Health Care Reform


How Much Will Health Reform Cost?

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In “Can We Afford It?” (editorial, Dec. 13), you remark that Republican critics oppose the currently proposed health care reform on the grounds that the nation cannot afford to add this new trillion-dollar entitlement in tough economic times. Here we should recall that in 2003, barely ...

Democrats Whistling Past Graveyard

The unexpected victory of Republican Jimmy Higdon in the Kentucky state Senate special election — despite a 2-to-1 Democratic registration advantage — is another fire bell in the night that national Democrats are going to ignore. Marking the 33rd Republican win in the 50 or so special elections since 2008, ...

Debate: Don’t Buy Into Medicare Buy-In

Sphere (AOL News), December 9, 2009 (Dec. 9) — Senate leaders are knee-deep in negotiations over the final version of their health care reform bill. Public outcry – and fear of losing the support of wavering centrists – has forced Democratic chieftains to jettison the controversial “public option.” In its ...
Climate Change

The Gate Crash of 2009

The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...

Hiding Health Reform’s Real Costs

Washington: Senate Democrats say their reform bill will cost $848 billion over 10 years. They’re misleading the public by starting the count in 2010. The true cost would be $1.8 trillion over a decade. The $848 billion figure is based on a 10-year run beginning in 2010 when there will ...

Why Americans dislike Obama’s health care reform

The Examiner (Washington, D.C.), November 22, 2009 The Examiner (San Francisco, CA), November 22, 2009 Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., unveiled his chamber’s plan for health reform. The nearly 2,100-page bill boasts a price tag of about $850 billion and hues closely to the $1 trillion ...

Government Health Fixes Will Leave Us Broke, November 13, 2009 By a razor-thin margin, lawmakers approved the trillion-dollar health reform package proposed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi late Saturday evening. Proponents of the measure claim that it will eventually pay for itself — and even lower the nation’s healthcare costs and the federal deficit. This is ...

When Private Insurers Are No Longer Private

The New Republic’s Jonathan Cohn reports that IMS, a respected global research and consulting firm, projected back in March that American drug companies would actually suffer negative growth from 2008–13. Then came Obamacare — or even the prospect of it. Now, as of last month, IMS has updated its projections ...
Health Care

John R. Graham on “Straight Ahead with Bob Grant”

“Straight Ahead” with Bob Grant John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, is interviewed by Bob Grant on the proposed health care reform bill. John Graham talks about what is in the 1,990 page bill and the huge federal bureaucracy that will be created if this health care legislation ...
Business & Economics

Health Reform Would Bury Small Business

Investor’s Business Daily, November 6, 2009 President Obama recently delivered a special address aimed at quelling small-business owners’ concerns about Democratic plans for health care reform. The legislation, he assured, would “benefit millions of small businesses” and was “being written with the interests of Americans like you and your employees ...

How Much Will Health Reform Cost?

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In “Can We Afford It?” (editorial, Dec. 13), you remark that Republican critics oppose the currently proposed health care reform on the grounds that the nation cannot afford to add this new trillion-dollar entitlement in tough economic times. Here we should recall that in 2003, barely ...

Democrats Whistling Past Graveyard

The unexpected victory of Republican Jimmy Higdon in the Kentucky state Senate special election — despite a 2-to-1 Democratic registration advantage — is another fire bell in the night that national Democrats are going to ignore. Marking the 33rd Republican win in the 50 or so special elections since 2008, ...

Debate: Don’t Buy Into Medicare Buy-In

Sphere (AOL News), December 9, 2009 (Dec. 9) — Senate leaders are knee-deep in negotiations over the final version of their health care reform bill. Public outcry – and fear of losing the support of wavering centrists – has forced Democratic chieftains to jettison the controversial “public option.” In its ...
Climate Change

The Gate Crash of 2009

The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...

Hiding Health Reform’s Real Costs

Washington: Senate Democrats say their reform bill will cost $848 billion over 10 years. They’re misleading the public by starting the count in 2010. The true cost would be $1.8 trillion over a decade. The $848 billion figure is based on a 10-year run beginning in 2010 when there will ...

Why Americans dislike Obama’s health care reform

The Examiner (Washington, D.C.), November 22, 2009 The Examiner (San Francisco, CA), November 22, 2009 Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., unveiled his chamber’s plan for health reform. The nearly 2,100-page bill boasts a price tag of about $850 billion and hues closely to the $1 trillion ...

Government Health Fixes Will Leave Us Broke, November 13, 2009 By a razor-thin margin, lawmakers approved the trillion-dollar health reform package proposed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi late Saturday evening. Proponents of the measure claim that it will eventually pay for itself — and even lower the nation’s healthcare costs and the federal deficit. This is ...

When Private Insurers Are No Longer Private

The New Republic’s Jonathan Cohn reports that IMS, a respected global research and consulting firm, projected back in March that American drug companies would actually suffer negative growth from 2008–13. Then came Obamacare — or even the prospect of it. Now, as of last month, IMS has updated its projections ...
Health Care

John R. Graham on “Straight Ahead with Bob Grant”

“Straight Ahead” with Bob Grant John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, is interviewed by Bob Grant on the proposed health care reform bill. John Graham talks about what is in the 1,990 page bill and the huge federal bureaucracy that will be created if this health care legislation ...
Business & Economics

Health Reform Would Bury Small Business

Investor’s Business Daily, November 6, 2009 President Obama recently delivered a special address aimed at quelling small-business owners’ concerns about Democratic plans for health care reform. The legislation, he assured, would “benefit millions of small businesses” and was “being written with the interests of Americans like you and your employees ...
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