserve a closer look. The negative effects of Australia’s government-run health system are predictable and apparent: limited distribution of ...

Questions on healthcare reform

Healthcare reform will be front-and-center in the presidential debates. It’s a topic that’s full of complicated issues, so it can be hard to cut through all the rhetoric and figure out exactly what each candidate is proposing. So here’s the skinny on five questions that you’ll likely hear many times ...

What you don’t hear about health care

Health care reform will be front-and-center in the presidential debates. It’s a topic that’s full of complicated issues, so it can be hard to cut through all the rhetoric and figure out exactly what each candidate is proposing. So here’s the skinny on five questions that you’ll likely hear many ...

The Case Against Socialized Medicine

Powerline (MN), August 25, 2008 Nissan Forums/Infiniti Forums, August 25, 2008 Health care reform may have receded slightly as a campaign issue this year, as focus shifts to even more immediate concerns like the cost of filling our cars with gas. Although a bad employment picture can cost some Americans ...

Obama plan doesn’t promise health care reform

Sen. Barack Obama has promised to “turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday’s health care debates.” He’s right to call for a new approach to healthcare reform. What he’s offered thus far, however, is a government-heavy solution that’s all-too-similar to the tired proposals of yesteryear. The centerpiece of ...

A fight to the finish: McCain vs. Obama on health care

If you’re a member of Congress, you get exceptional health care coverage. In fact, Barack Obama likes his Senate plan so much he’d like everyone to have it. The only catch is, if we all had the generous coverage Congress enjoys, the American economy would have an instant heart attack. ...

Who Should Pay for Health Care?

We’ve all heard the statistic “47 million Americans do not have health insurance” as an underlying argument for massive health care reform. But did you know that 57 percent of the 47 million uninsured have annual incomes above $50,000? Or that two-thirds of the 47 million are between the ages ...
Health Care Reform

Instead of Universal Coverage, Reforms that Will Work

Tens of millions of Americans lack health insurance. Extending coverage to them has been a core goal of health reform proposals since the 1960s. President Richard Nixon offered a universal health plan in his first administration, but since then Republicans have hesitated to commit the nation to so costly an ...

CNN – The Glenn Beck Show

Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...
Business & Economics

Health Care Reform Begins With Tort Reform

(Peapack, NJ)… Fiscal Conservative Kate Whitman, Republican for Congress today shared details of her plan to reform our nation’s broken health care system in an effort to make health insurance affordable for all families. Whitman stated, “The unfortunate and unnecessary rapid rise in healthcare costs to individuals and employers is ...

Health care lessons from Down Under

Health care reform is still on the table in California, which should consider carefully the achievements and failings of foreign systems. Canada is the usual candidate, but Australia’s health care strategies deserve a closer look. The negative effects of Australia’s government-run health system are predictable and apparent: limited distribution of ...
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