Health Care Reform


Organized Labor And Business: The Latest Strange Bedfellows To Unite Against Obamacare

Obamacare is proving the old axiom that politics makes strange bedfellows. Organized labor and the business community are the latest unlikely pair to unite in opposition to the healthcare reform law. Both groups are discovering that Obamacare will substantially increase the cost of providing health benefits — to the detriment ...

Mandating Inefficiency in the Health Care Industry

Despite 50 years of failure, faith that the federal government can cure what ails the health care industry endures. That enduring faith drives a seemingly never-ending call for plans, both grandiose and modest, that attempt to address the failings of this sector. Grand redesigns of the health care system began ...

Healthcare reform tax on medical devices is a mistake

During a time when our nation’s economy struggles to stabilize and manufacturing jobs continue to diminish there has been one industry within the manufacturing sector that has ascended as a global leader – America’s medical device industry. This industry, described as an American success story, has brought us lifesaving technologies ...


Taxpayers are feeling the first significant financial sting of federal health care reform as a passel of new taxes took effect on the first day of the new year. A total of six new health care reform taxes were implemented on Jan. 1. High wage earners are feeling the biggest ...

Employer mandate a recipe for unemployment

Walmart just announced that it will not offer health insurance to new employees who work less than 30 hours a week. It’s reserved the right to do the same for existing workers. For these new policies, Walmart’s employees can thank Obamacare. The federal health reform law’s “employer mandate” requires companies ...

Thanks To ObamaCare, Many Will Lose Health Coverage

Wal-Mart just announced that it will not offer health insurance to new employees who work less than 30 hours a week. It’s reserved the right to do the same for existing workers. For these new policies, Wal-Mart’s employees can thank ObamaCare. The federal health reform law’s “employer mandate” requires companies ...

Obamacare vs. the Constitution: Part Deux

Is the Supreme Court ready to go a second round with Obamacare? Last week, the justices signaled that they just might be. That’s good news for opponents of the law — and bad news for those still struggling to defend it. And it’s a reminder of how much is at ...

Obamacare’s doctor depression

Thanks to Obamacare, America’s corps of doctors appears to have a case of the blues. The Physicians Foundation recently asked more than 13,000 doctors about their morale, their career plans, their practices and their views of the Affordable Care Act. The results were grim. Nearly six in 10 doctors said ...
Business & Economics

Weekly Standard: The Obamacare Bowl

Have you ever watched a football game in which a team runs the ball seemingly at will and wins in a rout? And then, in a rematch, that same team for no good reason throws the ball repeatedly, with little success? Meet Team Republican. In 2010, it ran Obama­care down ...

Obamacare Adapts The Worst Of Swisscare, Rejects The Best

The United States and Switzerland don’t appear to have much in common. But some observers are predicting that Obamacare will prove the most popular Swiss import since the Matterhorn hit Disneyland. President Obama’s healthcare reform package shares some elements of Switzerland’s system, Santésuisse. And it’s tempting to see Switzerland as ...

Organized Labor And Business: The Latest Strange Bedfellows To Unite Against Obamacare

Obamacare is proving the old axiom that politics makes strange bedfellows. Organized labor and the business community are the latest unlikely pair to unite in opposition to the healthcare reform law. Both groups are discovering that Obamacare will substantially increase the cost of providing health benefits — to the detriment ...

Mandating Inefficiency in the Health Care Industry

Despite 50 years of failure, faith that the federal government can cure what ails the health care industry endures. That enduring faith drives a seemingly never-ending call for plans, both grandiose and modest, that attempt to address the failings of this sector. Grand redesigns of the health care system began ...

Healthcare reform tax on medical devices is a mistake

During a time when our nation’s economy struggles to stabilize and manufacturing jobs continue to diminish there has been one industry within the manufacturing sector that has ascended as a global leader – America’s medical device industry. This industry, described as an American success story, has brought us lifesaving technologies ...


Taxpayers are feeling the first significant financial sting of federal health care reform as a passel of new taxes took effect on the first day of the new year. A total of six new health care reform taxes were implemented on Jan. 1. High wage earners are feeling the biggest ...

Employer mandate a recipe for unemployment

Walmart just announced that it will not offer health insurance to new employees who work less than 30 hours a week. It’s reserved the right to do the same for existing workers. For these new policies, Walmart’s employees can thank Obamacare. The federal health reform law’s “employer mandate” requires companies ...

Thanks To ObamaCare, Many Will Lose Health Coverage

Wal-Mart just announced that it will not offer health insurance to new employees who work less than 30 hours a week. It’s reserved the right to do the same for existing workers. For these new policies, Wal-Mart’s employees can thank ObamaCare. The federal health reform law’s “employer mandate” requires companies ...

Obamacare vs. the Constitution: Part Deux

Is the Supreme Court ready to go a second round with Obamacare? Last week, the justices signaled that they just might be. That’s good news for opponents of the law — and bad news for those still struggling to defend it. And it’s a reminder of how much is at ...

Obamacare’s doctor depression

Thanks to Obamacare, America’s corps of doctors appears to have a case of the blues. The Physicians Foundation recently asked more than 13,000 doctors about their morale, their career plans, their practices and their views of the Affordable Care Act. The results were grim. Nearly six in 10 doctors said ...
Business & Economics

Weekly Standard: The Obamacare Bowl

Have you ever watched a football game in which a team runs the ball seemingly at will and wins in a rout? And then, in a rematch, that same team for no good reason throws the ball repeatedly, with little success? Meet Team Republican. In 2010, it ran Obama­care down ...

Obamacare Adapts The Worst Of Swisscare, Rejects The Best

The United States and Switzerland don’t appear to have much in common. But some observers are predicting that Obamacare will prove the most popular Swiss import since the Matterhorn hit Disneyland. President Obama’s healthcare reform package shares some elements of Switzerland’s system, Santésuisse. And it’s tempting to see Switzerland as ...
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